< Job 31 >

1 I reached an agreement with my eyes, that I would not so much as think about a virgin.
Завет положих очима моима, да не помышлю на девицу.
2 For what portion should God from above hold for me, and what inheritance should the Almighty from on high keep?
И что удели Бог свыше, и наследие Всесильнаго от вышних?
3 Is not destruction held for the wicked and repudiation kept for those who work injustice?
Увы, пагуба неправдивому и отчуждение творящым беззаконие.
4 Does he not examine my ways and number all my steps?
Не Сам ли узрит путь мой и вся стопы моя изочтет?
5 If I have walked in vanity, or if my foot has hurried towards deceitfulness,
Аще ходих с посмеятели, и аще потщася нога моя на лесть,
6 let him weigh me in a just balance, and let God know my simplicity.
стах бо на мериле праведне, виде же Господь незлобие мое.
7 If my steps have turned aside from the way, or if my heart has followed my eyes, or if a blemish has clung to my hands,
Аще уклонися нога моя от пути, аще и вслед ока моего иде сердце мое, и аще рукама моима прикоснухся даров,
8 then may I sow, and let another consume, and let my offspring be eradicated.
да посею убо, а инии да поядят, без корене же да бых был на земли.
9 If my heart has been deceived over a woman, or if I have waited in ambush at my friend’s door,
Аще вслед иде сердце мое жены мужа инаго, и аще приседяй бых при дверех ея,
10 then let my wife be the harlot of another, and let other men lean over her.
угодна убо буди и жена моя иному мужу, младенцы же мои смирени да будут:
11 For this is a crime and a very great injustice.
ярость бо гнева не удержана, еже осквернити мужа инаго жену:
12 It is a fire devouring all the way to perdition, and it roots out all that springs forth.
огнь бо есть горяй на вся страны, идеже найдет, из корения погубит.
13 If I have despised being subject to judgment with my servant or my maid, when they had any complaint against me,
Аще же презрех суд раба моего или рабыни, прящымся им предо мною:
14 then what will I do when God rises to judge, and, when he inquires, how will I respond to him?
что бо сотворю, аще испытание сотворит ми Господь? Аще же и посещение, кий ответ сотворю?
15 Is not he who created me in the womb, also he who labored to make him? And did not one and the same form me in the womb?
Еда не якоже и аз бех во чреве, и тии быша? Бехом же в томже чреве.
16 If I have denied the poor what they wanted and have made the eyes of the widow wait;
Немощнии же, аще когда чесого требоваху, не не получиша, вдовича же ока не презрех.
17 if I have eaten my morsel of food alone, while orphans have not eaten from it;
Аще же и хлеб мой ядох един и сирому не преподах от него:
18 (for from my infancy mercy grew with me, and it came out with me from my mother’s womb; )
понеже от юности моея кормих якоже отец, и от чрева матере моея наставлях:
19 if I have looked down on him who was perishing because he had no clothing and the poor without any covering,
аще же презрех нага погибающа и не облекох его:
20 if his sides have not blessed me, and if he were not warmed with the fleece of my sheep;
немощнии же аще не благословиша мя, от стрижения же агнцев моих согрешася плещы их:
21 if I have lifted up my hand over an orphan, even when it might seem to me that I have the advantage over him at the gate;
аще воздвигох на сироту руку, надеяся, яко многа помощь мне есть:
22 then may my shoulder fall from its joint, and may my arm, with all its bones, be broken.
да отпадет убо рамо мое от состава, мышца же моя от лактя да сокрушится:
23 For I have always feared God, like waves flowing over me, whose weight I was unable to bear.
страх бо Господень объя мя, и от тягости Его не стерплю.
24 If I have considered gold to be my strength, or if I have called purified gold ‘my Trust;’
Аще вчиних злато в крепость мою и аще на камения многоценная надеяхся,
25 if I have rejoiced over my great success, and over the many things my hand has obtained;
аще же и возвеселихся, многу ми богатству сущу, аще же и на безчисленных положих руку мою:
26 if I gazed upon the sun when it shined and the moon advancing brightly,
или не видим солнца возсиявшаго оскудевающа, луны же умаляющияся? Не в них бо есть:
27 so that my heart rejoiced in secret and I kissed my hand with my mouth,
и аще прельстися отай сердце мое, аще и руку мою положив на устах моих лобзах:
28 which is a very great iniquity and a denial against the most high God;
и сие ми убо в беззаконие превелие да вменится, яко солгах пред Богом Вышним.
29 if I have been glad at the ruin of him who hated me and have exulted that evil found him,
Аще же обрадовахся о падении враг моих, и рече сердце мое: благоже, благоже:
30 for I have not been given my throat to sin by asking for a curse on his soul;
да услышит убо ухо мое клятву мою, озлославлен же да буду от людий моих озлобляемь.
31 if the men around my tabernacle have not said: “He might give us some of his food, so that we will be filled,”
Аще же и многажды реша рабыни моя: кто убо дал бы нам от плотей его насытитися, зело мне благу сущу?
32 for the foreigner did not remain at the door, my door was open to the traveler;
И вне не водворяшеся странник, дверь же моя всякому приходящему отверста бе.
33 if, as man does, I have hidden my sin and have concealed my iniquity in my bosom;
Аще же и согрешая неволею, скрых грех мой:
34 if I became frightened by an excessive crowd, and the disrespect of close relatives alarmed me, so that I would much rather have remained silent or have gone out the door;
не посрамихся бо народнаго множества, еже не поведати пред ними: аще же и оставих маломощнаго изыти из дверий моих тщим недром: (аще бы не убоялся).
35 then, would he grant me a hearing, so that the Almighty would listen to my desire, and he who judges would himself write a book,
Кто даст слушающаго мене? Руки же Господни аще бых не убоялся, писание же, еже имех на кого,
36 which I would then carry on my shoulder and wrap around me like a crown?
на плещах возложив аки венец, читах,
37 With each of my steps, I would pronounce and offer it, as if to a prince.
и аще не раздрав его отдах, ничтоже взем от должника:
38 So, if my land cries out against me, and if its furrows weep with it,
аще на мя когда земля возстена, аще и бразды ея восплакашася вкупе:
39 if I have used its fruits for nothing but money and have afflicted the souls of its tillers,
аще и силу ея ядох един без цены, или аще и душу господина земли взем оскорбих:
40 then, may thistles spring forth for me instead of grain, and thorns instead of barley. (This ended the words of Job.)
вместо пшеницы да взыдет ми кропива, а вместо ячменя терние.

< Job 31 >