< Isaiah 45 >

1 Thus says the Lord to my anointed Cyrus, whose right hand I hold, so that I may subjugate the nations before his face, and I may turn the backs of kings, and I may open the doors before him, and so that the gates will not be shut.
Сице глаголет Господь Бог помазанному Моему Киру, егоже удержах за десницу, повинути пред ним языки, и крепость царей разрушу, отверзу пред ним врата, и гради не злтворятся:
2 I will go before you. And I will humble the glorious ones of the earth. I will shatter the gates of brass, and I will break apart the bars of iron.
Аз пред тобою пойду и горы уравню, врата медяная сокрушу и вереи железныя сломлю,
3 And I will give you hidden treasures and the knowledge of secret things, so that you may know that I am the Lord, the God of Israel, who calls your name.
и дам ти сокровища темная сокровенная: невидимая отверзу тебе, да увеси, яко Аз Господь Бог твой прозывая имя твое, Бог Израилев.
4 For the sake of Jacob, my servant, and Israel, my elect, I have even called you by your name. I have taken you up, and you have not known me.
Ради раба Моего Иакова и Израиля избраннаго Моего, Аз прозову тя именем твоим и прииму тя:
5 I am the Lord, and there is no one else. There is no god beside me. I girded you, and you have not known me.
ты же не познал еси Мене, яко Аз Господь Бог, и несть разве Мене еще Бога: укрепих тя, и не познал еси Мене,
6 So may those who are from the rising of the sun, and those who are from its setting, know that there is no one beside me. I am the Lord, and there is no other.
да быша уведели, иже от восток солнечных и иже от запад, яко несть Бог разве Мене: Аз Господь Бог, и несть еще.
7 I form the light and create the darkness. I make peace and create disaster. I, the Lord, do all these things.
Аз устроивый свет и сотворивый тму, творяй мир и зиждяй злая, Аз Господь Бог, творяй сия вся.
8 Send down dew from above, O heavens, and let the clouds rain down upon the just! Let the earth open and spring forth a savior! And let justice rise up at once! I, the Lord, have created him.
Да возрадуется небо свыше, и облацы да кропят правду: да прозябнет земля, и да прорастит милость, и правду да прозябнет вкупе: Аз есмь Господь создавый тя.
9 Woe to him who contradicts his Maker, a mere shard from an earthen vessel! Should the clay say to the potter, “What are you making?” or, “Your work is not made by your hands?”
Что лучшее устроих яко глину скудельничу? Еда оряй орати будет землю весь день? Еда речет брение скудельнику: что твориши, яко не делаеши, ниже имаши рук? Еда отвещает здание создавшему е?
10 Woe to him who says to his father, “Why did you conceive?” or to a woman, “Why did you give birth?”
Еда глаголет отцу: что родиши? И матери: что чревоболиши?
11 Thus says the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, his Maker: Would you question me about the future, concerning my sons, and command me concerning the work of my hands?
Яко тако глаголет Господь Бог, Святый Израилев, Сотворивый грядущая: вопросите Мене о сынех Моих и о дщерех Моих, и о делех руку моею заповедите Мне.
12 I made the earth, and I created man upon it. My hand stretched out the heavens, and I have commanded all their hosts.
Аз сотворих землю и человека на ней, Аз рукою Моею утвердих небо, Аз всем звездам заповедах.
13 I have raised him up unto justice, and I will direct all his ways. He himself will build my city and release my captives, but not for ransom or gifts, says the Lord, the God of hosts.
Аз возставих его со правдою царя, и вси путие его правы: сей созиждет град Мой и пленение людий Моих возвратит, не по мзде, ни по даром, рече Господь Саваоф.
14 Thus says the Lord: The labor of Egypt, and the business dealings of Ethiopia, and of the Sabeans, men of stature, will pass to you and will be yours. They will walk behind you. They will travel, bound in irons. And they will adore you and petition you: “In you alone is God, and there is no God apart from you.
Тако глаголет Господь Саваоф: утрудися Египет и купли Ефиопския, и Саваимстии мужие высоцыи к тебе прейдут и тебе будут раби, и вслед тебе пойдут связани узами ручными, и прейдут к тебе и поклонятся тебе, и в тебе помолятся, яко в тебе Бог есть, и рекут: несть Бога разве тебе:
15 Truly, you are a hidden God, the God of Israel, the Savior.”
Ты бо еси Бог, и не ведехом, Бог Израилев Спас.
16 They have all been confounded and should be ashamed! These fabricators of errors have departed together into confusion!
Постыдятся и посрамятся вси противящиися ему и пойдут в студе: обновляйтеся ко мне, острови.
17 Israel is saved in the Lord by an eternal salvation. You will not be confounded, and you will not be ashamed, even forever and ever.
Израиль спасается от Господа спасением вечным: не постыдятся, ни посрамятся даже до века ктому.
18 For thus says the Lord, who created the heavens, God himself who formed the earth and made it, the very Molder of it. He did not create it to no purpose. He formed it so that it would be inhabited. I am the Lord, and there is no other.
Зане тако глаголет Господь сотворивый небо, Сей Бог показавый землю и сотворивый ю, Той раздели ю, не вотще сотвори ю, но на вселение созда ю: Аз есмь Господь, и несть ктому.
19 I have not spoken in secret, in a dark place of the earth. I have not said to the offspring of Jacob, “Seek me in vain.” I am the Lord, who speaks justice, who announces what is right.
Не отай глаголах, ни в темне месте земли: не рекох племени Иаковлю: суетнаго взыщите. Аз есмь, Аз есмь Господь глаголяй правду и возвещаяй истину.
20 Assemble yourselves, and approach, and draw near together, you who have been saved among the Gentiles. They lack knowledge, who lift up the wood of their sculpture, and who petition a god unable to save.
Соберитеся и приидите, совещайтеся вкупе, спасаемии от язык. Не разумеша воздвижущии древо изваяние свое и молящеся богом, иже не спасают.
21 Announce it, and approach, and consult together. Who has caused this to be heard from the beginning, and who has foretold it from that time? Is it not I, the Lord? And is there some other god beside me? I am a just God who saves, and there is no one except me.
Аще возвестят, да приближатся, да уведят вкупе, кто слышана сотвори сия исперва? Тогда возвестися вам: Аз Бог, и несть иного разве Мене, праведен и Спаситель, несть кроме Мене.
22 All ends of the earth, be converted to me, and you will be saved. For I am God, and there is no other.
Обратитеся ко Мне и спасетеся, иже от края земнаго: Аз есмь Бог, и несть иного.
23 I have sworn by myself. The Word of justice will proceed from my mouth, and it will not turn back. For every knee shall bend to me, and every tongue shall swear it.
Кленуся Мною Самим, аще не изыдет изо уст Моих правда, словеса Моя не возвратятся: яко Мне поклонится всяко колено, и исповестся всяк язык Богови, глаголя:
24 Therefore, he will say, “In the Lord are my justices and my dominion.” They will go to him. And all who fight against him will be confounded.
правда и слава к Нему приидет: и посрамятся вси отлучающиися.
25 In the Lord, all the offspring of Israel will be justified and praised.
От Господа оправдятся, и о Бозе прославится все семя сынов Израилевых.

< Isaiah 45 >