< 1 Ljetopisa 8 >

1 Benjamin rodi prvenca Belu, drugog Ašbela, trećeg Ahraba,
And Benjamin begot Bela his firstborn, Ashbel the second, and Aharah the third,
2 četvrtog Nohu i petog Rafu.
Nohah the fourth, and Rapha the fifth.
3 Belini su sinovi bili: Adar, Gera, Ehudov otac,
And there are sons to Bela: Addar, and Gera,
4 Abišua, Naaman, Ahoah,
and Abihud, and Abishua, and Naaman, and Ahoah,
5 Gera, Šefufan i Huram.
and Gera, and Shephuphan, and Huram.
6 Oni su bili Ehudovi sinovi i bili su obiteljski glavari onima koji su živjeli u Gebi, odakle su ih odveli u sužanjstvo u Manahat;
And these [are] sons of Ehud—they are heads of fathers to the inhabitants of Geba, and they remove them to Manahath:
7 Naaman, Ahija i Gera; on ih je vodio u sužanjstvo i rodio Uzu i Ahihuda.
even Naaman, and Ahiah, and Gera, who removed them and begot Uzza and Ahihud.
8 Šaharajim, pošto je otpustio žene Hušimu i Baru, dobio je sinove u Moapskom polju:
And Shaharaim begot in the field of Moab after his sending them away; Hushim and Baara [are] his wives.
9 sa svojom ženom Hodešom imao je sinove Jobaba, Sibju, Mešu, Malkama,
And he begets of his wife Hodesh: Jobab, and Zibia, and Mesha, and Malcham,
10 Jeusa, Sakju i Mirmu; to su bili njegovi sinovi, obiteljski glavari.
and Jeuz, and Shachiah, and Mirmah. These [are] his sons, heads of fathers.
11 S Hušimom je rodio Abituba i Elpaala.
And of Hushim he begot Ahitub and Elpaal.
12 Elpaalovi su sinovi bili: Eber, Mišam i Šamed; on je sagradio Ono i Lod s njihovim selima.
And sons of Elpaal: Eber, and Misheam, and Shamer (he built Ono and Lod and its small towns),
13 Zatim Berija i Šema. Oni su bili obiteljski glavari onima koji su živjeli u Ajalonu i istjerali su gatske stanovnike.
and Beriah and Shema (they [are] the heads of fathers to the inhabitants of Aijalon—they caused the inhabitants of Gath to flee),
14 Njegov brat: Šešak. Jeremot,
and Ahio, Shashak, and Jeremoth,
15 Zabadja, Arad i Eder,
and Zebadiah, and Arad, and Ader,
16 Mihael, Jišpa i Joha bili su Berijini sinovi.
and Michael, and Ispah, and Joha, sons of Beriah,
17 Zebadja, Mešulam, Hizki, Haber,
and Zebadiah, and Meshullam, and Hezeki, and Heber,
18 Jišmeraj, Jizlia i Jobab bili su Elpaalovi sinovi.
and Ishmerai, and Jezliah, and Jobab, sons of Elpaal;
19 Jakim, Zikri, Zabdi,
and Jakim, and Zichri, and Zabdi,
20 Elijoenaj, Siltaj, Eliel,
and Elienai, and Zillethai, and Eliel,
21 Adaja, Beraja i Šimrat bili su Šimijevi sinovi.
and Adaiah, and Beraiah, and Shimrath, sons of Shimei;
22 Jišpan, Eber, Eliel,
and Ishpan, and Heber, and Eliel,
23 Abdon, Zikri, Hanan,
and Abdon, and Zichri, and Hanan,
24 Hananija, Elam, Antotija,
and Hananiah, and Elam, and Antothijah,
25 Jifdeja, Fenuel bili su Šešakovi sinovi.
and Iphedeiah, and Penuel, sons of Shashak;
26 Šamšeraj, Šeharja, Atalija,
and Shamsherai, and Shehariah, and Athaliah,
27 Jaarešja, Elija i Zikri bili su Jerohamovi sinovi.
and Jaareshiah, and Eliah, and Zichri, sons of Jeroham.
28 To su bili glavari obitelji svrstanih po koljenima. Živjeli su u Jeruzalemu.
These [are] heads of fathers, by their generations, [the] heads. These dwelt in Jerusalem.
29 U Gibeonu su živjeli: praotac Gibeon, čija se žena zvala Maaka.
And the father of Gibeon has dwelt in Gibeon, and the name of his wife [is] Maachah;
30 Njegov je sin prvenac bio Abdon, pa Sur, Kiš, Baal, Nadab,
and his son, the firstborn, [is] Abdon, and Zur, and Kish, and Ba‘al, and Nadab,
31 Gedor, Ahjo, Zaker,
and Gedor, and Ahio, and Zacher;
32 i Miklot, koji je rodio Šimu; pa su i oni živjeli kod svoje braće u Jeruzalemu, sa svojom braćom.
and Mikloth begot Shimeah. And they also dwelt opposite their brothers—with their brothers in Jerusalem.
33 Ner rodi Kiša, a Kiš rodi Šaula, Šaul rodi Jonatana, Malki-Šua, Abinadaba, Ešbaala,
And Ner begot Kish, and Kish begot Saul, and Saul begot Jonathan, and Malchi-Shua, and Abinadab, and Esh-Ba‘al.
34 Jonatanov je sin bio Merib Baal; Merib Baal rodi Miku.
And a son of Jonathan [is] Merib-Ba‘al, and Merib-Ba‘al begot Micah;
35 Mikini su sinovi bili: Piton, Melek, Tarea i Ahaz.
and sons of Micah: Pithon, and Melech, and Tarea, and Ahaz:
36 Ahaz rodi Joadu; Joada rodi Alemeta, Azmaveta i Zimrija; Zimri rodi Mosu.
and Ahaz begot Jehoadah, and Jehoadah begot Alemeth, and Azmaveth, and Zimri; and Zimri begot Moza,
37 Mosa rodi Biniju, čiji je sin bio Rafa, a njegov sin Elasa, njegov sin Asel.
and Moza begot Binea, Raphah his son, Eleasah his son, Azel his son.
38 Asel je imao šest sinova, kojima su imena: Azrikam, njegov prvenac, Bokru, Jišmael, Šearja, Obadja i Hanan; svi su oni bili Aselovi sinovi.
And to Azel [are] six sons, and these [are] their names: Azrikam, Bocheru, and Ishmael, and Sheariah, and Obadiah, and Hanan. All these [are] sons of Azel.
39 Sinovi njegova brata Ešeka bili su: Ulam, prvenac mu, drugi Jehuš, treći Elifelet.
And sons of his brother Eshek: Ulam his firstborn, Jehush the second, and Eliphelet the third.
40 Ulamovi su sinovi bili hrabri junaci koji su zapinjali luk i imali mnogo sinova i unuka, sto pedeset. Svi su oni bili od Benjaminovih sinova.
And the sons of Ulam are men mighty in valor, treading bow, and multiplying sons and son’s sons—one hundred and fifty. All these [are] of the sons of Benjamin.

< 1 Ljetopisa 8 >