< Acts 2 >

1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all meeting together in one place.
RAN en pentikos lao leler, irail karos kot pena wasa ta kis.
2 Suddenly a noise came from heaven like a roaring wind that filled the whole house where they were staying.
A madang ngil laud eu likamata ngil en melimel peidido sang nanlang o kadirela im o wasa, re kot pena ia.
3 They saw what looked like separate tongue-shaped flames that settled on each of them.
A lo sirangerang akai likamata kisiniai pwarado sokedi pon amen amen.
4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages as the Spirit gave them the ability to do so.
Irail karos ap dire kila Ngen saraui ap pikikidi padaki wei ni lokaia toror, duen Ngen kotin kamasan irail ada.
5 At that time there were devout Jews from every nation on earth living in Jerusalem.
Men Sus, ol lelapok ko sang nan wei karos pan lang kaikairu Ierusalem.
6 When they heard this noise, a large crowd of them gathered. They were puzzled because everyone heard their own language being spoken.
Irail lao ronger duen mepukat karos, ap pokon penaer o puriamui kila, aki amen amen ronger udan a lokaia.
7 They were totally amazed, saying, “Look, these people who are speaking—aren't they all Galileans?
Irail karos poneponeki o puriamuiki indada: Kilang, kaidin mepukat karos men Kaliläa, me kin padapadak?
8 So how is it that we can all hear them speaking in our own mother tongue?
A daduen, kit kin rong irail amen amen ni udan ngil atail?
9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
Men Partien, men Medien, men Elam, o toun Mesopotamien, o Iudäa, o Kapadosien, o Pontus, o Asien,
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia; from Egypt and the area of Libya around Cyrene; visitors from Rome, both Jews and converts,
O Prikien, o Pampilien, o Äkipten, o liman Lipien; salong Kirene, o men Rom, me mi wasa et, karos Sus oko o Proselit oko,
11 Cretans and Arabians—we hear them speaking in our own languages about all the great things God has done.”
Men Kreta o men Arapien, iaduen kitail kin rong kin irail udan ngil atail ar katitiki manaman en Kot akan?
12 They were all amazed and confused. “What does this mean?” they asked each other.
Irail karos ari pingidar o ponepondar, indada nan pung arail: Dakot met?
13 But others jeered and said, “They've been drinking too much wine!”
Akai lalaue indada: Irail dire kila wain kap.
14 Then Peter stood up with the eleven disciples and spoke in a loud voice: “Fellow Jews and everyone living here in Jerusalem: pay attention to me and I'll explain all this to you!
A Petrus iangaki ekamen oko ap kotida, kapitie laudeda masani ong irail: Ol en Iudäa kan o komail karos, me kauson Ierusalem, komail en asa duen met, o komail rong mas ai padak!
15 These men aren't drunk as you presume. It's only nine in the morning!
Pwe mepukat kaidin sakaular, duen omail kiki ong, pwe apton auer kasilu en ran wet;
16 What's happening is what was predicted by the prophet Joel:
Pwe iei mepukat, me lolok ren saukop Ioel:
17 God says, ‘In the last days I will pour out my Spirit on everyone. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions. Your old men will dream dreams.
Kot kotin masanier: Ieteten me pan wiaui ni imwilan ran akan: I pan kamoredi Ngen i pon uduk karos. Noumail ol o li akan ap pan deideikop, o noumail manakap akan pan kilekilang kaudial akan, o noumail di ma kan pan auramenda;
18 I will pour out my Spirit on my servants, both male and female, and they will prophesy.
A ni ran oko I pil pan kamoredi Ngen i pon ai ladu o lidu kan, rap pan deideikop.
19 I will also give you miraculous signs in the heavens above and on the earth below—blood, fire, and swirling smoke!
O I pan kapwareda manaman akai nanlang pali poa, o kilel akai nin sappa pali pa: Nta, o kisiniai, o adiniai;
20 The sun will become dark, and the moon will become red like blood before the great and glorious day of the Lord.
A katipin pan wukila rotorotala, a saunipong pan wiala nta mon ran lapalap o lingan en Kaun o pan pwarado.
21 But whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’
O a pan wiaui ma meamen likwir ong mar en Kaun o, a pan dorela.
22 People of Israel, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man confirmed by God to you by the powerful miracles and signs that God performed through him, right here among you—as you well know.
Ari ol en Israel, komail rong kasoi pot et: Iesus men Nasaret Ol amen, me Kot kotin kilele kidar nan pung omail dodok kelail akan o manaman akan, o kilel akan, me Kot kotin wiaki i nan pung omail, duen me komail pein asa;
23 God, knowing beforehand what would happen, followed his plan and resolved to hand him over to you. By means of the hands of wicked men, you killed him by nailing him to a cross.
I lao pangalar duen kupur en Kot erpit, komail ap saikikidi pa en me sapung kan, ap pasuredi ong ni lopu o kamatalar.
24 But God raised him back to life, freeing him from the burden of death, because death did not have the power to keep him a prisoner.
I me Kot kotin kaiasadar, ni a kotin lapwada sal en a matala, pwe a sota kak ong, en kolekol i.
25 David says of him, ‘I saw the Lord always in front of me. I will not be shaken, for he is right beside me.
Pwe Dawid masanier duen i: I ngingar Kaun o potopot mo i; pwe a kotikot ni pali maun i, pwe i ender mokid.
26 That's why I'm so happy! That's why my words are full of joy! That's why my body lives in hope!
I me mongiong i peren kida, o lo i popoleki; pil uduk ai pan kamoledi ni kaporopor.
27 For you will not abandon me in the grave, nor will you allow your Holy One to experience decay. (Hadēs g86)
Pwe re sota pan kotin likidmaliela ngen i nan wasan mela pil sota kotin mueid ong, me sapwilim ar Saraui o pan mor pasang. (Hadēs g86)
28 You have revealed to me the ways of life. You will fill me with joy with your presence.’
Re kotin kasansale ong ia er al en maur akan; re pan kotin kadir kin ia la popol mon silang ar.
29 My brothers and sisters, let me tell you plainly that our ancestor David died and was buried, and his tomb is here with us to this day.
Ri ai kan mueid ong ia, en aima padaki ong komail duen sam atail Dawid, me pil matalar o saredier, o sapwilim a sousou mi re atail lao lel ran wet.
30 But he was a prophet, and knew that God had promised on oath to place one of his descendants on his throne.
A saukop amen, ap mangi, me Kot kotin kaula inauki ong i, me kisan wa men pan kaipokedi pon mol a.
31 David saw what would happen and spoke about the resurrection of Christ—for Christ was not abandoned to the grave nor did he experience decay. (Hadēs g86)
Ari, ni a mamangi duen en Iesus a iasada, ap kotin masani, me a sota likidmalielar nan wasan mela, o pil uduk a sota mor pasang. (Hadēs g86)
32 God has raised this Jesus from the dead, and we're all witnesses of that.
I Iesus, me Kot kotin kaiasadar, kit karos saunkadede en mepukat.
33 Now he's been exalted to God's right hand, and has received from the Father the Holy Spirit whom he promised, and has poured out what you're seeing and hearing.
A lao sapwilekidar pali maun en Kot, a kotin aleer sang ren Sam, en kapwaiada inau duen Ngen saraui, ap kotin kamoredi, me komail kin udial o rongerong.
34 For David didn't ascend into heaven, but he did say: the Lord told my Lord, ‘Sit down here at my right hand
Pwe kaidin Dawid, me kotidala nanlang kan, a pein i kotin masani: Kaun o kotin masani ong ai Kaun: Mondi ni pali maun i!
35 until I have made your enemies a stool to put your feet on.’
I lao wiaki om imwintiti utipan nä om akan.
36 Now let everyone in Israel be totally convinced of this: God has made this Jesus, who you killed on a cross, both Lord and Messiah!”
Ari, men Israel karos en asa melel, me Kot kotin kasapwilada i, en Kaun o Kristus i Iesus me komail kalopuelar.
37 When the people heard this they were conscience-stricken. They asked Peter and the other apostles, “Brothers, what should we do?”
Irail lao rongadar met, ap lel ong nan mongiong arail, re ap indai ong Petrus o wanporon tei kan: Ri at oko, da me sen wiada?
38 “Repent!” Peter told them. “All of you must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Petrus ap masani ong irail: Komail kalula, o amen amen en paptais ong ni mar en Iesus Kristus, pwe dip omail akan en lapwada. A komail pan tungole Ngen saraui.
39 This promise is given to you, to your children, and to all who are far away—everyone the Lord our God calls.”
Pwe nan inau wet ong komail o noumail seri kan, o ong irail karos men ilawei, me Kaun, atail Kot, pan kotin molipe.
40 Peter went on speaking, giving them much more evidence. He warned them, “Save yourselves from this perverted generation.”
O pil song en masan toto, me a kadede ong irail, o panaui kin irail, masani: Komail en dorela pein komail sang nan di sued wet!
41 Those who accepted what he'd said were baptized, adding about three thousand people to the group of believers that day.
Irail me duki ong a masan ap paptaisela; ari, ni ran o aramas impan silekid me saulangalar.
42 They committed themselves to what the apostles had taught them, and to the fellowship of the believers, “breaking bread” and praying together.
Irail dadaurata padak en wanporon akan, o ar minimin pena, o kamadip saraui, o kapakap akan.
43 Everyone was in awe, and many miracles and signs were done through the apostles.
Lomwi ap kipadi aramas karos o manaman o kilel akan toto wiauier ren wanporon akan.
44 All the believers were together and shared everything they had.
O karos me posonla, kin pokopokon o aneki pena kapwa takis.
45 They sold their property and belongings, sharing the proceeds with everyone as they needed.
O netikila ar kapwa kan o nene ong irail karos, duen ar samama amen amen.
46 Day after day they continued to meet together in the Temple, and ate together in their homes. They enjoyed their meals humbly and happily. They praised God, and everyone thought favorably of them.
Irail ari kaukaule wia minimin eu nan im en kaudok o, o pilitiki pena prot nan im ar akan, o re mangamanga ni popol, o lolepot pena,
47 Every day the Lord added to their number those who were being saved.
Kapikapinga Kot o konekon ren aramas karos. A Kaun o kotiki ong momodisou, me dorela kan ni ran karos.

< Acts 2 >