< Isaiah 15 >

1 The word about Moab. For in a night Ar of Moab has become waste, and is seen no longer; for in a night Kir of Moab has become waste, and is seen no longer.
Proroštvo o Moabu. Obnoć opustošen, šaptom pade Ar Moab! Obnoć opustošen, šaptom pade Kir Moab!
2 The daughter of Dibon has gone up to the high places, weeping: Moab is sounding her cry of sorrow over Nebo, and over Medeba: everywhere the hair of the head and of the face is cut off.
Uspinju se u hram dibonski, na uzvišice da plaču; nad Nebom i nad Medebom Moab nariče! Sve su glave ostrižene, a sve brade obrijane;
3 In their streets they are covering themselves with haircloth: on the tops of their houses, and in their public places, there is crying and bitter weeping.
na ulicama oblače vreće, na njegovim krovovima leleču! Na njegovim trgovima svi nariču i suze prolijevaju.
4 Heshbon is crying out, and Elealeh; their voice is sounding even to Jahaz: for this cause the heart of Moab is shaking; his soul is shaking with fear.
Jauču Hešbon i Eleala, do Jahasa jauk se čuje. Zato dršću bokovi Moabu, strepi duša njegova;
5 My heart is crying out for Moab; her people go in flight to Zoar, and to Eglath-shelishiyah: for they go up with weeping by the slope of Luhith; on the way to Horonaim they send up a cry of destruction.
srce Moabovo jeca, bjegunci mu idu do Soara. Da, uz brdo Luhit uspinju se plačući; putem horonajimskim razliježe se jauk nad propašću.
6 The waters of Nimrim will become dry: for the grass is burned up, the young grass is coming to an end, every green thing is dead.
Da! Vode nimrimske postadoše pustinja: trava usahla, bilja nestalo, zelenila više nema.
7 For this cause they will take away their wealth, and the stores they have got together, over the stream of the water-plants.
Zato stečevinu koju stekoše i ono što prištedješe nose preko Potoka vrba.
8 For the cry has gone round the limits of Moab; as far as to Eglaim and Beer-elim.
Da! Jauk se razliježe po kraju moapskom: kukanje mu do Eglajima, kukanje mu do Beer Elima.
9 For the waters of Dimon are full of blood: and I'm sending even more on Moab, a lion on those of Moab who go in flight, and on the rest of the land.
Da! Vode dimonske krvi su pune, i još jednu nesreću dodajem Dimonu: jednog lava na moapske bjegunce i na preživjele u zemlji.

< Isaiah 15 >