< Proverbs 7 >

1 My son, guard my words and conceal my precepts within you.
Pitit mwen, chonje sa m'ap moutre ou la a. Pa janm bliye sa m'ap di ou pou fè a.
2 Son, preserve my commandments, and you shall live. And keep my law as the pupil of your eye.
Si ou fè sa m'ap di ou pou fè a, w'a viv. Konsidere sa m' moutre ou la tankou de grenn je nan tèt ou.
3 Bind it with your fingers; write it on the tablets of your heart.
Mete li nan tout dwèt ou tankou bag, kenbe li nan kè ou pou ou pa janm bliye l'.
4 Say to wisdom, “You are my sister,” and call prudence your friend.
Konsidere konesans tankou sè ou. Konsidere bon konprann tankou pi bon zanmi ou.
5 So may she guard you from the woman who is an outsider, and from the stranger who sweetens her words.
Y'ap fè ou rete lwen madanm lòt moun. Yo p'ap kite ou pran nan pawòl dous madan marye ki nan dezòd.
6 For I gaze from the window of my house, through the lattice,
Yon jou, antan mwen nan fennèt lakay mwen, mwen t'ap gade nan fant jalouzi a.
7 and I see little ones. I consider a frenzied youth,
Mwen wè anpil jenn gason san esperyans nan lavi. Te gen yonn ladan yo menm ki te fin fou.
8 who crosses the street at the corner and close to the way of that house.
Li t'ap mache nan lari a, li rive bò kay yon fanm. Konsa, konsa, li pran chemen ki mennen kay fanm lan.
9 He steps into shadows, as day becomes evening, into the darkness and gloom of the night.
Le sa a solèy te kouche, te fin fè nwa.
10 And behold, a woman meets him, dressed like a harlot, prepared to captivate souls: chattering and rambling,
Madanm lan menm vin kontre li. Li te abiye tankou yon jennès, ak tout plan l' dèyè tèt li.
11 unwilling to bear silence, unable to keep her feet at home,
Fanm lan te gen je chèch, li pa t' wont anyen. Li pa t' kapab rete chita lakay li.
12 now outside, now in the streets, now lying in ambush near the corners.
Li toupatou nan lari, sou laplas, nan tout kalfou. L'ap veye, je l' toupatou.
13 And overtaking the youth, she kisses him, and with a provocative face, she flatters him, saying:
Li pase bra l' nan kou ti jennonm lan. Li bo li, li klere je l' nan je l', li di l':
14 “I vowed sacrifices for well-being. Today I have repaid my vows.
Mwen te gen pou m' ofri yon bèt pou yo touye pou di Bondye mèsi. Se jòdi a mwen kit ak angajman mwen an.
15 Because of this, I have gone out to meet you, desiring to see you, and I have found you.
Se poutèt sa, mwen vin kontre ou. Mwen t'ap chache ou, mwen jwenn ou.
16 I have woven my bed with cords. I have strewn it with embroidered tapestries from Egypt.
Mwen ranje kabann mwen ak bon jan dra. Mwen mete bèl dra koulè ki soti peyi Lejip sou kabann mwen.
17 I have sprinkled my bed with myrrh, aloe, and cinnamon.
Mwen fè kabann mwen santi bon. Mwen vide odè flè jasmen, womaren ak kannèl sou li.
18 Come, let us be inebriated in abundance, and let us delight in the embraces of desire, until the day begins to dawn.
Vini non! Ann al damou jouk li jou. Annou pran plezi nou. Ann fè doudous jouk nou sou.
19 For my husband is not in his house. He has gone away on a very long journey.
Mari m' pa la, li pati, li al fè yon vwayaj byen lwen.
20 He took with him a bag of money. He will return to his house on the day of the full moon.”
Li pati ak anpil lajan nan pòch li. Li p'ap tounen anvan kenz jou.
21 She enmeshed him with many words, and she drew him forward with the flattery of her lips.
Se konsa, fanm lan fin pran tèt ti jennonm lan. Ak bèl pawòl dous li yo, li fè l' asepte.
22 Immediately, he follows her, like an ox being led to the sacrifice, and like a lamb acting lasciviously, and not knowing that he is being drawn foolishly into chains,
Jennonm lan pran swiv li, tankou bèf y'ap mennen labatwa, tankou kabrit yo pran nan pèlen
23 until the arrow pierces his liver. It is just as if a bird were to hurry into the snare. And he does not know that his actions endanger his own soul.
k'ap tann yo vin koupe tèt li, tankou zwazo k'ap mache sou pèlen san li pa konnen lavi l' an danje.
24 Therefore, my son, hear me now, and attend to the words of my mouth.
Koulye a, pitit mwen yo, koute byen. Louvri zòrèy nou, tande sa m'ap di nou.
25 Do not let your mind be pulled into her ways. And do not be deceived by her paths.
Pa kite kè nou bat pou fanm konsa. Pa kite li fè nou pèdi chemen nou.
26 For she has tossed aside many wounded, and some of those who were very strong have been slain by her.
Li lakòz anpil gason tonbe mouri. Li lakòz anpil vanyan gason pèdi lavi yo.
27 Her household is the way to Hell, reaching even to the inner places of death. (Sheol h7585)
Depi ou mete pye lakay li, ou sou chemen lanmò. W'ap desann yon pant k'ap mennen ou tou dwat nan simityè. (Sheol h7585)

< Proverbs 7 >