< Psalms 10 >

1 So then, why, O Lord, have you withdrawn far away? Why have you overlooked us in opportunity, in tribulation?
耶和華啊,你為甚麼站在遠處? 在患難的時候為甚麼隱藏?
2 While the impious is arrogant, the poor is enflamed. They are held by the counsels that they devise.
惡人在驕橫中把困苦人追得火急; 願他們陷在自己所設的計謀裏。
3 For the sinner is praised by the desires of his soul, and the iniquitous is blessed.
因為惡人以心願自誇; 貪財的背棄耶和華,並且輕慢他。
4 The sinner has provoked the Lord; according to the multitude of his wrath, he will not seek him.
惡人面帶驕傲,說:耶和華必不追究; 他一切所想的都以為沒有上帝。
5 God is not before his sight. His ways are stained at all times. Your judgments are removed from his face. He will be master of all his enemies.
凡他所做的,時常穩固; 你的審判超過他的眼界。 至於他一切的敵人, 他都向他們噴氣。
6 For he has said in his heart, “I will not be disturbed: from generation to generation without evil.”
他心裏說:我必不動搖, 世世代代不遭災難。
7 His mouth is full of curses, and bitterness, and deceit. Under his tongue are hardship and sorrow.
他滿口是咒罵、詭詐、欺壓, 舌底是毒害、奸惡。
8 He sits in ambush, with resources in hidden places, so that he may execute the innocent.
他在村莊埋伏等候; 他在隱密處殺害無辜的人。 他的眼睛窺探無倚無靠的人;
9 His eyes catch sight of the poor. He lies in ambush, in hiding like a lion in his den. He lies in ambush, so that he may seize the poor, to seize the poor as he draws him in.
他埋伏在暗地,如獅子蹲在洞中。 他埋伏,要擄去困苦人; 他拉網,就把困苦人擄去。
10 With his snare, he will bring him down. He will crouch down and pounce, when he has power over the poor.
他屈身蹲伏, 無倚無靠的人就倒在他爪牙 之下。
11 For he has said in his heart, “God has forgotten, he has turned away his face, lest he see to the end.”
他心裏說:上帝竟忘記了; 他掩面永不觀看。
12 O Lord God, rise up. Let your hand be exalted. Do not forget the poor.
耶和華啊,求你起來! 上帝啊,求你舉手,不要忘記困苦人!
13 How has the impious one provoked God? For he has said in his heart, “He will not inquire.”
惡人為何輕慢上帝, 心裏說:你必不追究?
14 You do see, for you examine hardship and sorrow, so that you may deliver them into your hands. The poor one has been abandoned to you. You will be a helper to the orphan.
其實你已經觀看; 因為奸惡毒害,你都看見了, 為要以手施行報應。 無倚無靠的人把自己交託你; 你向來是幫助孤兒的。
15 Break the arm of the sinner and the malicious. His sin will be sought, and it will not be found.
願你打斷惡人的膀臂; 至於壞人,願你追究他的惡,直到淨盡。
16 The Lord shall reign in eternity, even forever and ever. You will perish the Gentiles from his land.
耶和華永永遠遠為王; 外邦人從他的地已經滅絕了。
17 The Lord has heeded the desire of the poor. Your ear has listened to the preparation of their heart,
耶和華啊,謙卑人的心願, 你早已知道。 你必預備他們的心, 也必側耳聽他們的祈求,
18 so as to judge for the orphan and the humble, so that man may no longer presume to magnify himself upon the earth.
為要給孤兒和受欺壓的人伸冤, 使強橫的人不再威嚇他們。

< Psalms 10 >