< Acts 23 >

1 Paul fixed his eyes on the Council, and began: “Brothers, for my part, I have always ordered my life before God, with a clear conscience, up to this very day.”
In ko je Pavel iskreno gledal véliki zbor, je rekel: »Možje in bratje, do danes sem živel po vsej dobri vesti pred Bogom.«
2 At this, the high priest Ananias ordered the men standing near to strike him on the mouth;
Véliki duhovnik Hananija pa je ukazal tem, ki so stali poleg, da ga udarijo po ustih.
3 Paul turned to him and said: “God will strike you, you whitewashed wall! Are you sitting there to try me in accordance with law, and yet, in defiance of law, order me to be struck?”
Potem mu je Pavel rekel: »Bog bo udaril tebe, ti pobeljeni zid, kajti sediš, da mi sodiš po postavi, velevaš pa, da sem udarjen v nasprotju s postavo?«
4 The people standing near said to Paul, “Do you know that you are insulting God’s high priest?”
In ti, ki so stali poleg, so rekli: »Ti zasramuješ Božjega vélikega duhovnika?«
5 “I did not know, brothers, that it was the high priest,” said Paul, “for scripture says – ‘Of the ruler of your people you should speak no ill’.”
Potem je Pavel rekel: »Nisem vedel, bratje, da je véliki duhovnik, kajti pisano je: ›O vladarju svojih ljudi ne boš govoril hudobno.‹«
6 Noticing that some of those present were Sadducees and others Pharisees, Paul called out in the Council, “Brothers, I am a Pharisee and a son of Pharisees. It is on the question of hope for the dead and of their resurrection that I am on my trial.”
Toda ko je Pavel zaznal, da jih je bilo v vélikem zboru en del saducejev, drugi pa farizeji, je v zboru vzkliknil: »Možje in bratje, jaz sem farizej, sin farizeja; zaradi upanja in vstajenja mrtvih sem poklican na zaslišanje.«
7 As soon as he said this, a dispute arose between the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and there was a sharp division of opinion among those present.
In ko je tako rekel, je med farizeji in saduceji nastalo nesoglasje, in množica je bila razdeljena.
8 (For Sadducees say there is no such thing as a resurrection, and that there is neither angel nor spirit, while Pharisees believe in both.)
Kajti saduceji pravijo, da ni vstajenja niti angela niti duha, toda farizeji oboje priznavajo.
9 So a great uproar ensued, and some of the Teachers of the Law belonging to the Pharisees’ party stood up and hotly protested, “We find nothing whatever wrong in this man. Suppose a spirit did speak to him, or an angel…”
In nastalo je veliko vpitje. In pisarji, ki so bili iz farizejskega dela, so vstali ter se prepirali, rekoč: »Na tem človeku ne najdemo nobenega zla, temveč če mu je govoril duh ali angel, se ne bojujmo proti Bogu.«
10 The dispute was becoming so violent, that the commanding officer, fearing that Paul would be torn in pieces between them, ordered the Guard to go down and rescue him from them, and take him into the Fort.
In ko je nastalo veliko nesoglasje, je vrhovni poveljnik, ker se je bal, da ne bi Pavla raztrgali na koščke, ukazal vojakom, da gredo dol in ga na silo vzamejo izmed njih ter ga privedejo v grad.
11 That night the Lord came and stood by Paul, and said, “Courage! You have borne witness for me in Jerusalem and you must bear witness in Rome also.”
In naslednjo noč je poleg njega stal Gospod ter rekel: »Bodi dobre volje, Pavel, kajti kakor si pričeval o meni v Jeruzalemu, tako moraš pričevati tudi v Rimu.«
12 In the morning some Jewish men combined together, and took an oath that they would not eat or drink until they had killed Paul.
In ko je bil dan, so se nekateri izmed Judov zbrali skupaj ter se pod prekletstvom zavezali, rekoč, da ne bodo niti jedli niti pili, dokler Pavla ne ubijejo.
13 There were more than forty in the plot;
In bilo jih je več kot štirideset, ki so sklenili to zaroto.
14 and they went to the chief priests and the elders, and said, “We have taken a solemn oath not to touch food until we have killed Paul.
In prišli so k visokim duhovnikom in starešinam ter rekli: »Mi smo se pod velikim prekletstvom zavezali, da ne bomo ničesar jedli, dokler Pavla ne umorimo.«
15 So we want you now, with the consent of the Council, to suggest to the commanding officer that he should bring Paul down before you, as though you intended to go more fully into his case; but, before he comes here, we will be ready to make away with him.”
Zdaj torej z vélikim zborom naznanite vrhovnemu poveljniku, da ga naslednji dan privede dol k vam, kot da glede njega zahtevate nekaj bolj podrobnega, mi pa smo pripravljeni, da ga ubijemo, preden pride blizu.
16 However, the son of Paul’s sister, hearing of the plot, went to the Fort, and on being admitted, told Paul about it.
In ko je sin Pavlove sestre slišal o njihovem prežanju, je odšel in vstopil v grad ter povedal Pavlu.
17 Paul called one of the garrison centurion and asked him to take the lad to the commanding officer, as he had something to tell him.
Potem je Pavel k sebi poklical enega izmed stotnikov in rekel: »Spremite tega mladeniča k vrhovnemu poveljniku, kajti povedati mu ima neko stvar.«
18 The centurion went with the lad to the commanding officer, and said, “The prisoner Paul called me and asked me to bring this lad to you, as he has something to tell you.”
Tedaj ga je ta vzel in ga spremil k vrhovnemu poveljniku in rekel: »Jetnik Pavel me je poklical k sebi in me prosil, da tega mladeniča spremim k tebi, ki ti ima nekaj povedati.«
19 The commanding officer took the lad by the hand, and, stepping aside, asked what it was he had to tell him.
Potem ga je vrhovni poveljnik prijel za roko in odšel z njim stran na samo ter ga vprašal: »Kaj je to, kar mi imaš povedati?«
20 “Some men have agreed,” answered the lad, “to ask you to bring Paul down before the Council tomorrow, on the plea of your making further inquiry into his case.
In rekel je: »Judje so se strinjali, da od tebe zahtevajo, da jim naslednji dan privedeš Pavla dol v véliki zbor, kakor da bodo od njega zahtevali nekaj bolj podrobnega.
21 But do not let them persuade you, for more than forty of them are lying in wait for him, who have taken an oath that they will not eat or drink, until they have made away with him; and they are at this very moment in readiness, counting on your promise.”
Ampak ne ukloni se jim, kajti nanj preži izmed njih več kot štirideset mož, ki so se s prisego zavezali, da ne bodo niti jedli niti pili, dokler ga ne ubijejo. In sedaj so pripravljeni, ker od tebe pričakujejo obljubo.«
22 The commanding officer then dismissed the lad, cautioning him not to mention to anybody that he had given him that information.
Tako je potem vrhovni poveljnik pustil mladeniču oditi in mu naročil: » Glej, da nobenemu človeku ne poveš, da si mi razodel te besede.«
23 Then he called two Captains, and ordered them to have two hundred soldiers ready to go to Caesarea, as well as seventy troopers and two hundred lancers, by nine o’clock that night,
In k sebi je poklical dva stotnika, rekoč: »Pripravita dvesto vojakov in sedemdeset konjenikov in dvesto suličarjev, da gredo ob tretji nočni uri v Cezarejo,
24 and to have horses ready for Paul to ride, so that they might take him safely to Felix, the Governor.
in priskrbite jim živali, da bodo lahko Pavla posadili nanje in ga varno privedite k voditelju Feliksu.«
25 He also wrote a letter along these lines:
In napisal je pismo na ta način:
26 ‘Claudius Lysias sends his compliments to His Excellency Felix the Governor.
›Klavdij Lizija pošilja pozdrav nadvse odličnemu voditelju Feliksu.
27 The man whom I send with this had been seized by some Jews, and was on the point of being killed by them, when I came upon them with the force under my command, and rescued him, as I learned that he was a Roman citizen.
Tega moža so Judje prijeli in bi ga bili ubili. Potem sem prišel z vojsko in ko sem izvedel, da je bil Rimljan, sem ga rešil.
28 Wanting to know exactly the ground of the charges they made against him, I brought him before their Council,
In ko sem hotel izvedel razlog, zakaj so ga obtožili, sem ga privedel v njihov véliki zbor.
29 when I found that their charges were connected with questions of their own Law, and that there was nothing alleged involving either death or imprisonment.
O njem sem zaznal, da je obtožen vprašanj iz svoje postave, toda k njegovi obtožbi ni položenega ničesar vrednega smrti ali ujetništva.
30 Having, however, information of a plot against the man, which was about to be put into execution, I am sending him to you at once, and I have also directed his accusers to prosecute him before you.’
In ko mi je bilo povedano, kako Judje prežijo na tega človeka, sem ga nemudoma poslal k tebi in tudi njegovim tožnikom sem dal zapoved, da pred teboj povedo, kar so imeli zoper njega. Zbogom.‹
31 The soldiers, in accordance with their orders, took charge of Paul and conducted him by night to Antipatris;
Potem so vojaki, kakor jim je bilo ukazano, vzeli Pavla in ga ponoči privedli do Antipatríde.
32 and on the next day, leaving the troopers to go on with him, they returned to the Fort.
Naslednji dan so konjenike pustili, da gredo z njim in se vrnili h gradu.
33 On arriving at Caesarea, the troopers delivered the letter to the Governor, and brought Paul before him.
Ki so, ko so prišli v Cezarejo in poslanico izročili voditelju, predenj izročili tudi Pavla.
34 As soon as Felix had read the letter, he enquired to what province Paul belonged, and, learning that he came from Cilicia, he said,
In ko je voditelj pismo prebral, je vprašal, iz katere province je. In ko je razumel, da je bil iz Kilikije,
35 “I will hear all you have to say as soon as your accusers have arrived.” And he ordered Paul to be kept under guard in Herod’s Government house.
je rekel: »Poslušal te bom, ko pridejo tudi tvoji tožniki.« In ukazal ga je zadržati v Herodovi sodni dvorani.

< Acts 23 >