< Hosea 14 >

1 Kilekitin O Israel, na Pakai na Pathen hengah. Ajeh chu nathemmona jeh'a lhu nahitai.
Return, O Israel, to the LORD your God, for you have stumbled by your iniquity.
2 Nasuhkhel ho chu ponlang Pakai henga kilekittan. Akoma seiyin “Kachonsetna jouse neingaidamin, hepitah in nei lalut in. Chutengleh keihon, nangma kachoisang dingu ahi.
Bring your confessions and return to the LORD. Say to Him: “Take away all our iniquity and receive us graciously, that we may present the fruit of our lips.
3 Assyria in eihuh jou pouve. Keiho jong sakolte chunga toupovinge, Tukalla lhah keihon jong kakhutsoh-u milim doi jah ah ‘ka Pathen’ katikit louhel dingu ahi. Nachunga hin nulou palouten hepina akimujin ahiye” tiuvin.
Assyria will not save us, nor will we ride on horses. We will never again say, ‘Our gods!’ to the work of our own hands. For in You the fatherless find compassion.”
4 Pakaiyin aseiye, “Tahsan um nahijeha kadamsah ding nahiye, Kangailutnan gamgi aneipoi, Kalunghan najouse aimatihchana dingin mangtahen.
I will heal their apostasy; I will freely love them, for My anger has turned away from them.
5 Keima Israel a ding hitange, Vanna kon-a hunglha daitwi chimset tobang hinge. Israel chu Lily pah tobang hiding ahi, ajung jong leipha laiya thuh taha keh hihen, Lebonan lhanga Cedar tobang hin.
I will be like the dew to Israel; he will blossom like the lily and take root like the cedars of Lebanon.
6 Abah lha jong olive thing bangin, namtwi sellin Lebonan-a Cedar phung tobang hihen.
His shoots will sprout, and his splendor will be like the olive tree, his fragrance like the cedars of Lebanon.
7 Kamite kalim noiya umkit ding ahi.
They will return and dwell in his shade; they will grow grain and blossom like the vine. His renown will be like the wine of Lebanon.
8 O Israel, milim doi a konin gamlauvin! Keima nataonau donbutpa chu kahi chule navengtup pao chu kahi. Keima thingphung dumjing jeng chu kahi. Nathingga jouse chu keija kon ahiye.”
O Ephraim, what have I to do anymore with idols? It is I who answer and watch over him. I am like a flourishing cypress; your fruit comes from Me.
9 Jite jousen hitihohi hethemuhen, Thil hetkhenna nei jousen phatechan ngaijuvin. Pakai lampi chu adihin chule ajange, Chule midih ho jouse amatoh umkhom ding ahiuve. Ahilah Michonse ho kiseplhuva kijam dan ding ahiuve.
Whoever is wise, let him understand these things; whoever is discerning, let him know them. For the ways of the LORD are right, and the righteous walk in them but the rebellious stumble in them.

< Hosea 14 >