< Job 6 >

1 But Job answered and said,
Jòb pran lapawòl, li di konsa:
2 Oh that my grief were thoroughly weighed, and my calamity laid in the balances together!
-Si yo te ka pran pèz lapenn mwen, si yo te ka peze tout malè mwen yo nan balans,
3 For now it would be heavier than the sand of the sea: therefore my words are swallowed up.
yo ta jwenn yo pi lou pase tout sab ki bò lanmè. Lè sa a, nou pa ta sezi tande m' pale jan m'ap pale a.
4 For the arrows of the Almighty are within me, the poison whereof drinks up my spirit: the terrors of God do set themselves in array against me.
Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a plante flèch li yo sou mwen. Pwazon yo a anvayi tout kò m'. Bondye voye sou mwen tout kalite malè pou fè kè m' kase.
5 Does the wild ass bray when he has grass? or lows the ox over his fodder?
Bourik mawon pa ranni lè li gen zèb pou l' manje. Ni bèf pa rele lè li gen manje devan l'.
6 Can that which is unpleasing be eaten without salt? or is there any taste in the white of an egg?
Moun pa manje manje ki san gou, manje ki san sèl. Blan ze pa gen bon gou nan bouch.
7 The things that my soul refused to touch are as my sorrowful food.
Mwen pa menm gen apeti pou bagay konsa. Tou sa mwen manje fè kè m' tounen.
8 Oh that I might have my request; and that God would grant me the thing that I long for!
Si Bondye te ka ban mwen sa m' mande l' la! Si li te ka fè m' jwenn sa m'ap tann lan!
9 Even that it would please God to destroy me; that he would let loose his hand, and cut me off!
Si sèlman sa ta fè l' plezi pou l' touye m'! Si li ta vle lonje men l' pou l' disparèt mwen!
10 Then should I yet have comfort; yea, I would harden myself in sorrow: let him not spare; for I have not concealed the words of the Holy One.
Se ta va yon gwo konsolasyon pou mwen. Malgre tout soufrans mwen yo, mwen ta danse, mwen ta fè fèt, paske mwen konnen mwen pa janm dezobeyi lòd Bondye ki apa a bay.
11 What is my strength, that I should hope? and what is mine end, that I should prolong my life?
Mwen pa gen fòs pou m' tann ankò. Pa gen ankenn espwa pou mwen. Sa m' bezwen viv toujou fè?
12 Is my strength the strength of stones? or is my flesh of brass?
Se pa wòch mwen ye. Se pa bout fè kò m' ye.
13 Is not my help in me? and is wisdom driven quite from me?
Mwen pa gen fòs ankò pou m' kenbe. Kote m' vire, mwen pa jwenn sekou.
14 To him that is afflicted pity should be showed from his friend; but he forsakes the fear of the Almighty.
Nan tray m'ap pase koulye a, mwen bezwen bon zanmi ki pou soutni m', menm si mwen ta vire do bay Bondye.
15 My brethren have dealt deceitfully as a brook, and as the stream of brooks they pass away;
Men, frè m' yo, nou p'ap di m' anyen la a. Nou tankou ravin chèch ki pa gen dlo depi lapli pa tonbe.
16 Which are blackish by reason of the ice, and wherein the snow is hid:
Nan sezon fredi, lè lanèj ap fonn, yo plen dlo sal ki frèt kou glas.
17 What time they wax warm, they vanish: when it is hot, they are consumed out of their place.
Men, nan sezon lesèk, pa yon gout dlo! Chalè solèy la cheche yo nèt.
18 The paths of their way are turned aside; they go to nothing, and perish.
Bann vwayajè yo kite chemen yo pou y' al dèyè dlo. Yo pèdi nan dezè a. Yo mouri.
19 The troops of Tema looked, the companies of Sheba waited for them.
Vwayajè ki soti nan peyi Cheba ak nan peyi Saba ap touye tèt yo chache dlo.
20 They were confounded because they had hoped; they came thither, and were ashamed.
Yo pa ka jwenn. Rive devan ravin lan, yo pa konn sa pou yo fè.
21 For now all of you are nothing; all of you see my casting down, and are afraid.
Wi, mezanmi. Nou tankou yon ravin chèch pou mwen. Nou wè nan ki eta mwen ye, nou pè, n'ap renka kò nou dèyè.
22 Did I say, Bring unto me? or, Give a reward for me of your substance?
Eske m' te mande nou pou nou fè m' kado kichòy? Osinon pou nou fè yon moun kado pou mwen nan sa nou genyen?
23 Or, Deliver me from the enemy's hand? or, Redeem me from the hand of the mighty?
Eske mwen te mande nou pou nou vin wete m' anba grif yon lènmi, osinon pou nou delivre m' anba men yon moun k'ap fè m' soufri?
24 Teach me, and I will hold my tongue: and cause me to understand wherein I have erred.
Bon. Pale avè m'. Si m' antò, fè m' wè kote m' antò a. Lè sa a, m'a pe bouch mwen. M'a koute nou.
25 How forcible are right words! but what does your arguing reprove?
Pawòl ki pale verite bon pou tande. Men, m' pa wè sa nou vle di m' la a.
26 Do all of you imagine to reprove words, and the speeches of one that is desperate, which are as wind?
Ou di mwen fin dekouraje. Se depale m'ap depale. Poukisa atò w'ap kritike pawòl mwen yo konsa?
27 Yea, all of you overwhelm the fatherless, and all of you dig a pit for your friend.
Konsa tou, ou ta rive jwe lajan sou tèt timoun san papa. Ou ta fè lajan sou tèt bon zanmi ou.
28 Now therefore be content, look upon me; for it is evident unto you if I lie.
Koulye a, monchè, tanpri, gade m' nan je. Mwen p'ap ba ou manti.
29 Return, I pray you, let it not be iniquity; yea, return again, my righteousness is in it.
Tounen non! Pa fè m' lenjistis sa a! Tounen, mwen di ou. Se kòz mwen m'ap defann.
30 Is there iniquity in my tongue? cannot my taste discern perverse things?
Eske se manti m'ap bay? Dapre nou, mwen pa konnen sa ki byen ak sa ki mal?

< Job 6 >