< Isaiah 47 >

1 Descend, sit in the dust, O virgin daughter of Babylon! Sit on the ground. There is no throne for the daughter of the Chaldeans. For you shall no longer be called delicate and tender.
“Ki gangara, ki zauna a ƙura, Budurwa Diyar Babilon; ki zauna a ƙasa ba tare da rawani ba, Diyar Babiloniyawa. Ba za a ƙara kira ke marar ƙarfi’yar gata ba.
2 Take a millstone and grind meal. Uncover your shame, bare your shoulder, reveal your legs, cross the streams.
Ɗauki dutsen niƙa ki niƙa gari; ki kware lulluɓinki. Ki ɗaga fatarinki ki bar ƙafafunki tsirara, ki kuma yi ta ratsa cikin rafuffuka.
3 Your disgrace will be revealed, and your shame will be seen. I will seize vengeance, and no man will withstand me.
Tsirararki zai bayyana za a kuma buɗe kunyarki. Zan ɗauki fansa; ba zan bar wani ba.”
4 Our Redeemer, the Lord of hosts is his name, the Holy One of Israel.
Mai Fansarmu, Ubangiji Maɗaukaki shi ne sunansa, shi ne Mai Tsarkin nan na Isra’ila.
5 Sit in silence, and enter into darkness, O daughter of the Chaldeans! For you shall no longer be called the noblewoman of kingdoms.
“Zauna shiru, tafi cikin duhu, Diyar Babiloniya; ba za a ƙara kira ke sarauniyar masarautai.
6 I was angry with my people. I have polluted my inheritance, and I have given them into your hand. You have not shown mercy to them. You have greatly increased the burden of your yoke upon the elders.
Na yi fushi da mutanena na ƙazantar da gādona; na ba su ga hannunki, ba ki kuwa nuna musu jinƙai ba. Har ma da tsofaffi kin jibga musu kaya masu nauyi sosai.
7 And you have said: “I will be a noblewoman forever.” You have not set these things upon your heart, and you have not remembered your end.
Kika ce, ‘Zan ci gaba har abada, madawwamiyar sarauniya!’ Amma ba ki lura da waɗannan abubuwa ko ki yi la’akari a kan abin da zai faru ba.
8 And now, hear these things, you who are delicate and have confidence, who say in your heart: “I am, and there is no one greater than me. I will not sit as a widow, and I will not know barrenness.”
“To, yanzu fa, ki kasa kunne, ke mai ƙaunar nishaɗi, mai zama da rai kwance kina kuma ce wa kanki, ‘Ni ce, kuma babu wani in ban da ni. Ba zan taɓa zama gwauruwa ko in sha wahalar rashin’ya’ya ba.’
9 These two things will suddenly overwhelm you in one day: barrenness and widowhood. All things shall overwhelm you, because of the multitude of your sorceries and because of the great cruelty of your enchantments.
Duk waɗannan za su sha kanki cikin farat ɗaya, a rana guda, rashin’ya’ya da gwauranci. Za su zo a kanki da cikakken minzani, duk da yawan masu dubanki da kuma dukan sihirinki.
10 And you have trusted in your malice, and you have said: “There is no one who sees me.” Your wisdom and your knowledge, these have deceived you. And you have said in your heart: “I am, and beside me there is no other.”
Kin dogara a muguntarki kika kuma ce, ‘Babu wanda ya gan ni.’ Hikimarki da saninki sun ɓad da ke sa’ad da kika ce wa kanki, ‘Ni ce, kuma babu wani in ban da ni.’
11 Evil will overwhelm you, and you will not notice its rising. And calamity will fall violently over you, and you will not be able to avert it. You will suddenly be overwhelmed by a misery such as you have never known.
Bala’i zai fāɗo a kanki, kuma ba za ki san yadda za ki rinjaye shi yă janye ba. Masifa za tă fāɗo a kanki da ba za ki iya tsai da ita da kuɗin fansa ba; lalacewar da ba ki taɓa mafarkinta ba za tă auko miki nan da nan.
12 Stand with your incantations, and with the multitude of your sorceries, in which you have labored from your youth, as if somehow it might benefit you, or as if it were able to make you stronger.
“Ki dai ci gaba, da sihirinki da kuma makarunki masu yawa, waɗanda kika yi ta wahala tun kina jaririya. Mai yiwuwa ki yi nasara, mai yiwuwa ki jawo fargaba.
13 You have failed in the multitude of your plans! Let the seers stand and save you, those who were contemplating the stars, and figuring the months, so that from these they might announce to you the things to come.
Dukan shawarwarin da kika samu sun dai gajiyar da ke ne kawai! Bari masananki na taurari su zo gaba, waɗannan masu zāna taswirar sammai suna kuma faɗa miki dukan abin da zai faru da ke wata-wata, bari su cece ki daga abin da zai faru da ke.
14 Behold, they have become like stubble. Fire has consumed them. They will not free themselves from the power of the flames. These are not coals by which they may be warmed, nor is this a fire which they may sit beside.
Tabbas suna kama da bunnu; wuta za tă cinye su ƙaf. Ba za su ma iya ceton kansu daga ikon wutar ba. Ba wutar da wani zai ji ɗumi; ba wutar da za a zauna kusa da ita.
15 So have all these things, in which you have labored, become to you. Your merchants from your youth, each one has erred in his own way. There is no one who can save you.
Abin da za su iya yi miki ke nan kawai, waɗannan da kika yi ta fama da su kika kuma yi ciniki da su tun kina jaririya. Kowannensu zai tafi cikin kuskurensa; babu ko ɗayan da zai cece ki.

< Isaiah 47 >