< Psalmi 141 >

1 Psalam. Davidov. Prizivljem te, Jahve, k meni pohitaj! Slušaj glas moj kojim tebi vapijem!
A PSALM OF DAVID. O YHWH, I have called You, hurry to me, Give ear [to] my voice when I call to You.
2 Nek' mi se uzdigne molitva kao kad pred lice tvoje, podizanje mojih ruku nek' bude k'o prinos večernji!
My prayer is prepared—incense before You, The lifting up of my hands—the evening present.
3 Na usta mi, Jahve, stražu postavi i stražare na vrata usana mojih!
Set, O YHWH, a watch for my mouth, Watch over the door of my lips.
4 Ne daj da mi se srce zlu prikloni, da bezbožno počinim djela opaka; i u društvu zlotvora da ne blagujem poslastica njihovih!
Do not incline my heart to an evil thing, To habitually do actions in wickedness, Working iniquity with men, Indeed, I do not eat of their pleasant things.
5 Nek' me samo udari pravednik, ljubav je što me kara, al' ulje grešničko neće mi glavu pomazat'; zloći njihovoj oprijet ću se uvijek svojom molitvom.
The righteous beat me [in] kindness. And reprove me, My head does not disallow oil of the head, For my prayer [is] still about their distress.
6 Kad strovale niz hridinu suce njihove, razumjet će kako blage bjehu riječi moje.
Their judges have been released by the sides of a rock, And they have heard my sayings, For they have been pleasant.
7 Kao kad orač ore i para zemlju, tako će im se na rubu Podzemlja kosti rasuti. (Sheol h7585)
As one tilling and ripping up in the land, Have our bones been scattered at the command of Saul. (Sheol h7585)
8 U te su, Jahve, uprte oči moje, k tebi se utječem, ne daj da mi duša propadne!
But to You, O YHWH, my Lord, [are] my eyes, In You I have trusted, Do not make my soul bare.
9 Čuvaj me od stupice koju postaviše meni, od zamki zločinaca!
Keep me from the trap they laid for me, Even snares of workers of iniquity.
10 Nek' u vlastite zamke upadnu zlotvori, a ja neka im umaknem!
The wicked fall in their dragnets together, until I pass over!

< Psalmi 141 >