< Olphong 14 >

1 Te phoeiah ka dan hatah Zion tlang ah tuca pai he. A taengah hlang thawng yakhat thawng sawmli thawng li om. Te rhoek ham Amah ming neh a napa ming te a tal ah a daek pah.
And I looked and behold the Lamb (standing *N(k)O*) upon Mount Zion and with Him (number *O*) one hundred forty four thousand having (the name of Him and *NO*) the name of the Father of Him written on the foreheads of them.
2 Te vaengah vaan ol te tui puei ol bang neh rhaek hum ol bangla ka yaak. Te ol tah rhotoengtum rhoek kah a rhotoeng tum bangla ka yaak.
And I heard a voice out of heaven as [the] sound of waters many and as [the] sound of thunder loud, And the (voice *N(k)O*) that I heard ([was] like that *NO*) of harpists harping with the harps of them.
3 Ngolkhoel hmai neh, mulhing pali hmai neh patong rhoek hmaiah laa thai khaw a sak uh. Tedae diklai lamkah tlan tangtae rhoek thawng yakhat thawng sawmli thawng li pawt atah tekah laa te aka rhoi thai om pawh.
And they are singing as a song new before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders, And no [one] was able to learn the song only except the one hundred forty four thousand who redeemed from the earth.
4 Amih rhoek tah oila la om uh tih aka tii pawh huta taengah om uh. Amih long tah tuca te mela a caeh akhaw a vai uh. Amih tah hlang rhoek taeng lamloh Pathen ham neh tuca thaihcuek la a lai.
These are they who with women not was defiled, pure for they are; these (are *k*) those following after the Lamb wherever maybe (He may go; *NK(o)*) These (by Jesus *O*) were redeemed out from men [as] firstfruits to God and to the Lamb;
5 Amih kah olka dongah laithae om pawt tih cuemthuek la om uh.
And in the mouth of them not was found (a lie, *N(k)O*) blameless (for *ko*) they are (before the throne of the God. *K*)
6 Te phoeiah vaan bangli ah aka ding puencawn pakhat ka hmuh. Dungyan olthangthen te diklai hman aka hung rhoek namtom boeih taengah khaw, pilnam koca taengah khaw, ol com ol cae taengah thui ham hang khuen. (aiōnios g166)
And I saw another angel flying in mid-heaven having [the] glad tidings everlasting to evangelise (upon *no*) those (residing *N(k)O*) on the earth and to every nation and tribe and tongue and people (aiōnios g166)
7 Te vaengah ol ue la, “Pathen te rhih uh lamtah amah te thangpomnah pae uh, amah kah laitloeknah tue ha pawk coeng. Te dongah, vaan neh diklai, tuitunli neh tuisih tui aka saii te bawk uh lah,” a ti.
(saying *N(k)O*) in a voice loud; do fear (God *NK(O)*) and do give to Him glory, because has come the hour of the judgment of Him, And do worship (the [One] *NK(o)*) (him [who] *o*) (having made *NK(o)*) heaven and the earth and (*o*) sea and springs of waters.
8 Te phoeiah a pabae kah puencawn pakhat loh a hmaithawn tih, “Tim coeng, a Cukhalnah dongkah thinsanah misurtui te namtom boeih aka tul Babylon kho puei te tim coeng,” a ti.
And another angel (a second *NO*) followed saying; Fallen Fallen is Babylon (the city *K*) the great (who *N(k)O*) of the wine of wrath for the immorality of her she has given to drink all the Gentiles.
9 Puencawn a pathum bal loh amih te a hmaithawn tih ol ue neh, “Ukhaw satlung neh muei aka bawk tih a tal neh a kut ah kutnoek a dang atah,
And (another *no*) angel a third followed after them saying in a voice loud; If anyone worships the beast and the image of it and receives a mark on the forehead of him or upon the hand of him,
10 Anih long khaw Pathen kah thinsanah misurtui te a ok ni. A kosi boengloeng dongah hangcil la a thoek coeng. A cim puencawn rhoek hmai neh tuca hmaiah kat neh hmai dongah a phaep ni.
also he himself will drink of the wine of the anger of God which mixed undiluted in the cup of the wrath of Him and he will be tormented in fire and brimstone before (of the *k*) angels holy and before the Lamb.
11 Amih phaepnah hmaikhu te khaw kumhal kah kumhal la luei. Satlung neh a muei aka bawk rhoek, khat khat loh a ming dongkah kutnoek aka dang long tah khoyin khothaih a duemnah khueh pawh. (aiōn g165)
And the smoke of the torment of them to ages of ages goes up, and not have rest by day and night those worshiping the beast and the image of it and if anyone receives the mark of the name of it. (aiōn g165)
12 Heah he Pathen kah olpaek neh Jesuh kah tangnah aka kuem hlangcim rhoek kah uehnah te om.
Here the endurance of the saints is (here *k*) those keeping the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.
13 Te phoeiah vaan lamkah ol ka yaak tih, “Tahae lamkah aka duek tih Boeipa ah aka duek rhoek tah a yoethen tila daek lah,” a ti. Thuem, Mueihla loh a thui. Te daengah ni amih kah thakthaenah lamloh a duem uh eh. Amih te a khoboe loh amih kah a vai.
And I heard a voice out of heaven saying (to me: *K*) do write; Blessed [are] the dead in the Lord dying from now. Yes, says the Spirit, so that (they will rest *N(k)O*) from the labors of them, (for *N(k)O*) the works of them follow with them.
14 Te phoeiah khomai a bok lawt ka hmuh. Te vaengah khomai soah aka ngol te hlang capa phek la om. A lu ah sui rhuisam a khuem tih a kut dongah vin haat a pom.
And I looked and behold a cloud white, and upon the cloud (is sitting [One] like [the] Son *N(k)O*) of Man, having on the head of Him a crown golden and in the hand of Him a sickle sharp.
15 Puencawn pakhat tah bawkim lamkah ha thoeng tih khomai soah aka ngol te ol ue neh, “Cangah tue a pha coeng tih diklai cangvuei tah koh coeng, na vin te tueih lamtah at laeh,” tila a doek.
And another angel came out of the temple crying in a voice loud to the [One] sitting on the cloud; do put forth the sickle of You and do reap, because has come (to you *K*) the hour (of the *k*) to reap, because has ripened the harvest of the earth.
16 Khomai soah aka ngol loh a vin te diklai hmanah a thueng tih diklai tah a ah.
And swung the [One] sitting upon (the cloud *N(k)O*) the sickle of Him upon the earth, and was harvested the earth.
17 Puencawn pakhat loh vaan bawkim lamkah ha moe tih anih long khaw vin haat a pom.
And another angel came out of the temple in heaven having also he himself a sickle sharp.
18 Te phoeiah puencawn pakhat loh hmueihtuk lamkah ha thoeng tih hmai soah saithainah a khueh. Te vaengah vin haat aka pom te ol ue la a khue tih, “Na vin haat te tueih lamtah diklai kah misur thaihsu te yoep laeh, misur hminkah coeng,” a ti nah.
And another angel came out of the altar who is having authority over the fire and he called (in a voice *N(k)O*) loud to the [one] having the sickle sharp saying; do put forth your sickle sharp and do gather the clusters from the vine of the earth, because fully ripened the grapes of it.
19 Te dongah puencawn loh amah kah vin te diklai la a thueng tih diklai kah misur te a yoep phoeiah tanglue Pathen kah thinsanah misur rhom khuila a sang.
And put forth the angel the sickle of him to the earth and gathered the vine of the earth and cast [them] into the winepress of the wrath of God (great. *N(k)O*)
20 Te phoeiah kho voelkah misur rhom ah a til tih misurrhom lamkah thii aka long te marhang kah kamrhui toemah phalong thawngkhat yarhuk la li.
And was trodden the winepress outside the city, and flowed blood out of the winepress as high as the bridles of the horses to the distance of stadia one thousand six hundred.

< Olphong 14 >