< Matthai 27 >

1 Mincang a pha atah Jesuh te duek sak hamla khosoihham rhoek neh pilnam khuikah a ham rhoek tah dawtletnah boeih a khueh uh.
As morning then having arrived counsel took all the chief priests and the elders of the people against Jesus so that they might put to death him,
2 Jesuh te a khih uh phoeiah a khuen uh tih khoboei Pilat taengah a thak uh.
And having bound Him they led away [Him] and delivered (Him to Pontius *K*) Pilate the governor.
3 Jesuh a boe sak uh te anih aka voei Judah loh a hmuh vaengah yut tih khosoihham rhoek neh a ham rhoek taengah tangka sawmthum te a balkhong.
Then having seen Judas the [one who] (betraying *NK(o)*) Him that He was condemned, having regretted [it] (he turned *N(k)O*) the thirty pieces of silver to the chief priests and (to the *k*) elders
4 “Ka tholh tih ommongsitoe thii ka voeih,” a ti nah. Tedae te rhoek loh, “Kaimih neh balae benbo benpang, namah loh ming saw,” a ti na uh.
saying; I sinned having betrayed blood (innocent. *NK(O)*) Then they said; What [is that] to us? You yourself will see.
5 Te dongah tangka te bawkim khuiah a voeih tih vik khoe uh. Te phoeiah cet tih kuiok.
And having cast down the pieces of silver (into the temple *N(k)O*) he withdrew, and having gone away hanged himself.
6 Tedae khosoihham rhoek loh tangka te a loh uh tih, “Thii phu la a om dongah Korban khuila khueh ham tueng pawh,” a ti uh.
And the chief priests having taken the pieces of silver said; Not it is lawful to put them into the treasury since [the] price of blood it is.
7 Te dongah dawtletnah a khueh uh tih te nen te kholong rhoek kah phuel la ambop kah lo te a lai uh.
Counsel then having taken they bought with them the field of the potter for a burial place for the strangers.
8 Te dongah te kah lohmuen tah tihnin due, “Thii lohmuen, “tila a khue uh.
Therefore was called the field that Field of Blood until this day.
9 Te dongah tonghma Jeremiah loh a thui tah soep coeng. Te vaengah, “Tangka sawmthum te a doe uh. A phu a tloek te Israel ca rhoek lamloh a tloek uh,” a ti.
Then was fulfilled that having been spoken through Jeremiah the prophet saying; And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of the [One] priced, whom they set a price on by [the] sons of Israel,
10 Te phoeiah ka boeipa loh a thuinuet bangla ambop kah lohmuen te tangka la a paek uh,” a ti.
and they gave them for the field of the potter, as directed me [the] Lord
11 Jesuh te khoboei hmaiah a pai vaengah khoboei loh a dawt tih, “Nang Judah manghai la na om a?” a ti nah hatah Jesuh loh, “Namah long ni na ti,” a ti nah.
And Jesus (stood *N(k)O*) before the governor; and questioned Him the governor saying; You yourself are the King of the Jews? And Jesus was saying (to him: *ko*) You yourself say.
12 Te vaengah khosoihham rhoek neh patong rhoek loh Jesuh te a paelnaeh dae a doo moenih.
And in accusing of Him by the chief priests and (the *ko*) elders no [thing] He answered.
13 Te dongah Pilat loh Jesuh te, “Nang he muep m'pael uh te na yaak moenih a?” a ti nah.
Then says to Him Pilate; Not do you hear how many things You they witness against?
14 Tedae Jesuh loh olka kam khat nen pataeng a lan pawt dongah khoboei te bahoeng a ngaihmang.
And not He did answer him to not even one word so as to amaze the governor exceedingly.
15 Khotue ah ana sainoek tah khoboei loh hlangping ham amamih ngaih thongtla pakhat te a hlah.
At now [the] feast had been accustomed the governor to release one to the multitude prisoner whom they were wishing.
16 Te vaengah Barabbas Jesuh la a khue thongtla mingthang te a khueh uh.
They were holding now at that time a prisoner notable being named (Jesus *NO*) Barabbas.
17 Amih a tingtun uh vaengah Pilat loh amih te, “Jesuh Barabbas neh Khrih la a khue Jesuh khuiah nangmih ham ulae kan hlah ham na ngaih uh,” a ti nah.
When were assembled therefore they said to them Pilate; Whom do you want [that] I may release to you? (Jesus *NO*) (*no*) Barabbas or Jesus who is named Christ?
18 Uethnetnah dongah anih he a voeih uh tila a ming.
He knew for that through envy they delivered up him.
19 Pailat te laitloek ngolkhoel dongah a ngol vaengah a yuu loh anih te ol a tah tih, “Hlang dueng te nang hut moenih, anih kongah tihnin ka mang ah mat ka patang,” a ti nah.
When was sitting now he on the judgment seat sent to him the wife of him saying; [Let there be] nothing between you and the righteous [man] that; many things for I suffered today in a dream because of Him.
20 Tedae khosoihham rhoek neh a ham rhoek loh Barabbas te bih tih Jesuh te poci hamla hlangping te a yoek uh.
And the chief priests and the elders persuaded the crowds that they may ask for Barabbas, and Jesus may destroy.
21 Te phoeiah khoboei loh amih te a doo tih, “Panit khuiah ulae nangmih taengah hlah ham na ngaih uh,” a ti nah. Te vaengah te rhoek loh, “Barabbas,” a ti uh.
Answering now the governor said to them; Which do you desire of the two I may release to you? And they said; (*no*) Barabbas.
22 Pilat loh amih taengah, “Te koinih Khrih la a khue Jesuh te metlam ka saii eh?” a ti nah hatah, “Tai saeh,” boeih a ti uh.
Says to them Pilate; What then shall I do with Jesus who is called Christ? They say (to him *k*) all; he should be crucified.
23 Tedae Pilat loh, “Balae thae a saii te,” a ti nah. Te vaengah amih pang uh khungdaeng tih, “Tai laeh,” a ti uh.
And (governor *k*) was saying: What for evil did He commit? And excessively they were crying out saying; he should be crucified.
24 Pilat loh a hoeikhang hae moenih olpungnah ni aka om tila a hmuh. Tui a loh tih hlangping hmaiah kut a yuh phoeiah, “Anih thii dongah ommongsitoe lamni ka om, namamih loh na ming bitni,” a ti nah.
Having seen now Pilate that no [thing] it availed but rather a riot is arising, having taken water he washed the hands (opposite *NK(o)*) the crowd saying; Guiltless I am of the blood (righteous [one] *KO*) of this; For yourselves you will behold.
25 Te dongah pilnam boeih loh a doo tih, “Anih kah thii tah kaimih so neh ka ca rhoek soah tla saeh,” a ti nah.
And answering all the people said; The blood of Him [be] on us and on the children of us.
26 Te vaengah amih hamla Barabbas te a hlah pah. Tedae Jesuh te a tam tih tai ham a paek.
Then he released to them Barabbas; and Jesus having flogged He delivered up [Him] that He may be crucified.
27 Te phoeiah Jesuh te khoboei kah rhalkap rhoek loh khoboeiyung la a khuen uh tih caem pum loh a tingtun thil uh.
Then the soldiers of the governor having taken with [them] Jesus to the Praetorium gathered before Him all the cohort,
28 A himbai te a pit pa uh tih rhalkap himbai a nukyum te anih a bai sakuh.
And having stripped Him a robe scarlet they put around Him,
29 Hling rhuisam khaw a vaeh uh tih a lu soah a khuem sakuh. Te phoeiah capu kong te a bantang kut ah a pom sakuh. Te vaengah a hmaiah cungkueng neh a tamdaeng uh tih, “Judah manghai na sading saeh,” a ti uh.
And having twisted together a crown of thorns they put [it] on (the head *N(k)O*) of Him and a reed (in the right hand *N(k)O*) of Him, and having bowed the knees before Him (they mocked *N(k)O*) Him saying; Hail (the *k*) (King *N(k)O*) of the Jews!
30 Te phoeiah Jesuh te a timthoeih uh, capu te a loh uh tih a lu ah a boh uh.
And having spit upon Him they took the reed and were striking [Him] on the head of Him.
31 Jesuh a tamdaeng uh vaengah rhalkap himbai te a pit pa uh tih amah kah himbai te a bai sakuh. Te phoeiah tai hamla a khuen uh.
And when they had mocked Him, they took off Him the robe and they put on Him the garments of Him and led away Him to to crucify [Him].
32 A caeh uh vaengah Kurena hlang, a ming ah Simon te a hmuh uh tih anih te thinglam te a koh hamla a tanolh uh.
Going forth now they found a man of Cyrene named Simon; Him they compelled that he may carry the cross of Him.
33 Te phoeiah Golgotha a ti hmuen la pawk uh. Te tah lurhuh la a khue hmuen ni.
And having come to a place being named Golgotha, (which *N(k)O*) is of a Skull Place being named,
34 Te vaengah ankhaa neh a thoek misurtui te ok hamla Jesuh te a paek uh dae a ten vaengah ok ham ngaih pawh.
they gave Him to drink (wine *N(K)O*) with gall mingled, and having tasted not (He wished *N(k)O*) to drink [it].
35 Anih a tai uh phoeiah tah a himbai te tael uh thae tih hmulung a naan uh.
having crucified now Him they divided the garments of Him casting lots, (so that may be fulfilled which having been spoken by prophet they divided the garments of mine themselves and upon the clothing of mine they cast lots *K*)
36 Te phoeiah ngol uh tih amah te pahoi a tawt uh.
And sitting down they were guarding Him there,
37 Te vaengah a paelnaehnah te a lu soah a khing pa uh tih, “Anih tah Judah manghai Jesuh ni,” tila a daek.
And they put up over the head of Him the accusation of Him written: This is Jesus the King of the Jews.
38 Te vaengah dingca rhoi tah Jesuh taengkah banvoei ah pakhat neh bantang ah pakhat a tai uh.
At the same time are crucified with Him two robbers, one at [the] right hand and one at [the] left.
39 Aka van paitai loh a lu a hinghuen uh tih anih te a soehsal uh.
Those now passing by were denigrating Him wagging the heads of them
40 Te vaengah, “Bawkim te aka phae tih hnin thum ah aka sa aw, namah te khang uh lamtah Pathen Capa la na om atah thinglam lamloh suntla lah saw,” a ti na uh.
and saying; You who [are] destroying the temple and in three days building [it], do save Yourself! If [the] Son You are of God, (also *n*) do descend from the cross!
41 Khosoihham rhoek, cadaek rhoek neh a ham rhoek long khaw a tamdaeng uh van.
Likewise (now *ko*) also the chief priests mocking with the scribes and elders (and Pharisees *O*) were saying;
42 “Hlang tloe te a khang tih amah te khang thai pawh, Israel manghai ni, thinglam lamloh suntla laeh saeh, te vaengah anih te ka tangnah uh bitni.
Others He saved, Himself not is He able to save. (if *k*) King of Israel He is, he should descend now from the cross, and we will believe (in *no*) (Him. *N(k)O*)
43 Pathen dongah pangtung lah ko, a ngaih atah hlawt laeh saeh, 'Kai he Pathen Capa ni,’ a ti lah ko,” a ti uh.
He has trusted on God; he should deliver now (him *ko*) if He wants Him; He said for that Of God I am [the] Son.
44 A taengkah a tai uh dingca rhoi long khaw amah la a thuithet rhoi.
And likewise even the robbers those having been crucified (with *no*) Him were upbraiding (Him. *N(k)O*)
45 Khonoek parhuk lamloh khonoek pako duela diklai boeih te yinnah loh a khuk thil coeng.
From then [the] sixth hour darkness was over all the land until [the] hour ninth.
46 Khonoek pako tluk atah Jesuh tah ol a len pang tih, “Eli Eli lama sabakhthani,” a ti. Te tah, 'Ka Pathen, Ka Pathen oeh, balae tih kai nan phap, ' tila om.
About then the ninth hour (cried out *NK(o)*) Jesus in a voice loud saying; (Eli Eli, *NK(o)*) lema sabachthani? That is: God of Mine God of Mine, so why so why Me have you forsaken?
47 Aka pai rhoek khuikah hlangvang a yaak uh vaengah, “Anih loh Elijah a khue,” a ti uh.
Some then of those who there having stood listening were saying that Elijah calls this [man].
48 Te vaengah amih khuikah pakhat tah tlek yong tih caethum te a loh. Yuthui neh a sul phoeiah capu kong dongah a yen tih Jesuh te a tul.
And immediately having run one of them and having taken a sponge, having filled [it] and with vinegar and having put [it] on a reed were giving to drink Him.
49 Tedae a tloe rhoek loh, “Hlah dae, anih aka khang ham Elijah ha pawk venim so uh lah sih,” a ti uh.
And the rest (were saying; *NK(o)*) Wait! let us see whether comes Elijah to then save Him. (another now having taken a spear pierced of him side and went out water and blood. *O*)
50 Te phoeiah Jesuh te ol a len ngai la koep pang tih mueihla te pak a hlah.
And Jesus again having cried in a voice loud yielded up [His] spirit.
51 Te vaengah bawkim kah hniyan te a so lamloh a hmui due panit la pawn tih diklai khaw hinghuen, lungpang khaw paeng.
And behold the veil of the temple was torn from top until bottom into two, and the earth was shaken, and the rocks were split,
52 Hlan khaw ong uh tih aka ip tangtae hlangcim rhoek kah a pum muep thoo uh.
and the tombs were opened, and many bodies of the having fallen asleep saints (were raised, *N(k)O*)
53 A thohkoepnah hnukah phuel lamkah aka cet rhoek tah khopuei cim la kun uh tih muep a yaak sakuh.
and having gone forth out of the tombs after the resurrection of Him they entered into the holy city and appeared to many.
54 Te vaengah rhalboei neh anih taengkah Jesuh aka tawt rhoek loh lingluei neh aka thoeng hno te a hmuh uh tih bahoeng a rhih uh. Te vaengah, “Anih tah Pathen Capa la om tangtang,” a ti uh.
And the centurion and those with him keeping guard over Jesus having seen the earthquake and the [things that] (were happening *NK(o)*) feared greatly saying; Truly God’s Son was this.
55 Tekah aka om huta rhoek long khaw a hla lamloh muep a hmuh uh. Amih loh Jesuh te Galilee lamkah a vai uh tih a taengah thotat uh.
They were now there women many from afar off looking on who followed Jesus from Galilee ministering to Him,
56 Amih lakliah Magadala kah Mary, James neh Joseph kah a manu Mary neh Zebedee kah capa rhoek kah a manu khaw om.
among whom was Mary Magdalene and Mary she of James and (of Joseph *N(k)O*) [the] mother and the mother of the sons of Zebedee.
57 Hlaem a pha vaengah tah Arimathea kah kuirhang hlang pakhat a ming ah Joseph te ha pawk. Anih tah amah rhoe khaw Jesuh taengah bang.
When evening now having arrived came a man rich from Arimathea, named Joseph, who also himself (was discipled *N(K)O*) to Jesus.
58 Anih loh Jesuh rhok bih hamla Pilat te a paan vaengah mael hamla Pilat loh ol a paek.
He having gone to Pilate asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate commanded it to be given up (the body. *ko*)
59 Joseph loh rhok te a loh phoeiah hnipen aka caih neh a yen.
And having taken the body Joseph wrapped it (in *no*) a linen cloth clean
60 Te phoeiah lungpang khuiah a thai la a thuk hlan khuiah a khueh. Te vaengah hlan thohka te lungto len a paluet thil tih a caeh tak.
and placed it in the new of him tomb which he had cut in the rock, and having rolled a stone great to the door of the tomb he went away.
61 Te vaengah Magadala Mary neh a tloe Mary tah pahoi om tih hlan kah hmai ah ngol rhoi.
Was now there Mary Magdalene and the other Mary sitting opposite the tomb.
62 Rhuengphongnah a om phoeikah a vuen ah khosoihham rhoek neh Pharisee rhoek loh Pilat taengah tingtun uh.
on the And next day which is after the Preparation, were gathered together the chief priests and the Pharisees before Pilate
63 Te vaengah “Boeipa, te kah laithaelaidang loh a hing vaengah, “' Hnin thum phoeiah ka thoo ni,’ a ti te ka poek uh.
saying; Sir, we have remembered how that [on, e] the deceiver said while living; After three days I arise.
64 Te dongah hlan te a thum hnin duela tawt ham olpae mai. A hnukbang rhoek ha pawk uh tih huen uh ve. Te vaengah pilnam taengah, 'Duek lamloh thoo coeng,’ ti ve. Te dongah a hnukkhueng kah tholhhiknah tah lamhma lakah a thae la om ve,” a ti uh.
do command therefore to be secured the tomb until the third day, otherwise otherwise having come the disciples of Him (night *K*) may steal away him and they may say to the people; He is risen from the dead. And will be the last deception worse than the first.
65 Pilat loh amih taengah, “Rhaltawt na khueh uh te ta, Cet uh lamtah na ming uh bangla tawt uh,” a ti nah.
was saying (now *k*) to them Pilate; You have a guard; do go do make [it as] secure as you know [how].
66 Te phoeiah amih te cet uh tih phuel ah rhaltawt taengkah lungto te kutnoek a daeng thil tih a khoh uh.
And having gone they made secure the tomb having sealed the stone with the guard.

< Matthai 27 >