< 1 Thessalonians 2 >

1 Brothers and sisters, you yourselves know what our visit meant to you, and that it wasn't wasted!
Mmwe bennyini, abooluganda abaagalwa, mumanyi ng’okujja kwaffe gye muli tekwafa busa.
2 You'll recall that after having had much trouble and bad treatment at Philippi, with the help of God we still dared to share God's good news with you, despite the opposition we faced.
Mumanyi nga bwe twabonaabonera e Firipi, n’okuyisibwa obubi kyokka ne tugumira mu Katonda waffe ne tubategeeza Enjiri ya Katonda nga tuli mu kuwakanyizibwa okungi.
3 For what we speak about isn't deceptive, or worthless, or fraudulent.
Kubanga okubuulirira kwaffe tekwali kwa bulimba so tekwali kwa bugwenyufu, wadde okw’obukuusa,
4 On the contrary, we have God's approval for what we say—he's entrusted us with sharing the good news. We don't set out to please people, but God. He's the one who judges our motives.
naye nga bwe twasaanyizibwa Katonda n’atwesiga n’Enjiri, bwe twogera bwe tutyo, si ng’abaagala okusanyusa abantu, wabula tusiimibwe Katonda, oyo akebera ebirowoozo by’emitima gyaffe.
5 As you know, we've never used flattering words. Nor were we covering up some greedy, selfish attitude—as God is our witness!
Tetugezangako kubawangula na bigambo biwaaniriza nga nammwe bwe mumanyi, wadde okuba ab’omululu era Katonda akimanyi,
6 We weren't trying to win anybody's praise—not from you, nor anyone else. We could have become a “burden” to you as messengers of Christ,
newaakubadde okunoonyaamu ekitiibwa, newaakubadde okuva eri mmwe wadde abantu abalala,
7 but instead we acted kindly among you, like a mother caring for her own children.
tulyoke tulabike ng’abatume ba Kristo ab’amaanyi. Naye twefuula ng’abaana abato mu maaso gammwe, nga nnyina w’abaana bwe yandyagadde abaana be,
8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not just God's good news, but also our very own selves, because you had become so dear to us.
bwe tutyo bwe twabalumirwa omwoyo ne tusanyuka okubatuusaako si Enjiri ya Katonda yokka naye n’okuwaayo emyoyo gyaffe ffe, kubanga mwafuuka baagalwa baffe.
9 Don't you remember, brothers and sisters, all our hard work— working day and night so we wouldn't be a burden to any of you as we shared God's good news with you?
Abooluganda mujjukire okufuba kwaffe n’okutegana kwaffe; bwe twakolanga emisana n’ekiro tuleme okubazitoowerera, nga tubabuulira Enjiri ya Katonda.
10 You yourselves can testify as to how we acted, and God can too—how we treated you believers with a holy attitude, fairly and blamelessly.
Mmwe muli bajulirwa baffe, era ne Katonda akimanyi, nga twali bakkiriza ddala era abatuukirivu abataaliko kya kunenyezebwa, abeeweerayo ddala bwe twali mu mmwe,
11 You know how we cared for every one of you like a father caring for his own children. We encouraged you, comforted you, and shared with you our experience
nga bwe mumanyi nga twali kitaawe wa buli omu ku mmwe nga kitaawe w’abaana bw’abeera eri abaana be,
12 so that you could live as God would want you to live—the God who calls you to his own kingdom and glory.
nga tubabuulirira era nga tubagumya mu mwoyo era nga tubaweerako obujulirwa, ne tubakuutira okutambulanga nga musaanira mu maaso ga Katonda, oyo abayita okuyingira mu bwakabaka bwe ye ne mu kitiibwa kye.
13 Another thing: we're always thanking God that when you heard and accepted the word of God, you didn't treat it as some human words, but what it truly is, the word of God. This is what is at work in those of you who trust in him.
Naffe kyetuva twebaza Katonda obutayosa, kubanga bwe mwawulira ekigambo ekiva gye tuli, temwakiwulira ng’ekiva eri abantu wabula ng’ekiva eri Katonda, nga ky’ekigambo kya Katonda kyennyini, ekikolera ne mu mmwe, abakkiriza.
14 The experience you brothers and sisters have had imitates that of God's churches that belong to Christ Jesus in Judaea. Just like your fellow Jewish Christians you suffered as they did at the hands of the Jewish leaders
Nammwe, abooluganda abaagalwa, mwabonaabona ng’Ekkanisa za Katonda eziri mu Buyudaaya mu Kristo Yesu, nga muyigganyizibwa abantu b’eggwanga lyammwe mmwe, nga nabo bwe baayigganyizibwa abantu b’eggwanga lyabwe Abayudaaya.
15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and chased us out. They don't please God and they are hostile to everyone,
Bwe baamala okutta bannabbi baabwe, ne batta ne Mukama waffe Yesu, era naffe baatuyigganya nnyo; tebaasanyusa Katonda era balabe b’abantu bonna,
16 trying to prevent us from speaking to the other nations to prevent them from being saved. They're always sinning to the maximum extent, but for them full judgment has arrived!
era baatugaana okubuulira Abaamawanga olw’okutya nti bajja kulokoka, kale ebibi byabwe byeyongera bulijjo; ku nkomerero, obusungu bwa Katonda bubabuubuukiddeko.
17 Brothers and sisters, since we felt as if we'd experienced a family separation because we hadn't seen you for a while (separated physically though not in spirit), we tried even harder to come and see you again face to face because that's what we wanted to do.
Abooluganda bwe twabaawukanako nga wayiseewo akaseera akatono, wadde essaawa emu, so ng’emitima gyaffe gisigadde eyo, twegomba nnyo okukomawo twongere okubalabako.
18 We really wanted to come and visit you, and I, Paul, tried again and again—but Satan stopped us.
Twayagala nnyo okudda gye muli, na ddala nze, Pawulo; nagezaako emirundi n’emirundi, naye Setaani n’atuziyiza.
19 For what gives us hope, what makes us happy, what we are really proud of as we stand before our Lord Jesus Christ when he comes back—is having you there too!
Kale Mukama waffe Yesu bw’alijja, si mmwe mulibeera essuubi n’essanyu lyaffe, n’engule ey’okwenyumiriza kwaffe?
20 You are our pride and joy!
Kubanga mmwe kitiibwa kyaffe era essanyu lyaffe.

< 1 Thessalonians 2 >