< Proverbs 27 >

1 Boast not thy selfe of to morowe: for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.
Teweenyumirizanga mu bya nkya, kubanga olunaku bye lunaaleeta tobimanyi.
2 Let another man prayse thee, and not thine owne mouth: a stranger, and not thine owne lips.
Leka omulala akutenderezenga so si kamwa ko ggwe, omuntu omulala so si mimwa gyo.
3 A stone is heauie, and the sand weightie: but a fooles wrath is heauier then them both.
Ejjinja lizitowa, n’omusenyu muzito, naye obulumbaganyi bw’omusirusiru businga byonna okuzitowa.
4 Anger is cruell, and wrath is raging: but who can stand before enuie?
Obusungu bwa ttima, n’ekiruyi kifugira ddala nnyo, naye ani ayinza okwolekera amaaso g’obuggya?
5 Open rebuke is better then secret loue.
Okunenya mu lwatu, kisinga okwagala okukisibbwa.
6 The wounds of a louer are faithful, and the kisses of an enemie are pleasant.
Okunywegera kw’omulabe kwandiba okungi, naye ebiwundu by’okunenya kw’owoomukwano tebitiisa.
7 The person that is full, despiseth an hony combe: but vnto the hungry soule euery bitter thing is sweete.
Oyo akkuse akyawa omubisi gw’enjuki, naye eri omuyala n’ekikaawa kiba kiwoomerera.
8 As a bird that wandreth from her nest, so is a man that wandreth from his owne place.
Ng’akanyonyi akadduka mu kisu kyako, bw’atyo bw’abeera omuntu abula mu maka ge.
9 As oyntment and perfume reioyce the heart, so doeth the sweetenes of a mans friend by hearty counsell.
Ebyakaloosa bisanyusa omutima, n’obuwoomerevu bw’omukwano gw’omuntu bwe butyo bwe buvaamu okubuulirira okw’amazima.
10 Thine owne friend and thy fathers friend forsake thou not: neither enter into thy brothers house in the day of thy calamitie: for better is a neighbour that is neere, then a brother farre off.
Mukwano gwo ne mukwano gwa kitaawo tobaabuuliranga, olemenga okutawaana okuswala ewa muganda wo ng’ogudde mu mitawaana. Muliraanwa wo akira muganda wo akuli ewala.
11 My sonne, be wise, and reioyce mine heart, that I may answere him that reprocheth me.
Beeranga n’amagezi mwana wange, osanyusenga omutima gwange, ndyoke nyanukule oyo yenna ansekerera.
12 A prudent man seeth the plague, and hideth himselfe: but the foolish goe on still, and are punished.
Omuntu omutegeevu alaba akabenje ne yeekweka, naye abatalina magezi batambula butambuzi ne bagwa mu kabi.
13 Take his garment that is surety for a stranger, and a pledge of him for the stranger.
Twalanga ekyambalo ky’oyo eyeeyimirira gw’atamanyi, era kwatanga eky’oyo eyeeyimirira omukazi omwenzi kye yeeyamye.
14 He that prayseth his friend with a loude voyce, rising earely in the morning, it shall be counted to him as a curse.
Okulamusa ku muliraanwa wo mu makya ennyo, ng’oleekaana, obanga amukolimidde.
15 A continual dropping in the day of raine, and a contentious woman are alike.
Omukazi omuyombi ali ng’enkuba etonnya olutata, ku lunaku olw’enkuba ennyingi.
16 He that hideth her, hideth the winde, and she is as ye oyle in his right hand, that vttereth it selfe.
Okumuziyiza obanga aziyiza empewo oba ng’anyweza omuzigo mu ngalo.
17 Yron sharpeneth yron, so doeth man sharpen the face of his friend.
Ng’ekyuma bwe kiwagala ekyuma, n’omuntu bw’abangula muntu munne.
18 He that keepeth the fig tree, shall eate the fruite thereof: so he that waiteth vpon his master, shall come to honour.
Buli alabirira omutiini alirya ku bibala byagwo, n’oyo aweereza mukama we alissibwamu ekitiibwa.
19 As in water face answereth to face, so the heart of man to man.
Ng’amazzi bwe galaga omuntu bw’afaanana mu maaso, bwe gutyo omutima gw’omuntu bwe gulaga omuntu bw’afaanana.
20 The graue and destruction can neuer be full, so the eyes of man can neuer be satisfied. (Sheol h7585)
Amagombe ne ggeyeena tebikkuta, n’amaaso g’abantu nago bwe gatyo tegakkuta. (Sheol h7585)
21 As is the fining pot for siluer and the fornace for golde, so is euery man according to his dignitie.
Entamu erongoosa ya ffeeza n’ekikoomi kikola ku zaabu, naye omuntu ekimugezesa kutenderezebwa.
22 Though thou shouldest bray a foole in a morter among wheate brayed with a pestell, yet will not his foolishnes depart from him.
Ne bw’osekula omusirusiru mu kinu, nga bw’osekula emmere y’empeke mu kinu, obusirusiru bwe tobumuggyaamu.
23 Be diligent to know ye state of thy flocke, and take heede to the heardes.
Okakasanga nti omanyi bulungi embeera z’ekisibo kyo, ossangayo omwoyo ku ggana lyo.
24 For riches remaine not alway, nor the crowne from generation to generation.
Kubanga eby’obugagga tebibeerera mirembe gyonna, n’engule tebeerera mirembe gyonna.
25 The hey discouereth it selfe, and the grasse appeareth, and the herbes of the mountaines are gathered.
Ng’omuddo gw’ensolo omukulu gumaze okusalibwawo, ng’omutoototo gutandise okusibukawo, nga n’omuddo ogw’omu busozi guleeteddwa,
26 The lambes are for thy clothing, and the goates are the price of the fielde.
abaana b’endiga balikuwa engoye ez’okwambala, n’embuzi ziritundibwa ne zivaamu ensimbi.
27 And let the milke of the goates be sufficient for thy foode, for the foode of thy familie, and for the sustenance of thy maydes.
Olibeera n’amata mangi g’onoggyanga mu mbuzi, okukuliisa ggwe n’ab’omu nnyumba yo, n’okuliisa abaweereza bo abawala.

< Proverbs 27 >