< Philippians 1 >

1 This letter comes from Paul and Timothy, servants of Christ Jesus, to all God's people in Christ Jesus living in Philippi, and to the church leaders and assistants.
Bulus nin Timitawus, acin Kristi Yesu, udu kiti nalenge vat na ina ceo ani ugan nanya Kristi Yesu arika na idin Pilippi, nin nadidya a a Dikons.
2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Na ubolu Kutelle yita nanghinu nin lissosin liman unuzu kiti Kutelle Ucifbit nin Cikilari Yesu Kristi.
3 When I think of you I'm so thankful to my God,
Ndin su Kutelle ning ugodo vat kubi ko nan lizino ninghinu.
4 and I'm always glad to remember all of you in my prayers,
Kolome liri nanyan lira nin bara anunghe vat, nanya liburi libowari asa nta nlira.
5 because you've been partners with me in spreading the good news right from the beginning up till now.
Ndin nin godo uzursu mine nanyan liru umang ucizunue udak nene.
6 I'm absolutely sure that God who began this good work in you will continue working and bring it to a successful conclusion when Jesus Christ returns.
Indi nin likara kibinayi kitene nimon ilele, nworu ame ulenge na acizina katwa kacine nanya mine ma lii ubun amalu kani udu lirin Yesu Kristi.
7 It's appropriate for me to be thinking this way about all of you because you mean so much to me. Whether I'm in prison or out there making the good news clear, all of you share God's grace together with me.
Ucaun menku nlanza nani kitenen vat mine bara idinin ninghinu nya nayining. Anung vat wadi ninmi nanya bolu Kutelle nin licin ning tutung nin kesu litining a upunu libaun liru umang.
8 God is my witness as to my great affection for every one of you in the caring love of Christ Jesus.
Bara Kutelleri iyizi inba ning, ninworu kolome liri ayedi nyene minu vat nanya kulin nsuu Kristi Yesu.
9 My prayer is that your love may grow more and more in knowledge and understanding,
Tutung meng din lira mone: nworu usuu mine na kulo gbardang nanyan yiru nin yinnu.
10 so that you can work out what's really important. That way you can be genuine and blameless when Christ returns,
Meng din lira mone bara fe nanse uciro unin fere imon ile na idi icine. Idin bara fenan yita nin kidegen sa kulapi lirin Kirsti.
11 filled with the fruits of living right that come through Jesus Christ and give glory and praise to God.
ilenge imone di nani tutung fe nan kulo nin niburi katwa kacine na kadin dasu nanyan Yesu Kristi, udun gongon nin zazunu Kutelle.
12 I want you to know, my brothers and sisters, that all I've experienced has worked out to move the good news forward!
Nene ayedi iyinnin linuana, nworu imon ile na iwasesue, ina nakpin ulinbun katwa in liru umanghere kang.
13 For everyone—including the whole praetorian guard—now knows that I'm in chains for Christ;
Udi nani bara tiseleng nin nanya Kristi kogha nayiru mun nanya kowe anan caa nin koyeme unit wang.
14 and because of my chains most of the Christians here have been encouraged to speak God's word boldly and fearlessly!
Tutung gbardang linuana nanya Kristi nase ukpilu bara tiseleng ninghere nin se likaran bellu lire sa fiu.
15 Yes, some speak out of jealousy and rivalry. However, there are those who speak from good motives.
Amon kidegen ina bellu ubelle Kristi nin shina a nnung, among tutung bara usuu nibinayi nilau mine.
16 They act out of love, because they know that I'm meant to be here to defend the good news.
Alenge na idin bellu Kristi ku nanya suu yirru ina tikikane bara ukessu liru umanghere.
17 Those others present Christ deceptively because of their selfish ambitions, trying to cause me problems in my imprisonment.
Ama among din bellu Kristi unuzun sunati nin kpilzun diru kidegen. Inung dinsu idin kpizunu mengku kabun nanya tiseleng ning.
18 But so what? All I care about is that Christ is presented every which way, whether just pretending or whether from true convictions. That's what makes me happy—and I will go on being happy!
Se inyang? Kolome libau, sa nanya kinu sa kidegen, idin bellu Kristi ku, tutung nanya nilele indi nayi abo! E e, nmasu ayiabo.
19 Why? Because I'm convinced that through your prayers for me, and through the help of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will turn out to be my salvation.
Bara inyirru ile imone ma dak nin buntu ning. Nani mayitu bara nlira mine nin bunu Ruhun Kristi.
20 For it's my strongest hope and expectation not to do anything of which I would be ashamed. Instead it's my bold hope, as always, that even now Christ will be greatly honored through me, whether I live or die.
Bara likaran ceo nayi nighari tutung kidegen na nma lanzu ncin ba. Imone wang manani likara kibinayiari, nafo kolome liri, nin nene wang, idin ceo nayi Kristi se ughatinu nanya kidowo ning, sa nanyan lai sa nkul.
21 As far as I'm concerned, living is for Christ, and dying brings gain.
Bara usoo nin lai Kristiari, a ukul tutung ulinbunari.
22 But if I'm to go on living here and this would be productive work, then I really don't know what's best to choose!
Ama adin lissosin nin lai kidowo din maccu niburi nanya katwa ning, nan yirru uyemeri in ma feru ba.
23 For I'm in a dilemma—I really want to leave and be with Christ, which would be far better,
Bara vat inodini nin to tiyenje. Idi nin konnayi nworu nnyan diso nin Kristi, urika na ukatin vat ulele!
24 and yet to remain physically here is more important as far you're concerned.
Tutung inso nanya kidowe macaunu bara anunghe.
25 Since I'm absolutely sure of this, I know that I'll stay here, remaining with you all to help you as your trust and delight in God grows,
Nene na indinin likara kibinayi kitene nimon ilele, inyirru nwo nma lawu nlii ubun nanghinu vat, bara ulinbun nin nayi abo mine nanya yinnu sa uyene.
26 so that when I see you again your praise to Christ Jesus may be even greater because of me.
Imanin se idi gogon nanyan Kristi Yesu bara meng, imase nani bara uyitu ning nanya mine.
27 Just be sure that the way you live your lives corresponds to the good news of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or not I can get to hear how you're doing—that you stand firm in full agreement with one another, spiritually united as you work together for the trusting faith of the good news.
Anun dei minon tilai mine libau longo na ima yenu Kristi ku. Sun nani nwo, ko meng dak inda yenne minu, sa nin sali ninghe, ibata nlanza uyissunu gangan mine nanyan Ruhu urum. Indi nin suu nlanza idi kidowo kirum nfokidowo ligowe nanya yinnu sa uyenun liru umanghe.
28 Don't let your enemies scare you. By being brave you will demonstrate to them that they will be lost, but that God himself will save you.
Tutung yenje fiu wa daminu bara vat nimon ilenge na anan nivira din sue. Ilele kiti mine kulap nkul minere. Ama kiti mine, kulap ntuccu minere, tutung ilele kiti Kutelleri.
29 For you have been given the privilege not only of trusting in Jesus, but suffering for him as well.
Bara kiti mine ina mallu uniminu, bara Kristi, na nwo iyinin nighe cas ba, ama tutung iniu bara ame.
30 You're experiencing the same struggle you saw me having—a struggle I still have, as you now know.
Bara idi nin mayardang marum mane nafo manga na ina yene kiti ning, tutung ilanza ndumun nene.

< Philippians 1 >