< Matthai 9 >

1 Te phoeiah lawng khuila kun tih, a hlaikan daengah amah kho la pawk.
And having climbed into (*k*) a boat He passed over and came to [his] own city.
2 Te vaengah khawn tih thingkong dongah aka yalh te a taengla tarha a khuen pauh. Amih kah tangnah te Jesuh loh a hmuh coeng dongah aka khawn te, “Ngaimong sak, ka ca, tholhnah loh nang n'hlah coeng,” a ti nah.
And behold they were bringing to Him a paralytic on a bed lain down. And having seen Jesus the faith of them He said to the paralytic; Take courage son, (are forgiven *N(k)O*) (to you *k*) of you the sins.
3 Te vaengah cadaek rhoek khuikah hlangvang long tah amamih khuiah, “Anih loh a soehsal coeng,” tarha a ti uh.
And behold some of the scribes said to themselves; This [man] blasphemes!
4 Jesuh loh amih kah poeknah te a hmuh tih, “Balae tih na thinko khui ah a thae na poek uh.
And (seeing *NK(o)*) Jesus the thoughts of them He said; so why so why (you yourselves *k*) think evil in the hearts of you?
5 “Na tholh loh n'hlah coeng, 'ti ham neh, 'thoo lamtah cet,’ ti ham he, melae yoeikoek la aka om?
Which for is easier; to say; (Are forgiven of you *N(k)O*) the sins, or to say; (do arise *N(k)O*) and do walk?
6 Te daengah ni diklai hmankah tholh hlah ham he hlang capa loh saithainah a khueh te na ming uh eh,” a ti nah. Te phoeiah aka khawn te, “Thoo, na phak te khuen lamtah na im la cet,” a ti nah.
So that however you may know that authority has the Son of Man on the earth to forgive sins, Then He says to the paralytic; (Having arisen *NK(o)*) do take up your mat and do go to the house of you.
7 Te vaengah thoo tih a im la koe cet.
And having arisen he went away to the house of him.
8 Hlangping loh a hmuh vaengah a rhih uh tih, hlang taengah hebang saithainah aka pae Pathen te a thangpom uh.
Having seen now the crowds (revered *N(K)O*) and glorified God the [One] having given authority such to men.
9 Jesuh te lamkah a khum vaengah, Matthai la a khue hlang pakhat tah mangmu doenah ah a ngol te a hmuh tih, “Kai m'vai lah,” a ti nah. Te dongah thoo tih Jesuh taengah bang.
And passing on Jesus from there He saw a man sitting at the tax booth, Matthew named, And He says to him; do follow Me. And having arisen he followed Him.
10 Im khuiah a om vaengah caboei te a vael. Te vaengah mangmucoi rhoek neh hlangtholh rhoek muep tarha ha pawk uh tih Jesuh neh a hnukbang rhoek taengah a vael uh.
And it came to pass when he is reclining in the house, that behold many tax collectors and sinners having come they were reclining with Jesus and the disciples of Him.
11 Pharisee rhoek loh a hmuh uh vaengah a hnukbang rhoek taengah, “Balae tih nangmih kah saya tah mangmucoi rhoek neh hlangtholh rhoek taengah a caak,” a ti nah.
And having seen [it] the Pharisees (was saying *N(k)O*) to the disciples of Him; Because of why with the tax collectors and sinners eats the Teacher of you?
12 Tedae a yaak vaengah, “Sading rhoek loh siboei a ngoe moenih, tedae tloh aka khueh rhoek long tah a ngoe.
And (Jesus *ko*) having heard He said (to them: *k*) Not need have those being strong of a physician but those sick being.
13 Cet uh lamtah metla a om khaw cang uh saw. Ka ngaih he tah rhennah ni hmueih te moenih. Aka dueng rhoek khue ham pawt tih aka tholh rhoek ham ni ka pawk,” a ti nah.
Having gone however do learn what is; Mercy I desire and not [desire] sacrifice;’ Not for I came to call [the] righteous but sinners (into repentance. *K*)
14 Te phoeiah Johan kah hnukbang loh a a paan uh tih, “Balae tih kaimih neh Pharisee rhoek long tah vawpvawp ka yaeh uh. Tedae na hnukbang rhoek loh a yaeh uh moenih,” a ti nah.
Then come to Him the disciples of John saying; Because of why we ourselves and the Pharisees do fast many times, the however disciples of You not fast?
15 Jesuh loh amih te, “Pacaboeina loh yulueihmuen te a nguek thil thai moenih. Amih a om khuiah tah yulokung loh a om puei ta. Tedae yulokung te amih taeng lamkah loh a khue tue ha pawk vaengah a yaeh uh van bitni.
And said to them Jesus; Surely not can the sons of the bridechamber [are] to mourn as long as with them is the bridegroom? Will come however days when may have been taken away from them the bridegroom, and then they will fast.
16 Hni pen a cuemsok te himbai rhuem soah a bo moenih. A bawtnah ah te long te himbai ni a dueng tih a pawnnah te a thae la a om.
No [one] however puts a patch of cloth unshrunk on clothing old; tears away for the patch of it from the garment, and a worse tear emerges.
17 Misurtui a noe te tuitang rhuem khuiah a than moenih. Te pawt koinih tuitang te paeng tih misurtui khaw cae. Te vaengah tuitang khaw poci. Tedae misurtui noe te tuitang a thai dongah a than uh atah bok sueng,” a ti nah.
Nor pour they wine new into wineskins old; lest then except indeed are burst the wineskins, and the wine is poured out and the wineskins (are ruined. *N(k)O*) But they pour wine new into wineskins new, and (both *N(k)O*) are preserved.
18 He rhoek he amih ham a thui vaengah boei pakhat te pakcak cet tih anih te a bawk. Te phoeiah, “Ka canu he paekca ah duek dae na lo tih na kut na tloeng thil koinih hing ni,” a ti nah.
These things when he is speaking to them behold a ruler certain (having come *NK(o)*) was kneeling down to Him saying that The daughter of Mine presently has died; but having come do lay the hand of You upon her, and she will live.
19 Te dongah Jesuh tah thoo tih anih te a hnukbang rhoek neh a vai phai.
And having arisen Jesus (followed *NK(o)*) him also the disciples of Him.
20 Te vaengah kum hlainit khuiah aka thii nu loh a hnuk ah a paan tih a himbai dongkah salaw te a taek pah.
And behold a woman having a flux of blood twelve years having come up behind [Him] she touched the fringe of the garment of Him.
21 Amah long tah, “Jesuh kah himbai mah ka taek koinih ka hoeih ni,” a ti dongah ni.
She was saying for within herself; If only I shall touch the garment of Him, I will be healed.
22 Jesuh te mael tih huta te a hmuh vaengah, “Ka canu na ngaimong sak, na tangnah loh nang n'khang coeng,” a ti nah. Te vaeng tue lamloh huta tah daem.
And Jesus (having turned *N(k)O*) and having seen her He said; Take courage daughter, the faith of you has cured you. And was cured the woman from the hour very.
23 Boei im la Jesuh a pawk vaengah phavi tum neh hlangping te a sarhingrhup la hmuh.
And having come Jesus into the house of the ruler and having seen the flute players and the crowd making a commotion
24 Te dongah, “Khoe uh lah, hula he a duek moenih, aka ip ni,” a ti nah. Te vaengah Jesuh te a nueih thiluh.
(He was saying *N(k)O*) (to them: *k*) do go away, Not for is dead the girl but sleeps. And they were mocking Him.
25 Tedae hlangping te a haek phoeiah kun tih a kut a tuuk pah vaengah hula te thoo.
When now was put outside the crowd, having entered He took hold of the hand of her, and arose the girl.
26 He olthang loh tekah kho boeih te a pha.
And went out report this into all the land that.
27 Te lamloh Jesuh a khum vaengah mikdael panit loh a vai rhoi. Te vaengah pang rhoi tih, “David Capa kaimih rhoi n'rhen lah,” a ti rhoi.
And passing on from there Jesus followed Him two blind [men] crying out and saying; do have mercy on us, (Son *N(k)O*) of David.
28 Im la a pawk vaengah Jesuh te mikdael rhoi loh a paan rhoi. Te vaengah Jesuh loh amih rhoi te, “He he ka saii thai tila na tangnah rhoi a?” a ti nah hatah, “Ue, Boeipa,” a ti rhoi.
Having come now into the house came to Him the blind [men], and says to them Jesus; Believe you that I am able this to do? They say to him; Yes Lord.
29 Te phoeiah amih rhoi kah mik te a taek pah tih, “Nangmih rhoi kah tangnah bangla nangmih taengah om saeh,” a ti nah.
Then He touched the eyes of them saying; According to the faith of you it should be [done] to you.
30 Te vaengah a mik a tueng pah. Tedae Jesuh tah thanueih tih amih rhoi te, “Ngaithuen, hlang loh ming boel saeh,” a ti nah.
And were opened their eyes. And (he strictly instructed *N(k)O*) them Jesus saying; do see [that] no one should know.
31 Tedae cet rhoi tih Jesuh kawng te kho tom ah a doek rhoi.
But having gone out they make known Him in all the land that.
32 Amih rhoi a caeh neh rhaithae aka kaem hlang pakhat hnapang te a taengla tarha a khuen uh.
[As] they now were going out behold they brought to Him a man mute [and] demonised.
33 Rhaithae te haek pah tih olmueh te koep cal. Te dongah hlangping tah a ngaihmang uh tih, “Israel khuiah om noek tangloeng pawh,” a ti uh.
And when had been cast out the demon spoke the mute [man]. And marveled the crowds saying (that: *k*) Never was it seen thus in Israel.
34 Tedae Pharisee rhoek loh, “Rhaithae boei rhang nen ni rhaithae a haek,” a ti uh.
The now Pharisees were saying; By the prince of the demons He casts out demons.
35 Te phoeiah Jesuh tah khopuei boeih neh vangca tom la cet tih amih kah tunim ah a thuituen. Ram kah olthangthen te khaw a hoe tih tlohtat boeih neh tlohnat boeih te a hoeih sak.
And was going throughout Jesus the cities all and the villages teaching in the synagogues of them and proclaiming the gospel of the kingdom and healing every disease and every sickness (in people. *K*)
36 A hmuh vaengah amih hlangping ham te a thinphat. Tawnba la a om uh lalah tudawn aka om pawh tu bangla a voeih uh.
Having seen now the crowds He was moved with compassion for them because they were (troubled *N(K)O*) and cast away (as *NK(o)*) sheep not having a shepherd.
37 Te dongah a hnukbang rhoek te, “Cangah hamla yet ngawn dae bibikung rhoek tah yolca.
Then He says to the disciples of Him; The indeed harvest [is] plentiful, the however workmen [are] few;
38 Te dongah cangah boeipa taengah na thangthui uh daengah ni a cangat la bibikung han tueih eh,” a ti nah.
do beseech therefore the Lord of the harvest that He may send out workmen into the harvest of Him.

< Matthai 9 >