< Leviticus 5 >

1 Also if any haue sinned, that is, If he haue heard the voyce of an othe, and hee can be a witnes, whether he hath seene or knowen of it, if hee doe not vtter it, he shall beare his iniquitie:
Mago'mo'ma keno antahino hu'nesia zanku'ma huama hinogu ke refako hu trateti'ma antahigesigeno huama'ma osaniana, agra kefoza hugahiankino, anazamofo kna'a agra'a erigahie.
2 Either if one touche any vncleane thing, whether it be a carion of an vncleane beast, or a carion of vncleane cattel, or a carion of vncleane creeping things, and is not ware of it, yet he is vncleane, and hath offended:
Hagi iza'o agruma osu'nesia zagama avako huge, agruma osu'nesia zagagafamo'ma fri'nesia avufgare'ma avako huge, fri'nenia afu'mofo avufgare avako huge, asguregatima regraroheno vanoma nehania zagaramima fri'nenigeno avako'ma haniana, agrira azeri pehena hugahiankino, kna'a agra'a erigahie.
3 Eyther if hee touche any vncleannesse of man (whatsoeuer vncleannes it be, that hee is defiled with) and is not ware of it, and after commeth to the knowledge of it, he hath sinned:
Huge vahe'mofo azeri pehenama nehiazama antahino keno osu'neno avako'ma huteno, henkama antahino keno'ma haniana, agrira azeri pehena hanigeno, ana kefozamofo kna'a erigahie.
4 Either if any sweare and pronounce with his lippes to do euill, or to doe good (whatsoeuer it bee that a man shall pronounce with an othe) and it be hid from him, and after knoweth that he hath offended in one of these poyntes,
Hagi mago vahe'mo'ma agesa antahi so'e osu'neno, ame'ama huno knare'zantero havizantero huvempama huteno, henkama ke'amama haniana, haviza hugahiankino, agra'a kna'a erigahie.
5 Whe he hath sinned in any of these things, then he shall confesse that he hath sinned therein.
Hanki iza'o ama ana avu'ava'ma nehuno haviza hu'noe hanuno'a, agra kumi hu'noe huno huama nehuno,
6 Therefore shall he bring his trespasse offring vnto the Lord for his sinne which he hath committed, euen a female from ye flocke, be it a lambe or a she goat for a sinne offring, and the Priest shall make an atonement for him, concerning his sinne.
kumi'ma hia zamofo nona'a, afuzaga'afinti a' sipisipio, a' meme afuro avreno Ra Anumzamofontera vanigeno, pristi vahe'mo'a agri kumitera nona huno kresramna vugahie.
7 But if he be not able to bring a sheepe, he shall bring for his trespas which he hath committed, two turtle doues, or two yong pigeons vnto the Lord, one for a sinne offring, and the other for a burnt offring.
Hagi agrama kumi'amofo nonama huno kresramna vu sipisipi afu'ma avrega'ma osanuno'a, agra tare maho namao, tare kugofa nama kumi'amofo nona huno Ra Anumzamofonte avreno vuno magora kumi'are ome Kresramana nevuno, magora tevefima krefanene hu ofa ome hugahie.
8 So he shall bring them vnto the Priest, who shall offer the sinne offring first, and wring the necke of it a sunder, but not plucke it cleane off.
Agra pristi vahete tare namararena avreno vanigeno, ese nama kumi'agu huno kresramna vugahie. Hagi ana namamofona ananke erivamagasigeno frigahianagi, anankena tgahu otregahie.
9 After he shall sprinkle of the blood of the sinne offring vpon the side of the altar, and the rest of the blood shall be shed at the foote of the altar: for it is a sinne offering.
Hagi anama kumite'ma ofama hania namamofo korana, mago'a erino kresramana vu itamofo asoparega, rutri tri hugahie. Hagi mesia korana ana kresramna vu itamofo agafi tagitregahie. E'i kumi'ma hu'nea zamofonku huno hu ofe.
10 Also he shall offer the seconde for a burnt offring as the maner is: so shall the Priest make an atonement for him (for his sinne which hee hath committed) and it shalbe forgiuen him.
Hagi tra kemo'ma hu'nea kante anteno, mago nama kre fananehu ofa hanigeno, pristi vahe'mo erino tevefi ana ne'mofo kumi nona huno, kresramna vanigeno Ra Anumzamo'a kumi'a atrentegahie.
11 But if he be not able to bring two turtle doues, or two yong pigeons, then he that hath sinned, shall bring for his offring, the tenth parte of an Ephah of fine floure for a sinne offring, he shall put none oyle thereto, neither put any incense thereon: for it is a sinne offering.
Hagi agrama tare maho namao, tare kugofa nama erino ega'ma osnuno'a, kumi'agu nona huno kresramna vu'zana, 10ni'a kiloma knare hu'nenia flauama ante'nenifintira, mago kilo erino kresramna vino. Hagi agra ana flauapina masavena ontege, mnanentake'zana onteno. Na'ankure e'i kumite'ma hu ofe.
12 Then shall hee bring it to the Priest, and the Priest shall take his handfull of it for the remembrance thereof, and burne it vpon the altar with the offrings of the Lord made by fire: for it is a sinne offring.
Hagi pristi vahete erino vanigeno, ana flauapinti huhamprino osi'a mago aza huno Ra Anumzamofontega tevefi kre mana vugahie. E'i kumite'ma kremana vu ofe.
13 So the Priest shall make an atonement for him, as touching his sinne that he hath committed in one of these poyntes, and it shall bee forgiuen him: and the remnant shalbe the Priests, as the meate offring.
E'inahukna kanteke kumi'ma hu'nesia zantera, pristi vahe'mo'a azahuno kumi'amofo nona huno kre mnana vanigeno, Ra Anumzamo'a ana ne'mofo kumi'a atrentegahie. Hagi mago'a mesiama'a, witi ofama hu'neaza huno pristi vahe'mo erigahie.
14 And the Lord spake vnto Moses, saying,
Hagi anantera Ra Anumzamo'a Mosesena asmino,
15 If any person transgresse and sinne through ignorance by taking away things consecrated vnto the Lord, hee shall then bring for his trespasse offring vnto the Lord a ramme without blemish out of the flocke, worth two shekels of siluer by thy estimation after the shekel of the Sanctuarie, for a trespasse offring.
Mago vahe'mo'ma Ra Anumzamofo ruotage zama hanifima hantagama haniana, e'i kumi hugahiankino, ve sipisipi anentama afuhe afahe'ma osu'nesia avreniana, zago'amo'a seli mono nompi mago silva zagomofo kna'a avamente kumi'ma hu'nerera avreno egahie.
16 So hee shall restore that wherein hee hath offended, in taking away of the holy thing, and shall put the fift part more thereto, and giue it vnto the Priest: so the Priest shall make an atonement for him with the ram of ye trespasse offring, and it shalbe forgiuen him.
Mago vahe'mo'ma Ra Anumzamofonte'ma ruotage'ma hu'nea zama hanifima hantagama haniana, 5fu'a zama eri havizama hu'nesuno'a, ana 5fu'a zana ami'neno, magora ante agofetu huno 6si'a pristi vahera aminkeno, azahuno kumi'amofo nona ana sipisipia kresramana vanigeno, Ra Anumzamo'a kumi'a atrentegahie.
17 Also if any sinne and doe against any of the commandements of the Lord, which ought not to be done, and knowe not and sinne and beare his iniquitie,
Ra Anumzamofo tra kemo'ma osuo hu'nenia kema rutrageno kumi'ma haniana, agra antahino keno osu'neno hugahianagi, agra haviza hugahiankino, kna'a erigahie.
18 Then shall he bring a ramme without blemishe out of the flocke, in thy estimation worth two shekels for a trespasse offring vnto ye Priest: and the Priest shall make an atonement for him concerning his ignorance wherein he erred, and was not ware: so it shalbe forgiuen him.
Hagi kumi'ma hu'nea zankura afu zaga'afinti pristi vahe'mo'ma hu'nenia avamente mago ve sipisipia afuhe afahe'ma osu'nenia avreno vinkeno, pristi vahe'mo'a aza huno kumi'amofo nona huno kresramna vinkino, ontahinenoma hu'nenia kumira, Ra Anumzamo'a anamofona atrentegahie.
19 This is the trespasse offring for the trespasse committed against the Lord.
E'i Ra Anumzamofo avufima havizama hu'nea zante hania ofagino, kumi ofa hugahie.

< Leviticus 5 >