< Isaiah 64 >

1 I wish that you would rend the heavens, and then descend! The mountains would flow away before your face.
Аще отверзеши небо, трепет приимут от Тебе горы и растают,
2 They would melt, as if thoroughly burned by fire. The waters would burn with fire, so that your name might be made known to your enemies, so that the nations would be stirred up before your face.
яко тает воск от лица огня, и попалит огнь супостаты, и явлено будет имя Твое в сопротивных Твоих: от лица Твоего языцы возмятутся:
3 When you will perform miracles, we will not be able to withstand them. You descended, and the mountains flowed away before your presence.
егда сотвориши славная, трепет приимут от Тебе горы.
4 From ages past, they have not heard it, and they have not perceived it with the ears. Apart from you, O God, the eye has not seen what you have prepared for those who await you.
От века не слышахом, ниже очи наши видеша бога, разве Тебе, и дела Твоя, яже сотвориши ждущым милости.
5 You have met with those who rejoice in doing justice. By your ways, they will remember you. Behold, you have been angry, for we have sinned. In this, we have continued, but we will be saved.
Милость бо срящет творящих правду, и пути Твоя помянутся: се, Ты разгневался еси, и мы согрешихом.
6 And we have all become like the unclean. And all our justices are like a rag of menstruation. And we have all fallen away, like a leaf. And our iniquities have carried us away, like the wind.
Сего ради заблудихом и быхом яко нечисти вси мы, якоже порт нечистыя вся правда наша, и отпадохом яко листвие беззаконий ради наших: тако ветр восхитит нас.
7 There is no one who calls upon your name, who rises up and holds fast to you. You have concealed your face from us, and you have crushed us with the hand of our own iniquity.
И несть призываяй имя Твое и помянувый удержати Тя: яко отвратил еси лице Твое от нас и предал ны еси беззаконий ради наших.
8 And now, O Lord, you are our Father, yet truly, we are clay. And you are our Maker, and we are all the works of your hands.
И ныне, Господи, Отец наш еси Ты, мы же брение, дела руку Твоею вси:
9 Do not be so angry, O Lord, and no longer call to mind our iniquity. Behold, consider that we are all your people.
не прогневайся на ны зело и не помяни во время беззаконий наших, и ныне призри, яко людие Твои вси мы.
10 The city of your sanctuary has become a desert. Zion has become a desert. Jerusalem is desolate.
Град святилища Твоего бысть пуст, Сион якоже пустыня бысть, Иерусалим на проклятие:
11 The house of our sanctification and of our glory, where our fathers praised you, has been completely consumed by fire, and all our admirable things have been turned into ruins.
дом святый наш и слава, юже благословиша отцы наши, бысть огнем пожжен, и вся славная наша купно падоша.
12 Should you restrain yourself, O Lord, concerning these things? Should you remain silent, and afflict us vehemently?
И о всех сих терпел еси, Господи, и молчал, и смирил еси ны зело.

< Isaiah 64 >