< Psalms 9 >

1 Unto the end. For the secrets of the Son. A Psalm of David. I will confess to you, Lord, with my whole heart. I will recount all your wonders.
Don mai bi da kaɗe-kaɗe. Ga muryar “Mutuwar Ɗa.” Zabura ta Dawuda. Zan yabe ka, ya Ubangiji, da dukan zuciyata; zan faɗa dukan abubuwan banmamakinka.
2 I will rejoice and exult in you. I will sing a psalm to your name, O Most High.
Zan yi murna in kuma yi farin ciki a cikinka; zan rera yabo ga sunanka, ya Mafi Ɗaukaka.
3 For my enemy will be turned back. They will be weakened and perish before your face.
Abokan gābana sun ja da baya; suka yi tuntuɓe suka hallaka a gabanka.
4 For you have accomplished my judgment and my cause. You have sat upon the throne that judges justice.
Gama ka tabbata da gaskiyata da kuma abin da nake yi; ka zauna a kujerarka, kana yin shari’a da adalci.
5 You have rebuked the Gentiles, and the impious one has perished. You have deleted their name in eternity and for all generations.
Ka tsawata wa ƙasashe ka kuma hallakar da mugaye; ka shafe sunansu har abada abadin.
6 The spears of the enemy have failed in the end, and their cities, you have destroyed. Their memory has perished with a loud noise.
Lalaci marar ƙarewa ya cimma abokan gābanmu, ka tuttumɓuke biranensu; yadda ma ba aka ƙara tunaninsu.
7 But the Lord remains in eternity. He has prepared his throne in judgment.
Ubangiji yana mulki har abada; ya kafa kujerarsa don shari’a.
8 And he will judge the whole world in equity. He will judge the people in justice.
Zai hukunta duniya da adalci; zai yi mulkin mutane cikin gaskiya.
9 And the Lord has become a refuge for the poor, a helper in opportunity, in tribulation.
Ubangiji shi ne mafakan waɗanda ake danniya, mafaka a lokutan wahala.
10 And may they hope in you, who know your name. For you have not abandoned those seeking you, Lord.
Waɗanda suka san sunanka za su dogara da kai, gama kai, Ubangiji, ba ka taɓa yashe waɗanda suke nemanka ba.
11 Sing a psalm to the Lord, who dwells in Zion. Announce his study among the Gentiles.
Rera yabai ga Ubangiji, wanda yake zaune a kursiyi a Sihiyona; yi shela a cikin al’ummai abin da ya aikata.
12 Because of those who yearned for their blood, he has remembered them. He has not forgotten the cry of the poor.
Gama shi da yakan ɗauki fansa a kan mai kisa yakan tuna; ba ya ƙyale kukan masu wahala.
13 Have mercy on me, Lord. See my humiliation from my enemies.
Ya Ubangiji, dubi yadda abokan gābana suna tsananta mini! Ka yi jinƙai ka kuma ɗaga ni daga ƙofofin mutuwa,
14 You lift me up from the gates of death, so that I may announce all your praises at the gates of the daughter of Zion.
don in furta yabanka cikin ƙofofin’Yar Sihiyona a can kuwa in yi farin ciki cikin cetonka.
15 I will exult in your salvation. The Gentiles have become trapped in the ruin that they made. Their foot has been caught in the same snare that they themselves had hidden.
Al’umma sun fāɗa cikin ramin da suka haƙa wa waɗansu; aka kama ƙafafunsu a ragar da suka ɓoye.
16 The Lord will be recognized when making judgments. The sinner has been caught in the works of his own hands. (Pause)
An san Ubangiji ta wurin gaskiyarsa; an kama mugaye da aikin hannuwansu. Haggayiyon. (Sela)
17 The sinners will be turned into Hell: all the Gentiles who have forgotten God. (Sheol h7585)
Mugaye za su koma kabari, dukan al’umman da suka manta da Allah. (Sheol h7585)
18 For the poor will not be forgotten in the end. The patience of the poor will not perish in the end.
Amma har abada ba za a manta da mai bukata ba, ba kuwa sa zuciyar mai wahala zai taɓa hallaka.
19 Rise up, Lord: do not let man be strengthened. Let the Gentiles be judged in your sight.
Ka tashi, ya Ubangiji, kada ka bar wani yă yi nasara; bari a hukunta al’ummai a gabanka.
20 O Lord, establish a lawgiver over them, so that the Gentiles may know that they are only men. (Pause)
Ka buge su da rawar jiki, ya Ubangiji; bari al’ummai su sani su mutane ne kurum. (Sela)

< Psalms 9 >