< Isaiah 62 >

1 Because of Zion I will not keep quiet, and because of Jerusalem I will take no rest, till her righteousness goes out like the shining of the sun, and her salvation like a burning light.
Sionu za ljubav neću šutjeti, Jeruzalema radi neću mirovati dok pravda njegova ne zasine k'o svjetlost, dok njegovo spasenje ne plane k'o zublja.
2 And the nations will see your righteousness, and all kings your glory: and you will have a new name, given by the mouth of the Lord.
I puci će vidjet' tvoju pravednost, i tvoju slavu svi kraljevi; prozvat će te novim imenom što će ga odrediti usta Jahvina.
3 And you will be a fair crown in the hand of the Lord, and a king's head-dress in the hand of your God.
U Jahvinoj ćeš ruci biti kruna divna i kraljevski vijenac na dlanu Boga svog.
4 You will not now be named, She who is given up; and your land will no longer be named, The waste land: but you will have the name, My pleasure is in her, and your land will be named, Married: for the Lord has pleasure in you, and your land will be married.
Neće te više zvati Ostavljenom ni zemlju tvoju Opustošenom, nego će te zvati Moja milina, a zemlju tvoju Udata, jer ti si milje Jahvino i zemlja će tvoja imat' supruga.
5 For as a young man takes a virgin for his wife, so will your maker be married to you: and as a husband has joy in his bride, so will the Lord your God be glad over you.
Kao što se mladić ženi djevicom, tvoj će se graditelj tobom oženiti; i kao što se ženik raduje nevjesti, tvoj će se Bog tebi radovati.
6 I have put watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they will not keep quiet day or night: you who are the Lord's recorders, take no rest,
Na zidine tvoje, Jeruzaleme, stražare sam postavio: ni danju ni noću ne smiju zašutjeti. O, vi koji podsjećate Jahvu, vama nema počinka!
7 And give him no rest, till he puts Jerusalem in her place to be praised in the earth.
I ne dajte mu mira dok ne obnovi Jeruzalem, dok ga opet slavom na zemlji ne učini.
8 The Lord has taken an oath by his right hand, and by the arm of his strength, Truly, I will no longer give your grain to be food for your haters; and men of strange countries will not take the wine for which your work has been done:
Zakle se Gospod desnicom i mišicom svojom snažnom: “Neću više dati žita tvoga za hranu neprijateljima. Neće više tuđinci piti tvoga vina o kojem si teško radio.
9 But those who have got in the grain will have it for their food, and will give praise to the Lord; and those who have got in the grapes will take the wine of them in the open places of my holy house.
Neka ga jedu oni koji su ga želi i neka hvale Jahvu, neka ga piju oni što su ga trgali u predvorju mojega Svetišta!”
10 Go through, go through the doors; make ready the way of the people; let the highway be lifted up; let the stones be taken away; let a flag be lifted up over the peoples.
Prođite, prođite kroz vrata, poravnajte put narodu! Nasipajte, nasipajte cestu, uklonite s nje kamenje. Podignite stijeg narodima!
11 The Lord has sent out word to the end of the earth, Say to the daughter of Zion, See, your saviour comes; those whom he has made free are with him, and those to whom he has given salvation go before him.
Evo, Jahve oglasuje do nakraj zemlje: “Recite kćeri sionskoj: Evo, dolazi tvoj spasitelj. Evo, s njim naplata njegova i njegova nagrada ispred njega!
12 And they will be named, The holy people, Those whose cause has been taken up by the Lord: and you will be named, Desired, A town not given up.
Oni će se zvati 'Sveti narod', 'Otkupljenici Jahvini'. A tebe će zvati 'Traženi' - 'Grad neostavljeni'.”

< Isaiah 62 >