< Hebrews 8 >

1 The main point of what we're saying is this: We have just such a high priest who is seated at the right hand of God, who sits in majesty on his throne in heaven.
Nene udursu nile imon na tidin nbelle inere, tidi nin npirist udia ulenge na asosin ncara alime unkutel ndia kitene kani.
2 He serves in the sanctuary, the true Tabernacle that was set up by the Lord and not by human beings.
Ame kuci nari nanya kutyi kulau, kutyii nliran kidegen na cikilari wa tuno, na unit usurneri ba.
3 Since it's the responsibility of every high priest to offer gifts and sacrifices, this high priest must also have something to offer.
Bara ko uyeme upirist iwa fereghe a ni vat unizu nin gutunu nmyi bara kulapi, bara nani uso gbas ise imomon na iba ni.
4 Now if he was here on earth, he wouldn't be a priest at all, because there are already priests to present the offerings that the law requires.
Nene ndah Kristi wandi nanya nyi, na awa so upirist ba, sam, tunda na amon duku allenghe na ina niza ufilizinu bara uduka.
5 The place they serve is a copy, a mere shadow of what is in heaven. That's what God told Moses when he was going to set up the Tabernacle: “Be careful to make everything according to the blueprint you were shown on the mountain.”
Iwa tumuzun imomon ile na uli nafo ulema nin nshin, nimon kitene kani, nafo na Kutelle wa su Musa ku kagbara, kubi na awadi nworu a tuno litino kutyin nliran, “yene” Kutelle woro “uba ke imone vat nafo nda na iwa dursofi kitene likup,”
6 But Jesus has been given a far better ministry just as he is the one who mediates a far better agreed relationship between us and God, which is based on much better promises.
Bara nene Kristi wa seru katuwa kadia, bara ame tutun di kiyitik nalikawali acine, alenge na iwa tunno nanya likawali acine.
7 If that first agreement had been perfect, then a second wouldn't have been necessary.
Andi aleli alikawali nburne na nnana ba na ubellen npiziru nalikawali an ba ba yitu ku ba.
8 Pointing out their failings, God told his people, “Pay attention, says the Lord, because the days are coming when I will make a new agreement with the people of Israel and Judah.
Na Kutelle wase kulapi kiti nanit, aworo “yenen ayiri din ncinu” ubellun ncikalari. Kubi na mba su alikawali apese nin kilarin Isiraila, nin kinin kilarin Yahuda.
9 This will not be like the agreement I made with their forefsathers when I led them by the hand out of the land of Egypt. For they didn't keep their part of the agreed relationship, so I gave up on them, says the Lord.
Na aba yitu nafo alikawali alenge na nnasu nan na cifi mene ba, nloli liyire na nwan yacun nani nin nacara nnutuno nani nanyan nmyin nmasar, bara na iwa li ubun nanya nalikawali nighe ba.
10 The relationship I promise to the house of Israel is this: After that time, says the Lord, I will place my laws inside them, and write them in their minds. I will be their God, and they will be my people.
“Bara alelere alikawali alenge na mbasu nin kilari Isiraila, kimal nale ayire” ubellun cikilari “mba” ciu uduka nigh nanya nibinai mine, mba kuru nyertu unin nanya nayi mine, mba so Kutelle mine, ung baso anit nighe.
11 No one will need to teach their neighbor, and no one will need to teach anyone in their family, telling them, ‘You ought to know the Lord.’ For everyone will know me, from the smallest to the greatest.
Na inug ba dursu umon unan lisosin kupo mine ba, sa umon gwana me, ubelle, “yinnon cikilare” bara vat ba yinie, unuzu nbene udu udiawe.
12 I will be merciful when they do wrong, and I will forget about their sins.”
Bara meng ba dursu nkunekune kitene naddu ananzan mine, na meng ba kuru nlizin nin nalapi mine ba.
13 By saying, “A new agreed relationship,” he makes the first agreement out-of-date. The one that's old and worn out has almost disappeared.
Nanya nbelle “ipese” anati alikawali nburne akuse inin ulenge na ana bellin iso ikuse ina mali uwulu.

< Hebrews 8 >