< Romans 5 >

1 Now that we have been made right by God by trusting in him, we have peace with him through our Lord Jesus Christ.
KITAIL ari pung kilar poson, ap popol ren Kot, pweki atail Kaun Iesus Kristus,
2 It's through Jesus, trusting in him, that we've gained access to this position of grace where we now stand, looking forward with happiness and confidence to sharing in God's glory.
Me kotin kasamo kitail ki poson ong mak wet, me kitail aleer, ap kaporopor o suaiki lingan en Kot,
3 Not only this—we also remain confident when problems come, because we know that experiencing problems develops spiritual stamina.
A kaidin i eta, pwe kitail pil suaiki at apwal akan, pwe kitail asa, me at apwal akan kin kareda kanongama;
4 Spiritual stamina in turn develops a mature character, and this mature character results in confident hope.
A kanongama kin kareda kakairida, a kakairida kin kareda kaporopor;
5 Since we have this hope we're never disappointed, for God's love has been poured into us through the Holy Spirit he's given us.
A kaporopor sota kin kanamenokala, pwe limpok en Kot me wudokidi ong nan mongiong atail ki Ngen saraui, me kitail aleer.
6 When we were completely helpless, at just the right time Christ died for us ungodly people.
Pwe ni atail luet Kristus mata kin kitail, me doo sang Kot akan ni ansau me kileledier.
7 Who would die for anybody else, even someone who does what's right? (Though perhaps somebody would be brave enough to die for someone really good.)
Pwe iaduen, amen pan mekila me pung amen? Ele pweki me mau amen, me amen pan mekila.
8 But God demonstrates his love for us in that Christ died for us while we were still sinners.
A Kot kotin kasansaleda a limpok ong kitail ni en Kristus a mata kin kitail lar, ni ansaun atail dipan.
9 Now that we are made right by his death, we can be absolutely sure we'll be saved by him from the coming judgment.
Melel kaualap, ansau wet kitail kapung kilar nta; kitail ap kamaur kila i sang ni ongiong.
10 While we were his enemies, God made us his friends through the death of his Son, and so we can be absolutely sure that he will save us through the life of his Son.
A ma kitail kalolamaui ong Kot ki en sapwilim a Ol a matala ni atail imwintiti, nan melel kaualap murin atail kalolamaui kitail pan dorela ki a ieias,
11 In addition to this we now celebrate what God has done through our Lord Jesus Christ to reconcile us and make us his friends.
A kaidin i eta, pwe kitail pil suaiki Kot ren atail Kaun Iesus Kristus, me kitail paieki tom patail.
12 For through one man sin entered the world, and sin led to death. In this way death came to everyone, for everyone sinned.
Ari, duen aramas ta men, me dip tapiki dong sappa, ap tialang mela, o mela lel penang aramas akan karos, pwe karos me wiadar dip,
13 Even before the law was given, sin was in the world, however it wasn't counted as sin because there was no law.
Pwe dip mi nan sappa mon kapung, a sota kapung pan dip, ma sota kapung,
14 But death still ruled from Adam until Moses, even over those who didn't sin in the same way as Adam did. Now Adam prefigured the one to come.
Ari so, mela wiauiada sang Adam lel Moses, pil ren me so wiadar dip laud dueta sapung en Adam, iei me mom en me pan pwarado.
15 But the gift of Jesus is not like the sin of Adam. Though many people died because of one man's sin, God's grace is so much greater and has been shared with so many through his gracious gift in the person of Jesus Christ.
A pai en mak kaidin dueta dip, pwe ma dip en me ta men me toto mekila, nan melel kaualap mak en Kot o pai en mak sang ren aramas ta men Iesus Kristus itar ong me toto.
16 The result of the gift is not like that of the sin. The result of Adam's sin was judgment and condemnation, but the gift sets us right with God, despite our many sins.
A pai o kaidin dueta met, me wiauier ren amen, me wiadar dip, pwe kadeik o tapi sanger me ta men, pwen kalokolok, a pai en mak o kin lapwada dip toto, pwen pungala.
17 As a result of one man's sin, death ruled because of him. But God's grace is so much greater and his gift sets us right, for everyone who receives it will rule in life through the person of Jesus Christ!
Pwe ma dip en me ta men mela poekidier, nan melel kaualap, irail me pan ale mak o pai en pung, pan poedi o mamaureki me ta men: Iesus Kristus.
18 Just as one sin brought condemnation on everyone, in the same way one right act gave everyone the opportunity to live right.
A duen dip en me ta men aramas akan karos me kadeik ki ong mela, i dueta pung ta ieu itar ong kapung kila aramas akan karos, en kamaurela.
19 Just as through one man's disobedience many became sinners, in the same way through one man's obedience many are made right with God.
Pwe duen sopeik en aramas ta men me toto wia kilar dipan, iduen peik en me ta men me toto pung kilar.
20 When the law was introduced, sin became even more obvious. But while sin became much more obvious, grace became even more obvious!
A kapung pil wiauier, pwe dip en kadiarok kidar, a wasa me dip paraparada ia, iei wasa mak o laude sanger.
21 Just as sin ruled us and brought us death, now grace rules by making us right with God, bringing us eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. (aiōnios g166)
Pwe duen dip dialang mela, iduen mak o pung pan dialang maur soutuk ki Iesus Kristus atail Kaun. (aiōnios g166)

< Romans 5 >