< 2 Kings 4 >

1 Now a certain woman, from the wives of the prophets, cried out to Elisha, saying: “My husband, your servant, is dead. And you know that your servant was one who fears the Lord. And behold, a creditor has arrived, so that he may take away my two sons to serve him.”
Matar wani daga ƙungiyar annabawa ta yi wa Elisha kuka ta ce, “Mijina, bawanka, ya mutu, ka kuma san yadda ya girmama Ubangiji. Amma ga shi yanzu mai binsa bashi ya zo yă kwashe’ya’yana maza biyu su zama bayinsa.”
2 And Elisha said to her: “What do you want me to do for you? Tell me, what do you have in your house?” And she responded, “I, your handmaid, do not have anything in my house, except a little oil, with which I may be anointed.”
Elisha ya amsa mata ya ce, “Me kike so in yi miki? Ki faɗa mini, me kike da shi a gidanki?” Sai ta ce, “Baiwarka ba ta da kome a can, sai ɗan tulun man zaitun.”
3 And he said to her: “Go, ask to borrow from all your neighbors empty vessels, more than a few.
Elisha ya ce, “Ki je wurin dukan maƙwabtanki, ki nemi tulunan da babu kome a ciki. Kada ki nemo kaɗan kawai.
4 And enter and close your door. And when you are inside with your sons, pour from the oil into all those vessels. And when they are full, take them away.”
Sa’an nan ki shiga ciki, ki kulle ƙofar da ke da’ya’yanki kuke ciki. Ku ɗuɗɗura man a dukan tulunan, sa’ad da kowanne ya cika, sai ki ajiye a gefe.”
5 And so, the woman went and closed the door upon herself and her sons. They were bringing her the vessels, and she was pouring into them.
Ta tashi ta shiga tare da’ya’yanta maza, suka kulle ƙofa.’Ya’yanta suka kawo mata tuluna, ita kuma tana ɗurawa.
6 And when the vessels had been filled, she said to her son, “Bring me another a vessel.” And he responded, “I have none.” And there was oil remaining.
Da dukan tulunan suka cika, sai ta ce wa ɗanta, “Kawo mini wani tulu.” Amma ya amsa ya ce, “Ai, ba saura.” Sa’an nan man ya daina zuba.
7 Then she went and told the man of God. And he said: “Go, sell the oil, and repay your creditor. Then you and your sons may live on what remains.”
Sai ta tafi ta faɗa wa mutumin Allah. Shi kuwa ya ce mata, “Tafi, ki sayar da man, ki biya bashinki. Ki biya bukatanki da na’ya’yanki da sauran da ya rage.”
8 Now it happened that, on a certain day, Elisha passed by Shunem. And there was a great woman there, who took him to eat bread. And since he frequently passed by there, he turned aside to her house, so that he might eat bread.
Wata rana Elisha ya tafi Shunem. Akwai wata mai arziki a can wadda ta gayyace shi cin abinci. Sai ya zama duk lokacin da yake wucewa, yakan tsaya a can don cin abinci.
9 And she said to her husband: “I have noticed that he is a holy man of God, who passes by us frequently.
Ta ce wa mijinta, “Na san cewa wannan mutum da kullum yake zuwa nan mai tsarki ne na Allah.
10 Therefore, let us prepare a small upper room for him, and place a bed in it for him, and a table, and a chair, and a lampstand, so that when he comes to us, he may stay there.”
Bari mu yi ɗan ɗaki a rufin gida mu kuma sa masa gado da tebur da kujera da kuma fitila. Saboda a duk lokacin da ya zo wurinmu, sai yă sauka a can.”
11 Then it happened that, on a certain day, arriving, he turned aside into the upper room, and he rested there.
Wata rana da Elisha ya zo, sai ya haura ɗakinsa ya kwanta.
12 And he said to his servant Gehazi, “Call this Shunammite woman.” And when he had called her, and she stood before him,
Ya ce wa bawansa Gehazi, “Kira mutuniyar Shunam nan.” Sai ya kira ta, ta zo ta tsaya a gabansa.
13 he said to his servant: “Say to her: Behold, you have ministered to us attentively in all things. What do you want, that I might do for you? Do you have any business, or do you want me to speak to the king, or to the leader of the military?” And she responded, “I live in the midst of my own people.”
Elisha ya ce masa, “Ka ce mata, ‘Kin yi duk wannan ɗawainiya saboda mu. Yanzu, me kike so a yi miki? Kina so mu yi magana a madadinki wa sarki ko babban hafsan mayaƙa?’” Sai ta ce, “A’a, ina da dukan abin da nake bukata a cikin jama’ata.”
14 And he said, “Then what does she want, that I might do for her?” And Gehazi said: “You need not ask. For she has no son, and her husband is elderly.”
Sai Elisha ya tambayi Gehazi ya ce, “Me za mu yi mata?” Sai ya amsa ya ce, “Ba ta da ɗa, ga shi kuma mijinta ya tsufa.”
15 And so, he instructed him to call her. And when she had been called, and was standing before the door,
Sai Elisha ya ce, “Ka kira ta.” Sai ya kira ta, ta zo ta tsaya a bakin ƙofa.
16 he said to her, “At this time, and at this same hour, with life as a companion, you will have a son in your womb.” But she responded, “Do not, I ask you, my lord, a man of God, do not be willing to lie to your handmaid.”
Elisha ya ce mata, “War haka baɗi, za ki riƙe ɗa na kanki.” Sai ta ce masa, “A’a, ranka yă daɗe, mutumin Allah, kada ka ruɗi baiwarka!”
17 And the woman conceived. And she bore a son, in the time and at the same hour as Elisha had said.
Amma matan ta yi ciki, a shekara ta biye kuwa a daidai lokacin, sai ta haifi ɗa kamar yadda Elisha ya faɗa mata.
18 And the boy grew. And on a certain day, when he had gone out to his father, to the harvesters,
Yaron ya yi girma, wata rana sai ya tafi wurin mahaifinsa, wanda yake tare da masu girbi.
19 he said to his father: “I have a pain in my head. I have a pain in my head.” But he said to his servant, “Take him, and lead him to his mother.”
Ba zato sai ya ce wa mahaifinsa, “Wayyo! Kaina yana mini ciwo! Kaina yana mini ciwo!” Sai mahaifinsa ya ce wa bawansa, “Kai shi wurin mahaifiyarsa.”
20 But when he had taken him, and he had led him to his mother, she placed him upon her knees, until midday, and then he died.
Bayan bawan ya ɗaga shi ya kai wurin mahaifiyarsa, sai yaron ya zauna a cinyarta har tsakar rana, sa’an nan ya mutu.
21 Then she went up and laid him out on the bed of the man of God, and she closed the door. And departing,
Sai ta haura ta shimfiɗa shi a gadon mutumin Allah, ta rufe ƙofar, ta fita.
22 she called her husband, and she said: “Send with me, I beg you, one of your servants, and a donkey, so that I may hurry to the man of God, and then return.”
Ta kira mijinta ta ce, “Ina roƙonka ka aika mini da ɗaya daga cikin bayi da kuma jaka, don in yi sauri in je wurin mutumin Allah in dawo.”
23 And he said to her: “What is the reason that you would go to him? Today is not the new moon, and it is not the Sabbath.” She responded, “I will go.”
Sai ya ce, “Me zai kai ki wurinsa, ai, yau ba Sabon Wata ba ne ko ranar Asabbaci?” Sai ta ce, “Ba kome.”
24 And she saddled a donkey, and she instructed her servant: “Drive, and hurry on. You shall cause no delay for me in departing. And do whatever I instruct you to do.”
Sai ta sa wa jakar sirdi ta ce wa bawanta, “Yi ta kora mini jakar, kada ka sassauta, sai na faɗa maka.”
25 And so she set out. And she came to the man of God, on mount Carmel. And when the man of God had seen her at a distance, he said to his servant Gehazi: “Behold, it is that Shunammite woman.
Ta haka ta kama hanya ta tafi wurin mutumin Allah a Dutsen Karmel. Da ya hange ta daga nesa, sai mutumin Allah ya ce wa bawansa Gehazi, “Duba! Ga mutuniyar Shunam nan can!
26 So then, go to meet her, and say to her, ‘Does all go well concerning you, and your husband, and your son?’” And she answered, “It is well.”
Ka yi gudu ka tarye ta ka tambaye ta, ‘Lafiyarki? Mijinki yana nan lafiya? Yaronki yana nan lafiya?’” Ta amsa ta ce, “Kome lafiya yake.”
27 And when she had arrived at the man of God, on the mount, she took hold of his feet. And Gehazi drew near, so that he might remove her. But the man of God said: “Permit her. For her soul is in bitterness. And the Lord has concealed it from me, and has not revealed it to me.”
Da ta isa wurin mutumin Allah a dutsen, sai ta kama ƙafafunsa. Sai Gehazi ya zo don yă ture ta, amma mutumin Allah ya ce, “Ka bar ta! Tana cikin baƙin ciki ƙwarai, amma Ubangiji ya ɓoye mini, bai kuma faɗa mini me ya sa ba.”
28 And she said to him: “Did I ask a son from my lord? Did I not say to you, ‘You should not deceive me?’”
Sai ta tambaya shi ta ce, “Na roƙe ka ɗa ne, ranka yă daɗe? Ba na ce maka, ‘Kada ka sa in fara bege ba’?”
29 And so he said to Gehazi: “Gird your waist, and take my staff in your hand, and go. If any man will meet you, you shall not greet him. And if anyone greets you, you shall not respond to him. And place my staff upon the face of the boy.”
Elisha ya ce wa Gehazi, “Ka yi ɗamara, ka ɗauki sandana ka ruga a guje. Idan ka sadu da wani, kada ka gaishe shi, idan kuma wani ya gaishe ka, kada ka amsa. Ka shimfiɗa sandana a fuskar yaron.”
30 But the mother of the boy said, “As the Lord lives, and as your soul lives, I will not release you.” Therefore, he rose up, and he followed her.
Amma mahaifiyar yaron ta ce, “Muddin Ubangiji yana raye, kai kuma kana a raye, ba zan bar ka ba.” Saboda haka ya tashi ya bi ta.
31 But Gehazi had gone before them, and he had placed the staff upon the face of the boy. And there was no voice, nor any response. And so he returned to meet him. And he reported to him, saying, “The boy did not rise up.”
Gehazi ya yi gaba, ya shimfiɗa sandan a fuskar yaron, amma babu motsi, babu alamar rai. Saboda haka Gehazi ya koma ya taryi Elisha, ya faɗa masa, “Yaron bai tashi ba.”
32 Therefore, Elisha entered the house. And behold, the boy was lying dead upon his bed.
Da Elisha ya isa gidan, sai ga gawar yaron kwance a kan gadonsa.
33 And entering, he closed the door upon himself and the boy. And he prayed to the Lord.
Sai ya shiga, ya rufe ƙofa, daga shi sai yaron, ya kuma yi addu’a ga Ubangiji.
34 And he climbed up, and lay across the boy. And he put his mouth over his mouth, and his eyes over his eyes, and his hands over his hands. And he leaned himself over him, and the body of the boy grew warm.
Sa’an nan ya hau gadon yă kwanta a bisa yaron, ya miƙe a kansa, baki da baki, ido da ido, hannu da hannu. Yayinda ya miƙe kansa a kan yaron, sai jikin yaron ya ɗau ɗumi.
35 And returning, he walked around the house, first here and then there. And he went up, and lay across him. And the boy gasped seven times, and he opened his eyes.
Elisha ya tashi, ya yi ta kai komo a cikin ɗakin. Sa’an nan ya sāke koma kan gadon yă miƙe a kan yaron, sai yaron ya yi atishawa sau bakwai, ya kuma buɗe idanunsa.
36 And he called Gehazi, and said to him, “Call this Shunammite woman.” And having been called, she entered to him. And he said, “Take up your son.”
Elisha ya kira Gehazi ya ce, “Kirawo mutuniyar Shunam.” Ya kuwa kira ta. Sa’ad da ta zo, sai Elisha ya ce mata, “Ɗauki ɗanki.”
37 She went and fell at his feet, and she reverenced upon the ground. And she took up her son, and departed.
Sai ta shiga, ta fāɗi a ƙafafunsa ta rusuna har ƙasa. Sa’an nan ta ɗauki ɗanta ta fita.
38 And Elisha returned to Gilgal. Now there was a famine in the land, and the sons of the prophets were living in his sight. And he said to one of his servants, “Set out a large cooking pot, and boil a soup for the sons of the prophets.”
Sai Elisha ya koma Gilgal, a can kuwa ana yunwa a yankin. Yayinda ƙungiyar annabawa suke tattaunawa da shi, sai ya ce wa Gehazi bawansa, “Ka sa babban tukunya a wuta, ka yi wa mutanen nan fate.”
39 And one went out into the field, so that he might collect wild herbs. And he found something like a wild vine, and he gathered from it bitter fruits of the field, and he filled his cloak. And returning, he cut these up for the pot of soup. But he did not know what it was.
Ɗaya daga cikin mutanen ya shiga gona don neman ganyaye, ya kuwa sami kabewar jeji. Ya tsinko’ya’yanta cike da shafin rigarsa. Da ya dawo, sai ya yayyanka su ya zuba a cikin tukunyar faten, ko da yake ba wanda ya san ko mene ne.
40 Then they poured it out for their companions to eat. And when they had tasted the mixture, they cried out, saying, “Death is in the cooking pot, O man of God!” And they were unable to eat.
Sai aka zuba wa mutanen faten, amma da suka fara ci, sai suka yi ihu suna cewa, “Ya mutumin Allah, akwai dafi a cikin tukunyan nan!” Suka kuwa kāsa ci.
41 But he said, “Bring some flour.” And when they had brought it, he cast it into the cooking pot, and he said, “Pour it out for the group, so that they may eat.” And there was no longer any bitterness in the cooking pot.
Elisha ya ce, “Samo mini ɗan gari.” Aka kawo masa ya kuma sa a cikin tukunyan ya ce, “Raba wa mutanen su ci.” Ya kasance kuwa babu wani abin damuwa a tukunyar.
42 Now a certain man arrived from Baal-Shalishah, carrying, for the man of God, bread from the first-fruits, twenty loaves of barley, and new grain in his satchel. But he said, “Give it to the people, so that they may eat.”
Sai ga wani mutum ya zo daga Ba’al-Shalisha, ya kawo wa Elisha dunƙulen burodi guda ashirin na sha’ir da aka gasa daga nunan fari na hatsi, tare da kawunan sababbin hatsi. Sai Elisha ya ce, “Ka ba mutanen su ci.”
43 And his servant responded to him, “What amount is this, that I should set it before a hundred men?” But he said again: “Give it to the people, so that they may eat. For thus says the Lord, ‘They shall eat, and there shall be still more.’”
Sai bawansa ya ce, “Yaya zan raba wa mutane ɗari wannan?” Amma Elisha ya amsa ya ce, “Ka raba wa mutane su ci, gama haka Ubangiji ya ce, ‘Za su ci har su bar saura.’”
44 And so, he set it before them. And they ate, and there was still more, in accord with the word of the Lord.
Sa’an nan ya ajiye a gabansu, suka kuwa ci har suka bar saura, bisa ga maganar Ubangiji.

< 2 Kings 4 >