< Olphong 5 >

1 Te phoeiah ngolkhoel soah aka ngol kah bantang ah a khui neh a hnuk ah ca a daek cayol te kutnoek parhih neh a daeng te ka hmuh.
And I saw on the right hand of the [One] sitting upon the throne a scroll written inside and (on [the] back, *NK(o)*) sealed with seals seven.
2 Te vaengah aka tlung puencawn te ol ue la a hoe te ka hmuh. Ulae cayol aka ong ham neh kutnoek te aka hlam ham aka tiing?
And I saw an angel strong proclaiming in a voice loud; Who (is *k*) worthy to open the scroll and to break the seals of it?
3 Tedae vaan ah khaw, diklai hmanah khaw, diklai khuiah khaw, cayol aka ong tih aka so thai om pawh.
And no [one] was able in heaven (above *O*) (nor *NK(o)*) upon the earth (nor *NK(o)*) under the earth to open the scroll (nor *N(k)O*) to see it.
4 Cayol ong ham neh sawt ham aka tingtawk ka hmuh pawt dongah mat ka rhap.
And (I myself *ko*) I was weeping (much *N(k)O*) because no [one] worthy was found to open (and to read *K*) the scroll nor to see it.
5 Te vaengah patong rhoek khuikah pa khat loh kai te, “Rhap boeh, Judah koca, David kah a yung lamkah aka om sathueng loh cayol neh kutnoek parhih ong ham a noeng coeng he,” a ti.
And one of the elders says to me; Not do weep. Behold has overcome the Lion who (is being *k*) of the tribe of Judah, the root of David, (The [one] *o*) (to open *NK(o)*) the scroll and (to untie *K*) the seven seals of it.
6 Te phoeiah ngolkhoel neh mulhing pali laklo neh patong rhoek lakli ah a ngawn tangtae bangla tuca a pai te ka hmuh tih ki parhih neh mik parhih a khueh. Te rhoek tah diklai pum la a tueih Pathen kah mueihla parhih ni.
And I saw (and behold *K*) in [the] midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in [the] midst of the elders a Lamb (standing *NK(o)*) as slain (having *N(k)O*) horns seven and eyes seven (which *NK(o)*) are the seven Spirits of God (which *k*) (sent out *NK(o)*) into all the earth.
7 Te vaengah ha pawk tih ngolkhoel dongah aka ngol bantang kah te a loh.
And He came and He has taken (*k*) (scroll *K*) out of the right hand of the [One] sitting on the throne.
8 Tekah cayol te loh vaengah tah mulhing pali neh patong rhoek pakul pali tah Tuca hmaiah bakop uh. Rhotoeng neh bo-ul aka bae sui bunang khaw rhip a pom uh. Te tah hlangcim rhoek kah thangthuinah la om.
And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty four elders fell down before the Lamb having each (a harp *N(K)O*) and bowls golden being full of incenses which are the prayers of the saints.
9 Laa thai khaw a sak uh tih, “Cayol aka doe tih kutnoek ong ham a tingtawk la na om pai. Ng'ngawn coeng dae na thii lamloh hlang koca neh ol cungkuem lamkah namtom neh pilnam te Pathen ham na lai.
And they are singing a song new saying; Worthy are You to take the scroll and to open the seals of it, because You were slain and You purchased to God (of us *KO*) by the blood of You out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation
10 Amih te mamih kah Pathen taengah a ram neh khosoih rhoek la na saii. Te dongah diklai soah manghai uh pawn ni,” a ti uh.
and You have made (them *N(K)O*) to the God of us (a kingdom *N(K)O*) and priests, and (they will reign *N(K)(o)*) upon the earth.
11 Te vaengah ka sawt hatah mulhing rhoek neh patong rhoek kah ngolkhoel taengvai ah puencawn rhoek kah a ol te muep ka yaak. A hlangmi tah a thawng, a thawng neh a sang, a sang la om uh.
And I looked and I heard (like *O*) [the] voice of angels many (surrounding *N(k)O*) the throne and of the living creatures and of the elders. (and was the number of them myriads of myriads *NO*) and thousands of thousands
12 “Ngawn tangtae tuca tah thaomnah, khuehtawn, cueihnah, thadueng, hinyahnah, thangpomnah neh yoethennah a dang ham aka tingtawk la om pai,” tila ol neh rhuprhup a ti uh.
saying in a voice loud: Worthy is the Lamb which slain to receive the power and (*o*) riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing!
13 Vaan neh diklai hman, diklai khui neh tuili sokah kutngo boeih neh a khuikah boeih long khaw, “Ngolkhoel sokah aka ngol neh tuca te yoethennah, hinyahnah, thangpomnah neh thaomnah te kumhal ah kumhal duela om saeh,” a ti uh te ka yaak. (aiōn g165)
And every creature which (is *k*) in heaven and (upon the earth *N(k)O*) and under the earth and on the sea (that *k*) (is *ko*) and in them (everything *N(k)O*) I heard saying: To the [One] sitting on (the throne *N(k)O*) and to the Lamb blessing and honor and glory and might to the ages of the ages (Amen. *O*) (aiōn g165)
14 Mulhing pali long khaw, “Amen!” a ti uh. Patong rhoek long khaw bakop uh tih a bawk uh.
And the four living creatures (were saying; *NK(o)*) (*o*) Amen. And the (twenty four twenty four *K*) elders fell down and they worshiped ([the one] living into the ages of the ages. *K*)

< Olphong 5 >