< 2 Samuel 16 >

1 Da David var kommet lidt på den anden Side af Bjergets Top, Kom Mefibosjets Tjener Ziba ham i Møde med et Par opsadlede Æsler, som bar 200 Brød, 100 Rosinkager, 100 Frugter og en Dunk Vin.
And David passed on a little way from Ros; and, behold, Siba the servant of Memphibosthe [came] to meet him; and he had a couple of asses laden, and upon them two hundred loaves, and a hundred [bunches of] raisins, and a hundred [cakes of] dates, and bottle of wine.
2 Da sagde Kongen til Ziba: "Hvad vil du med det?" Og Ziba svarede: "Æslerne er bestemt til Ridedyr for Kongens Hus, Brødene og Frugterne til Spise for Folkene og Vinen til Drikke for dem, der bliver trætte i Ørkenen!"
And the king said to Siba, What meanest thou by these? and Siba, said, The asses [are] for the household of the king to sit upon, and the loaves and the dates [are] for the young men to eat, and the wine [is] for them that are faint in the wilderness to drink.
3 Så sagde Kongen: '"Hvor er din Herres Søn?" Ziba svarede Kongen: "Han blev i Jerusalem; thi han tænkte: Nu vil Israels Hus give mig min Faders Kongedømme tilbage!"
And the king said, And where [is] the son of thy master? and Siba said to the king, Behold, he remains in Jerusalem; for he said, To-day shall the house of Israel restore to me the kingdom of my father.
4 Da sagde Kongen til Ziba: "Dig skal hele Mefibosjets Ejendom tilhøre!" Og Ziba sagde: "Jeg bøjer mig dybt! Måtte jeg finde Nåde for min Herre Kongens Øjne!"
And the king said to Siba, Behold, all Memphibosthe's property [is] thine. And Siba did obeisance and said, My lord, O king, let me find grace in thine eyes.
5 Men da Kong David kom til Bahurim, se, da kom en Mand ved Navn Simei, Geras Søn, af samme Slægt som Sauls Hus, gående ud af Byen, alt imedens han udstødte Forbandelser,
And king David came to Baurim; and, behold, there came out from thence a man of the family of the house of Saul, and his name [was] Semei the son of Gera. He came forth and cursed as he went,
6 og han kastede Sten efter David og alle Kong Davids Folk, skønt alle Krigerne og alle Kærnetropperne gik på begge Sider af ham.
and cast stones at David, and at all the servants of king David: and all the people and all the mighty men were on the right and left hand of the king.
7 Og Simei forbandede ham med de Ord: "Bort, bort med dig, din Blodhund, din Usling!
And thus Semei said when he cursed him, Go out, go out, thou bloody man, and man of sin.
8 HERREN har nu bragt alt Sauls Hus's Blod over dig, han, i hvis Sted du blev Konge, og HERREN har nu givet din Søn Absalon Kongedømmet; nu har Ulykken ramt dig. for, i du er en Blodhund!"
The Lord has returned upon thee all the blood of the house of Saul, because thou hast reigned in his stead; and the Lord has given the kingdom into the hand of Abessalom thy son: and, behold, thou [art taken] in thy mischief, because thou [art] a bloody man.
9 Da sagde Abisjaj, Zerujas Søn, til Kongen: "Hvorfor skal den døde Hund have Lov at forbande min Herre Kongen? Lad mig gå hen og hugge Hovedet af ham!"
And Abessa the son of Saruia said to the king, Why does this dead dog curse my lord the king? let me go over now and take off his head.
10 Men Kongen svarede: "Hvad har jeg med eder at gøre, Zerujasønner! Når han forbander, og når HERREN har budt ham at forbande David, hvem tør da sige: Hvorfor gør du det?"
And the king said, What have I to do with you, ye sons of Saruia? even let him alone, and so let him curse, for the Lord has told him to curse David: and who shall say, Why hast thou done thus?
11 Og David sagde til Abisjaj og alle sine Folk: "Når min egen Søn, som er udgået af min Lænd, står mig efter Livet, hvad kan man da ikke vente af denne Benjaminit! Lad ham kun forbande, når HERREN har budt ham det!
And David said to Abessa and to all his servants, Behold, my son who came forth out of my bowels seeks my life; still more now may the son of Benjamin: let him curse, because the Lord has told him.
12 Måske vil HERREN se til mig i min Nød og gøre mig godt til Gengæld for hans Forbandelse i Dag!"
If by any means the Lord may look on my affliction, thus shall he return me good for his cursing this day.
13 Derpå gik David med sine Mænd hen ad Vejen, medens Simei fulgte ham oppe på Bjergskråningen og stadig udstødte Forbandelser, slog med Sten og kastede Støv efter ham.
And David and all the men with him went on the way: and Semei went by the side of the hill next to him, cursing as he went, and casting stones at him, and sprinkling him with dirt.
14 Således kom Kongen og alle Krigerne, som fulgte ham, udmattede til Jordan og hvilede ud der.
And the king, and all the people with him, came away and refreshed themselves there.
15 Imidlertid var Absalon draget ind i Jerusalem med alle Israels Mænd, og Akitofel var hos ham.
And Abessalom and all the men of Israel went into Jerusalem, and Achitophel with him.
16 Da nu Arkiten Husjaj, Davids Ven, kom til Absalon, sagde han til ham: "Kongen leve, Kongen leve!"
And it came to pass when Chusi the chief friend of David came to Abessalom, that Chusi said to Abessalom, Let the king live.
17 Absalon sagde til Husjaj: "Er det sådan, du viser din Ven Godhed? Hvorfor fulgte du ikke din Ven?"
And Abessalom said to Chusi, [Is] this thy kindness to thy friend? why wentest thou not forth with thy friend?
18 Husjaj svarede Absalon: "Nej, den, som HERREN og dette Folk og alle Israels Mænd har valgt, i hans Tjeneste vil jeg træde, og hos ham vil jeg blive!
And Chusi said to Abessalom, Nay, but following whom the Lord, and this people, and all Israel have chosen, —his will I be, and with him I will dwell.
19 Og desuden: Hvem er det, jeg tjener? Mon ikke hans Søn? Som jeg har tjent din Fader, vil jeg tjene dig!"
And again, whom shall I serve? should I not in the presence of his son? As I served in the sight of thy father, so will I be in thy presence.
20 Absalon sagde så til Akitofel: "Kom med eders Råd! Hvad skal vi gøre?"
And Abessalom said to Achitophel, Deliberate among yourselves concerning what we should do.
21 Akitofel svarede Absalon: "Gå ind til din Faders Medhustruer, som han har ladet blive tilbage for at se efter Huset; så kan hele Israel skønne, at du har lagt dig for Had hos din Fader, og alle de, der har sluttet sig til dig, vil få nyt Mod!"
And Achitophel said to Abessalom, Go in to thy father's concubines, whom he left to keep his house; and all Israel shall hear that thou hast dishonoured thy father; and the hands of all that are with thee shall be strengthened.
22 Absalons Telt blev så rejst på Taget, og Absalon gik ind til sin Faders Medhustruer i hele Israels Påsyn.
And they pitched a tent for Abessalom on the roof, and Abessalom went in to his father's concubines in the sight of all Israel.
23 Det Råd, Akitofel gav i de Tider, gjaldt nemlig lige så meget, som når man adspurgte Gud; så meget gjaldt ethvert Råd af Akitofel både hos David og Absalon.
And the counsel of Achitophel, which he counselled in former days, [was] as if one should enquire of the word of God: so [was] all the counsel of Achitophel both to David and also to Abessalom.

< 2 Samuel 16 >