< 1 Corinthians 15 >

1 Now I want to remind you about the good news I announced to you. You accepted it, and you have stood firm for it.
Nene nlizin minu, nuana nilime nan nishono, ubelen lirun ntucue na ndin belu minu, ulenge na ina seru inani yisin ku.
2 It is through this good news that you are saved if you hold on to the message that I gave you. Otherwise you trusted for nothing!
Na nya nnare ina se utucu, asa imino ligbulan nlire nin likara na ndin belu minu, andi na iyina mun ba iba so hem.
3 I passed on to you what I myself had also received, a message of vital importance: that Christ died for our sins, according to Scripture;
Bara meng nani minu nafo ucizunu nliru ulenge na meng wang na seru: Kristi na ku bara. alapi bitere nafo ubellun nliru Kutellẹ.
4 he was buried and was raised from the dead on the third day, again in accordance with Scripture.
Iwa kasughe, amini iwa fiyaghe kisseke liri lin tat nafo ubellun nliru Kutellẹ.
5 He appeared to Peter, then to the Twelve.
Awa durso litime kitin Kefas, nin kiti mine inun likure nin naba.
6 After that he appeared to more than five hundred brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still alive today, though some have died.
Kimal nani tutung awa durso litime kiti nuana nilime nin nshono na iwa katin akalt ataun nan nya kubi kurume, gbardan namon mine dunin lai udak kitimone, among mine namalu udu nmoro.
7 He appeared to James, then all the apostles.
Tutung awa duro litime kitin Yakub, akuru aduro litime. kiti nanan kadura me vat.
8 Last of all, he also appeared to me, someone born as it were at the wrong time.
Umalzinu vat, awa duro litime kitining, nafo gono kanga na ina marughe uyishi.
9 For I'm the least important apostle of all, not even fit to be called an apostle since I persecuted God's church.
Mere kabene nan nya nanan kadura me, na nbati iyicilai unan kadura me ba, bara meng kilari Kutellẹ wa neo.
10 But by God's grace I am what I am, and his grace given to me wasn't wasted. On the contrary I've worked harder than all of them—though not me, but God's grace working through me.
Nani ubolu Kutellẹ uni nta nmini nso ule na ndi, a ubolu me nme na una so hem ba. Nan nya nani, Nna katiza nani nin su katwa vat. Vat nani na mere wadi ba, ubolu Kutellẹri na udi ninmi.
11 So whether it's I or them, this is the message we shared with you that brought you to trust in God.
Bara nani sa meng sa inung, nanere tidin belu ulirun ntucue, nanere anung nyina mun.
12 Now if the message declares that Christ has been raised from the dead, how is it that some of you say there's no resurrection of the dead?
Nengene andi idin belu Kristi nafita nan nya nanan kul, nyizari among mine din belu au na ufitu nanan kul duku ba?
13 If there's no resurrection of the dead then Christ hasn't been raised either.
Andi na ufitu nanan kul duku, na ame Kristi wang ina fiyaghe ba.
14 And if Christ isn't raised, then our message we shared with you is pointless, and your trust in God is pointless too.
Andi na ina fiya Kristi kuba, to uwazi bite nso hem, a uyinu sa uyenu mine tutung nso hem.
15 In addition, we would be shown to be false witnesses of God when we testified that God raised Christ from the dead. But God didn't raise Christ from the dead if it's true that there's no resurrection.
Uma so tiso anan nba kinu kiti Kutellẹ, bara na tina ti ananba ti ta Kutellẹ, nworu ana fiya Kristi, a nani ana fiyaghe ba.
16 If the dead are not raised, then Christ hasn't been raised either,
Bara andi na ifiya anan kul ba, ame Kristi wang na ina fiyaghe ba.
17 and if Christ hasn't been raised, then your trust in God is useless, and you are still in your sins.
Andi na ina fiya Kristi ku ba, uyinu sa uyenu mine nso hemọ, inin du nan nya nalapi mine.
18 This also means that those who died in Christ are lost.
Inung alenge na ina kuzu nan nya Kristi inung tutung wang inana.
19 If our hope in Christ is only for this life, we're the most pitiful people of all!
Andi nan nya nlenge ulaiyere, cas tidi nin ciwu nayi udun nbu nan nya Kristi, nan nanit vat, tiso imon nkune kune.
20 But Christ has been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of the harvest from those who have died.
Nani ina fiya Kristi ku nan nya nanan kul, nonon cizinu na lenge na ina kuzu.
21 Just as death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead came through a man.
Bara na kitin nit urumari ukul na dak, kiti nit urumere wang ufitu nanan kul madak.
22 Just as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive.
Nafo na unuzun Adamu vat naku, nanere wang unuzun Kristi vat ma se ulai.
23 But each in their own turn: Christ the firstfruits, then those who belong to Christ when he comes.
Nani ko uyeme nin unme ucine: Kristi kumat ncizunu, nin dortu nij nalenge na idi anitin Kristi ima tinani ulai nin dak me.
24 After this comes the end, when Christ hands over the kingdom to God the Father, having destroyed all rulers, authorities, and powers.
Kimal nimaline, asa Kristi ma nakpu Kiping tigowe kiti Kutellẹ uciffe, kubi ko na aba musuzu tigo nin nanan tigowe a anang nagan.
25 Christ has to rule until he has put all his enemies under his feet.
Aba su tigoh me udu kubi kongo na ale na inari ame ba tumunu nshin nabunu me.
26 The last enemy that will be destroyed is death.
Unan ni vira nimaline na ima musuzu vat ukulari.
27 As Scripture says, “He put everything under his feet.” (Of course when it says “everything” is put under him it's obvious this doesn't refer to God who placed everything under Christ's authority.)
Bara, ''Anamalu uciu ko iyapin imon vat nshin nabunu me,'' kube na iworo ''a cau imon vat,'' udi kanang nworu na ulele nmunu ame ulenge na a cio ko iyapin imon na ame litime di nnanye ba.
28 When everything has been placed under Christ's authority, then the Son will also place himself under God's authority, so that God who gave the Son authority over everything may be all in all.
Vat ni lenge imon na ina nighe tigo kitene, na vat nimon ame usaunne litime ma ni litime kiti nlenge na ana ni imon vat kitime, Kutellẹ Ucif nan so vat nan nya vat.
29 Otherwise what will those people do who are baptized for the dead? If the dead are not raised at all, why then would people be baptized for them?
Andi na nani ba nyizari inung alenge alenge na idin tizu nani ubaptizima bara inung?
30 As for us, why do we place ourselves in danger hour after hour?
Iyaghari nta tissosin nan nya fiu ko kome kubi?
31 I die every day—let me say it bluntly, my brothers and sisters. This is just as sure as the pride I have for what Christ Jesus has done in you.
Nuana nilime nin nishono, ufo figiri nighe nin ghinue ulenge nan dimun nan nya Kristi Yisa Cikalari bit, meng belinmunu ulele: ndin kuzu nan nya kidowo kolome liri.
32 Humanly speaking, what would I gain by fighting with those people in Ephesus who were like wild animals, if the dead are not raised? If the dead are not raised, “let's eat and drink, for tomorrow we die”!
In kpina nin nyang, nafo inyenju nnit usurne, andi inwa su nnun nin ninawa tene in Afisas, andi na iba fiyu anan kule ba? Na ti li ti so, bara na tina ku nin kwui.
33 Don't be fooled: “bad company ruins good character.”
Na iwa rusuzu minu ba: ''Ligo nan nanan nakara ananza din nanzu lidu licine.''
34 Come to your senses as you should, and stop sinning! Some of you don't know God. I tell you this to shame you.
Fitan nan nya moro, sun lissosin li lau! Na iwa li ubun nin nalapi ba. Bara na among mine di nin yiru Kutellẹ ba, nbelle nani inan lanza ncing.
35 Of course somebody will ask, “How exactly are the dead raised? What kind of body will they have?”
Umon ma woru ''iba fiwu anan kul inyizari? Nin niyapi nidowari iba sa?''
36 What a foolish question! What you sow doesn't sprout into life unless it dies.
Anung anan tanni! Imong ilenge na ibilisa na iba cizunu tikuna ba andi na ibijo ba.
37 When you sow, you don't sow the plant it will grow into, just the bare seed, whether wheat or whatever you're planting.
Imus ilenge na ubilisa na ima nuzu nin kani kidowe ba, bara ima yitu imusari cas, ima nin dẹ kpilio iso ileu sa imoimon ugan.
38 God makes the plant grow into the form he has chosen, and different seeds produce different plants with different forms.
Kutellẹ ma ni fining kidowo ka na ame fere, tutung ko fome fimus nin kinme kidowe.
39 What living things are made from is not the same. Human beings have one kind of body tissue, while animals have another, birds another, and fish another.
Nidowo dizi ngangang, kin nit usurne duku, kin finawan ntene duku, kin kuyin duku, a kin fiboa yita ku.
40 There are heavenly bodies and earthly bodies. Heavenly bodies have one kind of beauty, earthly bodies another.
Nidowo duku tutung nin kitene a nin yii yita ku. Ngogon nidowo kitene kane di ugan a ngogon nidowo inyii ugang.
41 The sun shines in one way, and the moon another, while the stars are different again, with each one shining in a different way.
Nmong ngogong duku min wui, a nmong ngogon ku min pwui, a nmong ku min niyini, bara ngogong nfong fiyini di ugang nin nfong fiyini.
42 It's the same with the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown in decay; it is raised to last forever.
Nanere wang ufizu nanan kul. Ibila kining nan nya biju, iba fiu kining nin salin biju.
43 It is sown in shame; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power.
Ibila kining nan nya nsalin ngogong, ifiya kining nan nya ngogong. Ibila kining nan nya nsali likara ifiya kining nin likara.
44 It is sown as a natural body; it is raised as a spiritual body. Just as there are natural bodies there are spiritual bodies.
Ibila kining nan nya kidowo, ifiya kining nan nya kidowo nruhu. Andi kidowo nkul duku nanere wang kidowo nruhu duku.
45 As Scripture says, “The first man, Adam, became a living being;” but the last Adam a life-giving spirit.
Nanere tutung ina nyertin, '' unit un cizune Adamu wa so unan lai,'' Adamu nimalin so uruhun nnizun lai.
46 The spiritual did not come first, but the natural—the spiritual came after that.
Na kin ruhuere wa tu kidaba kishowo nin kidughe kin ruhue nin da.
47 The first man is from the dust of the earth; the second man is from heaven.
Unit uncizune kunan minari, iwa keghe nin lidau. Unit unba na nanuzu kitene kani.
48 Earthly people are like the man made from the earth; heavenly people are like the man from heaven.
Nafo na ulenge na ina keghe nin lidau di, nanere wang alenge na ina ke nani nin lidau di. Nafo na unan kitene kane di, nanere wang inung alenge na idi anan kitene kane di.
49 Just as we bore the likeness of the earthly man so we shall bear the likeness of the man from heaven.
Nafo na tina yiru umuro nnit unan lidau, nanere wang tiba kuru tiyiru umuro nnit kitene kani.
50 However, I tell you this, my brothers and sisters: our present bodies cannot inherit the kingdom of God. These decaying bodies cannot inherit what lasts forever.
Nene nbele ule ulirue, nuana nilime nin nishono, nya kidowo nin mii iwasa isu ugadu kipin tigo Kutellẹ ba, nanere wang kidowo in bijuzu wasa kisu ugadun kin salin bijuzu ba.
51 Listen, I'm going to reveal a mystery! Not all of us will die—but we will all be changed,
Yeneng! Nbellin minu kidegen kanga na ki nyeshin. Na vat bitari ba kuba, vat bite ima kpiliwu nari.
52 in a moment, in the blink of an eye, at the sound of the last trumpet. The trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised never to die again, and we will be changed.
Ima kpiliwu nari nin kubi cingiling, nini kpesh nin niyizi, nin wulsunu kulantun nimaline. Bara ba dunu, ima nin fiwu anan kul nin nidowon salin bijuzu, ima nin kpiliwu nari.
53 For this perishable body must be clothed with a body that never perishes. This mortal life must be clothed with immortality.
Umaso gbas kidowo kin bijuzu shon usalin bijuzu, kidowo nkul shon kin sali nkul.
54 When this perishable body has been clothed with a body that never perishes, and this mortal life has been clothed with immortality, then the Scripture will come true that says, “Death has been totally conquered and destroyed.
Asa kin bijuzue nshono kin salin bijuzue, kidowo nkul shono usali nkul, kubi konere uliru ulenge na iwa nyertin manin kulu, ''Imila ukul nan nya nnasara''
55 Death—where's your victory? Death—where's your sting?” (Hadēs g86)
''Ukul, unasara fe dinwe? ukul lito fe din we?'' (Hadēs g86)
56 The sting that causes death is sin; and the power of sin is the law;
Lito nkul kulaperi, a likara kulapi udukari.
57 but praise God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Vat nin nani, liburi libo bit di kiti Kutellẹ, ulenge na ana ni nari unasara nan nya NCikilari bite, Yisa Kristi!
58 So my dear brothers and sisters: be strong, stand firm, doing everything you can for the Lord's work, since you know that nothing you do in the Lord is wasted.
Bara nani, nuana insu ni nilime nan nishono, yisinan nin nakara, sa ucancanu, ko kome kubi ikpizin ngbardang nan. nya katwa NCikilare, bara iyiru na katwa mine kitin Cikilare maso kahem ba.

< 1 Corinthians 15 >