< Psalms 101 >

1 A Psalm of David himself. I will sing mercy and judgment to you, O Lord. I will sing psalms.
Милость и суд воспою Тебе, Господи:
2 And I will have understanding within the immaculate way, when you will draw near to me. I wandered about in the innocence of my heart, in the midst of my house.
пою и разумею в пути непорочне: когда приидеши ко мне? Прехождах в незлобии сердца моего посреде дому моего.
3 I will not display any unjust thing before my eyes. I have hated those carrying out betrayals.
Не предлагах пред очима моима вещь законопреступную: творящыя преступление возненавидех.
4 The perverse heart did not adhere to me. And the malignant, who turned away before me, I would not recognize.
Не прильпе мне сердце строптиво: уклоняющагося от мене лукаваго не познах.
5 The one who secretly detracted his neighbor, this one I pursued. The one with an arrogant eye and an insatiable heart, with that one I would not eat.
Оклеветающаго тай искренняго своего, сего изгонях: гордым оком и несытым сердцем, с сим не ядях.
6 My eyes looked toward the faithful of the earth, to sit with me. The one walking in the immaculate way, this one ministered to me.
Очи мои на верныя земли, посаждати я со мною: ходяй по пути непорочну, сей ми служаше.
7 He who has acted arrogantly will not dwell in the midst of my house. He who has spoken iniquity was not guided with the sight of my eyes.
Не живяше посреде дому моего творяй гордыню: глаголяй неправедная не исправляше пред очима моима.
8 In the morning, I executed all the sinners of the earth, so that I might scatter all the workers of iniquity from the city of the Lord.
Воутрия избивах вся грешныя земли, еже потребити от града Господня вся делающыя беззаконие.

< Psalms 101 >