< Tingtoeng 148 >

1 BOEIPA thangthen sak. BOEIPA te vaan lamloh thangthen sak, amah te hmuensang ah thangthen sak.
Praise ye the LORD! Praise the LORD from the heavens! Praise him in the heights!
2 A puencawn boeih loh amah te thangthen uh. A caempuei khuikah a caempuei boeih loh amah te thangthen uh.
Praise him, all ye his angels! Praise him, all ye his hosts!
3 Khomik neh hla loh amah te thangthen lah. Vangnah aisi boeih loh amah te thangthen lah.
Praise ye him, sun and moon! Praise him, all ye stars of light!
4 Vaan phoeikah vaan, vaan dong sokah tui rhoek loh amah te thangthen uh.
Praise him, ye heavens of heavens! Ye waters, that are above the heavens!
5 Amah loh a uen tih a suen dongah BOEIPA ming te thangthen saeh.
Let them praise the name of the LORD; For he commanded, and they were created.
6 Te rhoek kumhal duela a cak sak yoeyah dongah oltlueh he a paek phoeiah tah khum mahpawh.
He hath also established them for ever; He hath given them a law, and they transgress it not.
7 Diklai lamkah tuihnam rhoek neh tuidung boeih loh BOEIPA te thangthen lah.
Praise the LORD from the earth, Ye sea-monsters, and all deeps!
8 Hmai neh rhael, vuelsong neh tuikhu, hlipuei khohli loh a ol a vai.
Fire and hail, snow and vapor; Thou tempest, that fulfillest his word!
9 Tlang neh som boeih, thing thaih neh lamphai thing boeih,
Ye mountains, and all hills! Fruit-trees, and all cedars!
10 mulhing neh rhamsa boeih, rhulcai neh phae aka khueh vaa boeih,
Ye wild beasts, and all cattle! Ye creeping things, and winged birds!
11 diklai manghai rhoek neh namtu rhoek boeih, mangpa rhoek neh diklai laitloek boeih,
Ye kings, and all peoples, Princes, and all judges of the earth!
12 tongpang rhoek neh oila rhoek khaw, patong rhoek neh camoe rhoek loh BOEIPA ming te thangthen saeh.
Young men and maidens, Old men and children!
13 Diklai hman neh vaan kah a mueithennah ham amah long ni a ming a pomdoep.
Let them praise the name of the LORD! For his name alone is exalted; His glory is above the earth and the heavens.
14 Te dongah a pilnam kah ki, a hlangcim boeih neh a hui pilnam Israel ca rhoek kah koehnah te a pomsang coeng. BOEIPA te thangthen uh.
He exalteth the horn of his people, The glory of all his godly ones, Of the children of Israel, a people near to him. Praise ye the LORD!

< Tingtoeng 148 >