< Psalms 10 >

1 Why stand you afar off, O Lord? [why] do you overlook [us] in times of need, in affliction?
¿Por qué estás lejos, Jehová? ¿ por qué te escondes en los tiempos de la angustia?
2 While the ungodly one acts proudly, the poor is hotly pursued: [the wicked] are taken in the crafty counsels which they imagine.
Con arrogancia el malo persigue al pobre; sean tomados en los pensamientos que pensaron.
3 Because the sinner praises himself for the desires of his heart; and the unjust one blesses himself.
Por cuanto se alabó el malo del deseo de su alma: y diciendo bien del robador, blasfema de Jehová.
4 The sinner has provoked the Lord: according to the abundance of his pride he will not seek after [him]: God is not before him.
El malo por la altivez de su rostro no busca a Dios: no hay Dios en todos sus pensamientos.
5 His ways are profane at all times; your judgments are removed from before him: he will gain the mastery over all his enemies.
Sus caminos atormentan en todo tiempo: altura son tus juicios delante de él: en todos sus enemigos resopla.
6 For he has said in his heart, I shall not be moved, [continuing] without evil from generation to generation.
Dice en su corazón: No seré movido de generación a generación, porque no fui en mal.
7 Whose mouth is full of cursing, and bitterness, and fraud: under his tongue are trouble and pain.
De maldición hinchió su boca, y de engaños y fraude: debajo de su lengua molestia y maldad.
8 He lies in wait with rich [men] in secret places, in order to kill the innocent: his eyes are set against the poor.
Está en las asechanzas de las aldeas; en los escondrijos mata al inocente: sus ojos están mirando por el pobre.
9 He lies in wait in secret as a lion in his den: he lies in wait to ravish the poor, to ravish the poor when he draws him [after him]: he will bring him down in his snare.
Asecha de encubierto, como el león desde su cama: asecha para arrebatar al pobre: arrebata al pobre trayéndole en su red.
10 He will bow down and fall when he has mastered the poor.
Encógese, abájase, y cae en sus fuerzas multitud de afligidos.
11 For he has said in his heart, God has forgotten: he has turned away his face so as never to look.
Dice en su corazón: Dios está olvidado, ha encubierto su rostro, nunca lo vio.
12 Arise, O Lord God; let your hand be lifted up: forget not the poor.
Levántate, o! Jehová Dios, alza tu mano: no te olvides de los pobres.
13 Therefore, has the wicked provoked God? for he has said in his heart, He will not require [it].
¿Por qué ensaña el malo a Dios? dijo en su corazón: No inquirirás.
14 You see [it]; for you do observe trouble and wrath, to deliver them into your hands: the poor has been left to you; you were a helper to the orphan.
Tú has visto: porque tú miras el trabajo, y el enojo, para dar en tus manos: a ti se remite el pobre; al huérfano tú fuiste ayudador.
15 Break you the arm of the sinner and wicked man: his sin shall be sought for, and shall not be found.
Quebranta el brazo del depravado y del maligno: buscarás su maldad, y no la hallarás.
16 The Lord shall reign for ever, even for ever and ever: you Gentiles shall perish out his land.
Jehová, Rey eterno y perpetuo; de su tierra fueron destruidas las gentes.
17 The Lord has heard the desire of the poor: your ear has inclined to the preparation of their heart;
El deseo de los humildes oíste, o! Jehová: tú dispones su corazón, y haces atento tu oído:
18 to plead for the orphan and afflicted, that man may no more boast upon the earth.
Para juzgar al huérfano y al pobre; no volverá más a quebrantar el hombre de la tierra.

< Psalms 10 >