< Luke 17 >

1 Jesus said to his disciples, “Temptations are unavoidable, but it will be a disaster for those through whom they come!
A KOTIN masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Nan a sota kak, men kamakar kan en so pwaida, a suedi ong me kokido.
2 For such people it would be better to have a millstone hung around the neck and be thrown into the sea than to cause these little ones to sin.
A mau ong, takai en ir plaua eu en paudoki ong ni tapin wor a, ap lokidokila nan madau, sang a kamakar amen tikitik pukat.
3 So take care what you do. If your brother sins, warn him; and if he repents, forgive him.
Kalaka pein komail! Ma ri om ol wia dipi ong uk, en kapung ong i, a ma a pan kalukila, maki ong i.
4 Even if he sins against you seven times a day, and seven times comes back and tells you, ‘I'm really sorry,’ forgive him.”
A ma a wia dipi ong uk pan isepak ni ran eu o pure dong uk pan isepak indada: I kalula, koe en maki ong i!
5 The apostles said to the Lord, “Help us to have more trust!”
A wanporon akan potoan ong Kaun o: Re kotin kalaudela at poson!
6 The Lord replied, “Even if your trust was as small as a mustard seed, you could say to this mulberry tree, ‘Uproot yourself, and plant yourself in the sea,’ and it would obey you.
A Kaun o kotin masani: Ma omail poson laudi ong wan katiring, komail pan kak indai ong tuka pik pot et: Kaisang, kasau ong nan madau, a pan oke komail.
7 Say you have a servant who does plowing or shepherding. When he comes in from work, do you say to him, ‘Come in and sit down now for a meal’?
A is re omail, me a ladu men, me kin matimat o kamakamanga man akan, pan indang i ni a puredo sang matuel o: Madang kodo mondi o manga?
8 No. You say to him, ‘Prepare a meal for me, get yourself dressed, and serve me until I've finished my meal. After that you can have your meal.’
A sota pan indang i: Kaonopada me i pan manga nin sautik o, kaiada om likau, papa ia, lao i mangaer o nim, a muri koe pan manga o nim.
9 And do you thank the servant for doing what you told him? No.
De a pan danke ladu pweki a wiada, me a masani ong i? I lamelam so.
10 Likewise once you've done everything you were told, you should simply say, ‘We are undeserving servants. We just did our duty.’”
Pil dueta komail, komail, lao wiadar meakan me kakaliki ong komail er, komail ap pan inda: Kit ladu mal, pwe i eta, me se wiadar, me kakalik ong kit er.
11 As Jesus continued on his way to Jerusalem, he passed along the border between Samaria and Galilee.
Kadekadeo ni a kotilang Ierusalem, a kotin weid nan wein Samaria o Kaliläa.
12 As he entered a particular village, ten lepers met him, standing at a distance.
O ni a kotin kotilong ong nan kisin kanim eu, ol tuketuk ek tu ong i, me udi ong kaila wei.
13 They called out, “Jesus, Master, please have mercy on us.”
Irail ngil laudeda indada: Maing Iesus, kupurai kit!
14 When Jesus saw them, he said to them, “Go and show yourselves to the priests.” On their way there, they were healed.
A lao kotin masanier, ap masani ong irail: Komail koieila kasansale ong pein komail ong samero kan. Kadekadeo ni arail kokola irail kelailada.
15 One of them when he saw that he was healed, returned to Jesus, shouting praises to God.
A amen irail ni a kilanger me a kelailadar, ap puredo ngil laudeda, kapikapinga Kot.
16 He fell down at Jesus' feet, thanking him. He was a Samaritan.
O poridi sang aluwilu a, danke i; ari, i men Samaria men.
17 “Weren't ten lepers healed?” Jesus asked. “Where are the other nine?
Iesus kotin sapeng masani: Kaidin me ek, me kelailadar, a ia me duemen oko?
18 Didn't anyone else come back to praise God—only this foreigner?”
Sota me pure dong kapinga Kot, ol en liki men et eta?
19 Jesus told the man, “Get up and go on your way. Your trust has healed you.”
A masani ong i: Uda ko wei, om poson me kakel uk ada!
20 Once, when the Pharisees came and asked him when God's kingdom would come, Jesus replied, “God's kingdom doesn't come with visible signs that you can observe.
Parisär akai lao kalelapok re a: Dokan da me wein Kot pan pwaida? A kotin sapeng masani: Nan wein Kot sota kin sansal kokodo.
21 People won't be saying, ‘Look, it's here’ or ‘Look, it's there,’ for God's kingdom is among you.”
Irail sota pan indada: Kilang met, de kilang monen, pwe kilang, wein Kot mi lol omail.
22 Then Jesus told the disciples, “The time is coming when you'll long to see the day when the Son of man comes, but you won't see it.
A kotin masani ong sapwilim a tounpadak kan: Ran oko pan kodo, me komail pan men kilangada ran eu en Nain aramas, a komail sota pan kak kilang.
23 They'll be telling you, ‘Look, there he is,’ or ‘Look, here he is,’ but don't go running off after them.
Irail pan indai ong komail: Kilang monen, de kilang met! A der kola o der idauen ir ala!
24 The day when the Son of man comes will be just like lightning that flashes, lighting up the sky from one side to the other.
Pwe duen liol kin lingaling sang apali en lang lel pali teio en lang, iduen Nain aramas ni a ran o.
25 But first he will have to suffer many things, and be rejected by this generation.
A mas a pan kalokolok toto o lokidokila ren di wet.
26 The time when the Son of man comes will be like it was in Noah's day.
O duen a wiaui ni muein Noa, iduen a pan wiaui ni ran oko en Nain aramas:
27 People went on eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage until the day Noah went into the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all.
Irail manga, irail nim, irail papaud, irail kapapaud, lao lel ran en Noa a pedelong ong nan war im o, o nolik pwaida kamom ir ala karos.
28 It will be like it was in Lot's day. People went on eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building.
Pil dueta ni muein Lot: Irail manga, irail nim, irail netinet, irail sapasap, irail kauadar im,
29 But on the day Lot left Sodom, fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and destroyed them all.
A ni ran o, me Lot koiei sang Sodom, kisiniai o swepel ap moredi sang nanlang, kame ir ala karos.
30 The day when the Son of man appears will be just like that.
Nan iduen a pan wiaui ni ran, me Nain aramas pan sansaledo.
31 If you're up on the roof that day don't go down and get your things; and if you're out in the fields don't go back home either.
Ni ran o meamen mi pon im, o a kapwa mi nan im, a ender kodi ong ale. O pil dueta me mimi nan sap, i ender puredo.
32 Remember Lot's wife!
Tamatamanda en Lot a paud!
33 If you try to hold on to your life you'll lose it; but if you lose your life you'll save it.
Pwe meamen kanakanai ong maur a, pan pupe sang, a me pan kasela, nan i me pan maureta.
34 I tell you, at that time two will be in bed at night; one will be taken and the other left.
I indai ong komail, ni pong ota ol riamen pan wonon pon pet eu, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
35 Two women will be grinding grain, one will be taken; and the other left.”
Li riamen pan iris pena plaua, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
Ol riamen pan mi nan sap, amen pan peuka sang, a me teio pan mimieta.
37 “Where, Lord?” they asked. “Where the carcass is, that's where the vultures gather,” Jesus replied.
Irail sapeng potoan ong i: Ia Maing? A kotin masani ong irail: Wasa me man mat mi ia, nan i wasa pwin ikel pan pil pokon pena ia.

< Luke 17 >