< 1 Corinthians 16 >

1 Now about “collecting money for fellow-believers.” I'm giving you the same instructions for you to follow as I did to the churches in Galatia.
Nene nbelen mapitiru pitiru nanit alau, nafo na nna bellin anan dortu Kutellẹ nati nlira in Galantiya, nanere anung wang sun.
2 On the first day of the week everybody should set aside some money you've earned. I don't want there to be any collections to have to be made when I'm with you.
Liri lin cizinu nayiri kuzor, na kogha mine rafa imoimon likot ligan kayiri me. Asa nda na mapitiru pitire ma yituku ba.
3 When I get there I will write recommendation letters for whoever you choose, and they will take your donation to Jerusalem.
Asa nda duru, alenge na anung yinna mung, mba tu nani nin niyerti idi ni mapitiru pitiru mine in Urshalima.
4 If it works out for me to go too, they can come with me.
Andi uma caunu meng wang do, ima du nan mi.
5 After I've been to Macedonia, I plan to come and visit you. I pass that way through Macedonia
Mba dak kitime, asa nda kata in Makidoniya-bara nma katun Makidoniya.
6 and I may stay with you for a while, perhaps spend the winter, and then you can send me on my way to wherever I'm headed.
Nmoti nanghinuere mbaso udu kubin pitiru kiti, bara inan buni ncinnighe, vat kiti kanga na nma du.
7 This time I don't want to come and see you for just a short time. I hope I can stay for a while with you, if that's what the Lord permits.
Bara na ndi nin su in yene munu nene nan nya kubiri bat ba, ndi cissu kibinayi ntinayiri gbardang nan ghinu, andi Cikilare in yinna.
8 However, I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost,
Vat nani meng ba so in Afisos nduru kubin pentecost,
9 because a tremendous door of opportunity has opened up for me there, though there are plenty who oppose me.
Vat nin woru katwa puni pash, a anan shina yita ku gbardang.
10 Now if Timothy arrives, make sure that he has nothing to fear by being with you, for he's working for the Lord just as I am.
Nene asa Timitawus nda, na aso nan ghinu sa fiu, bara adin su katwa in Cikilari nafo menghe.
11 Don't let anyone look down on him. Cheerfully send him on his way so he can come and see me—the brothers and sisters and I are waiting for him.
Na umong wa yasighe ba. Buno ghe nya shewu anan da kiti ning, bara ndin cissu iyizi in yene ghe ada ligowe nan nya linuana.
12 As for our brother Apollos: I urged him to go and see you together with the other believers, but he wasn't willing to go at the moment. He'll come and visit when he gets the chance.
Nengene ubelen Apolos gwana bit: Nna ghe likara kibinayi a dak kitimine nin linuana, na a yinna udake nene ba; ama dak asa ase kubi.
13 Stay alert. Stand firm in your trust in God. Take courage. Be strong.
Sun lissosi nca, yisinan nin nakara nan nya yinu sa uyenu mine, sun nafo nanilime, yitan nin nakara.
14 Whatever you do, do it in love.
Vat nimon ile na ima su sun nan nya kauna.
15 You know that Stephanas and his family were among the first converts in Achaia, and they dedicated themselves to helping God's people. I'm pleading with you, my brothers and sisters,
Iyiru anan kilarin Istifanas, inughere anan cizinun seru nlirun tucu Akaya, inughe na ni atimine kiti katwa nanit alau. Nene ndi minu kucukusu, nuana nilime nan nishono,
16 to respect their leadership, and everyone who helps the work with such dedication.
nakpan atimine kiti inmusu nanit ane, nin vat lenge na adin bunu nan nya katwa a anontizo ligowe nan ghirik.
17 I'm delighted that Stephanas, Fortunatas, and Achaicus have arrived here, for they did what you weren't able to.
Ndi su liburi libo nin dakin Istifanas, Furtunatus, a Akaikus; inun kulo kika na anun duku ba.
18 They have been a great source of encouragement to me, and to you. People like that deserve your recognition.
Bara ina da ghantini uruhu nighe nin na lele. Bara nani cau iyinni nin nimus nanit nafo alengene.
19 The churches of Asia send their greetings. Aquila and Priscilla, along with the church that meets in their home, send their best wishes.
Anan dortu Kutellẹ in Asiya din lissu minu. Akila nin Briskila din lissu nan nya NCikilari, nin nanan dortu Kutellẹ nan nya ngamine.
20 All the brothers and sisters here send their greetings. Greet one another affectionately.
Vat nuana nilime nan nishono din lissu minu. Lisson atimine nin ni lip icine.
21 I Paul write this greeting with my own hand.
Meng, Bulus, nsu ile iyerte nin nilip ncara ning.
22 Anyone who doesn't love the Lord should be excluded from the church. Come Lord!
Andi ko uyeme unit na adi nsu usun Cikalari ba, na utin nu kifo ghe. Na Cikilari bite dak!
23 May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
Na ubolu Ncikilari Yisa so nan ghinu.
24 My love to all of you in Christ Jesus. Amen.
Usu ning so nan ghinu vat nan nya Kristi Yisa. Uso nani.

< 1 Corinthians 16 >