< Job 5 >

1 Call now, if there be any that will answer you; and to which of the saints will you turn?
Rele non, Jòb! W'a wè si gen moun k'ap reponn ou! Ak kilès nan zanj Bondye yo ou ta vle pale?
2 For wrath kills the foolish man, and envy slays the silly one.
Se moun fou ki kite chagren ap minen yo. Se moun sòt ki kite move san touye yo.
3 I have seen the foolish taking root: but suddenly I cursed his habitation.
Mwen menm, mwen wè moun fou ki te kwè zafè yo bon. M' rete konsa, mwen wè madichon tonbe sou kay yo.
4 His children are far from safety, and they are crushed in the gate, neither is there any to deliver them.
Pitit yo pa ka jwenn yon moun pou pwoteje yo. Pa gen pesonn pou pran defans yo nan tribinal.
5 Whose harvest the hungry eats up, and takes it even out of the thorns, and the robber swallows up their substance.
Se moun grangou ki pral manje rekòt jaden yo. Yo pral pran ata sa ki donnen nan raje pikan. Se moun akrèk ki pral mete men sou tout byen yo.
6 Although affliction comes not out of the dust, neither does trouble spring out of the ground;
Non. Lafliksyon pa tonbe sou moun konsa konsa. Ni moun pa rete konsa pou l' tonbe anba soufrans.
7 Yet man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward.
Menm jan tensèl dife fèt pou vole, konsa tou, moun fèt pou soufri.
8 I would seek unto God, and unto God would I commit my cause:
Si m' te nan plas ou, Job, se Bondye m' ta rele. Mwen ta mete sitiyasyon an devan l'.
9 Which does great things and unsearchable; marvellous things without number:
Se li menm ki fè yon bann bèl bagay nou pa ka fin konprann, yon dal mèvèy nou pa ka fin konte.
10 Who gives rain upon the earth, and sends waters upon the fields:
Li voye lapli sou latè, li wouze tout jaden.
11 To set up on high those that be low; that those which mourn may be exalted to safety.
Moun ki t'ap mache tèt bese yo, se li menm ki fè yo leve tèt yo. Se li menm ki konsole moun ki te nan lapenn yo.
12 He dissapoints the devices of the crafty, so that their hands cannot perform their enterprise.
Li gate mannigèt bakoulou yo. Li pa janm kite yo rive fè sa yo te mete nan tèt yo.
13 He takes the wise in their own craftiness: and the counsel of the perverse is carried headlong.
Li pran moun entelijan yo nan pèlen yo te tann. Li pa kite mètdam yo reyalize plan yo te fè.
14 They meet with darkness in the day time, and grope in the noonday as in the night.
Gwo lajounen y'ap bite tankou nan fènwa. Gwo midi, y'ap tatonnen tankou nan mitan lannwit.
15 But he saves the poor from the sword, from their mouth, and from the hand of the mighty.
Men, Bondye sove pòv la anba dan yo. Li delivre malere anba ponyèt grannèg k'ap peze yo.
16 So the poor has hope, and iniquity stops her mouth.
Li bay pòv yo espwa. Li fèmen bouch mechan yo.
17 Behold, happy is the man whom God corrects: therefore despise not you the chastening of the Almighty:
Ala bon sa bon pou yon moun lè Bondye ap korije l'! Lè Bondye ki gen tout pouvwa a ap pini ou, pa pran sa an jwèt!
18 For he makes sore, and binds up: he wounds, and his hands make whole.
Lè li blese ou, se li menm ankò k'ap mete renmèd pou ou. Lè li frape ou, se li menm ankò k'ap geri ou.
19 He shall deliver you in six troubles: yea, in seven there shall no evil touch you.
Lapo delivre ou nan tout move pa. Ankenn malè p'ap tonbe sou ou.
20 In famine he shall redeem you from death: and in war from the power of the sword.
Nan grangou, li p'ap kite ou mouri. Nan lagè, li p'ap kite yo touye ou.
21 You shall be hid from the scourge of the tongue: neither shall you be afraid of destruction when it comes.
L'a pwoteje ou anba kout lang. Ou p'ap bezwen pè lè w'a wè gwo malè ap pwoche.
22 At destruction and famine you shall laugh: neither shall you be afraid of the beasts of the earth.
W'a pase ni malè ni grangou nan rizib. Ou p'ap pè bèt nan bwa.
23 For you shall be in league with the stones of the field: and the beasts of the field shall be at peace with you.
Jaden w'ap travay yo p'ap gen wòch ladan yo. Bèt nan bwa p'ap janm atake ou.
24 And you shall know that your tabernacle shall be in peace; and you shall visit your habitation, and shall not sin.
Lè sa a, w'a viv ak kè poze lakay ou. Lè w'a vizite pak zannimo ou yo, w'a kontan.
25 You shall know also that your seed shall be great, and your offspring as the grass of the earth.
W'a gen anpil pitit. Y'a pouse tankou plant nan jaden.
26 You shall come to your grave in a full age, like a shock of corn comes in in his season.
Menm jan se lè mayi fin mi yo kase l', konsa tou se lè ou fin vye granmoun, w'a mouri.
27 Lo this, we have searched it, so it is; hear it, and know you it for your good.
Jòb monchè, nou te kalkile sou bagay sa yo anpil. Se konsa sa ye, tande. Pa fè tèt di. Asepte verite a.

< Job 5 >