< Johan 7 >

1 Te phoeiah Jesuh tah Galilee ah vik pongpa. Amah te Judah rhoek loh ngawn ham a mae uh dongah Judea ah caeh ham ngaih pawh.
And after these things was walking Jesus in Galilee; not for He was desiring in Judea to walk, because were seeking Him the Jews to kill.
2 Tedae Judah rhoek kah dungtlung khotue om tom coeng.
Was now near the feast of the Jews of Booths.
3 Te dongah a mana rhoek loh amah te, “He lamloh thoeih lamtah Judea la cet laeh, te daengah ni nang kah na saii bibi te na hnukbang rhoek loh a hmuh uh van eh.
Said therefore to Him the brothers of Him; do depart from here and do go into Judea so that also the disciples of You (will see *N(k)O*) of You the works that You are doing;
4 A huep la a saii vaengah amah te sayalhnah neh om ham aka tlap pakhat khaw a om moenih. He rhoek na saii mai vetih Diklai ah na phoe mai mako,” a ti nauh.
No [one] for anything in secret does and seeks himself in public to be; If these things You do, do show Yourself to the world.
5 A manuca rhoek long khaw amah te a tangnah uh moenih.
Not even for the brothers of Him were believing in Him.
6 Te dongah Jesuh loh amih te, “Kai kah a tue tah ha pai hlan, dae nangmih kah a tue tah sikim la vawp vawp om.
Says therefore to them Jesus; The time for Me not yet is come, but the time of you always is ready.
7 Diklai loh nangmih m'hmuhuet thai mahpawh, tedae kai tah a khoboe thae a khueh kawng te ka phong dongah m'hmuhuet.
Not is able the world to hate you, Me myself however it hates, because I myself bear witness concerning it that the works of it evil are.
8 Nangmih tah khotue la cetuh. Kai tah hekah khotue la ka cet mahpawh, kai kah a tue tah soep hlan,” a ti nah.
You yourselves do go up to feast (this; *k*) I myself (not *N(k)O*) am going up to feast this, for My time (*k*) not yet has been fulfilled.
9 He rhoek he a thui phoeiah Jesuh tah Galilee ah vik naeh.
These things now having said (He himself *N(K)O*) He remained in Galilee.
10 Tedae A mana rhoek tah khotue la a caeh uh phoeiah tah amah khaw koep cet. Tedae a huep la duem om tih loloh moe pawh.
When however had gone up the brothers of Him to the feast, then also He himself went up not openly but as in secret.
11 Khotue vaengah Judah rhoek loh Jesuh te a toem uh tih, “Anih te melam a om?” a ti uh.
The therefore Jews were seeking Him at the feast and were saying; Where is He?
12 Te dongah anih kawngte hlangping kohuetnah la muep om uh. A ngen loh, “Hlang then ni,” a ti uh. A tloe rhoek loh, “Pawh, hlangping te a rhaithi coeng,” a ti uh.
And murmuring about Him there was much among the crowds. Some indeed were saying that Good He is, Others however were saying; No, but He deceives the people.
13 Tedae Judah rhoek a rhihnah dongah a kawng te sayalh la thui pawh.
No [one] however publicly was speaking about Him because of the fear of the Jews.
14 Tedae khotue bangli vaengah Jesuh te bawkim la cet tih a thuituen.
Now also of the feast being in the middle went up (*k*) Jesus into the temple and was teaching.
15 Te dongah Judah rhoek tah a ngaihmang uh tih, “He long he a cang muehla metlam ca a ming?” a ti uh.
(and *k*) Were marveling (then *NO*) the Jews saying; How this one writings knows not having studied?
16 Te dongah Jesuh loh amih te a doo tih, “Kai kah thuituennah tah kamah kah pawt tih kai aka tueih kah ni.
Answered (therefore *NO*) them Jesus and said: My teaching not is of Myself but of the [One who] having sent Me;
17 Khat khat loh a kongaih te saii ham a ngaih atah thuituennah he Pathen lamkah a? Kai kamah lamkah a ka thui? tite a ming ni.
If anyone shall desire the will of Him to do, he will know concerning the teaching whether from God it is or I myself from Myself speak.
18 Amah lamkah aka thui loh amah thangpomnah te a toem. Tedae anih aka tueih kah thangpomnah aka toem long tah, a thuem la a om dongah anih ah boethae om pawh.
The [one] from himself speaking the glory [their] own seeks; the [One] however seeking the glory of the [One who] having sent Him, He true is, and unrighteousness in Him not is.
19 Moses loh nangmih te olkhueng m'paek moenih a? Tedae nangmih olkhueng aka vai pawt loh balae tih kai ngawn ham nan mae uh?” a ti nah.
Not Moses (has given *NK(o)*) to you the law? and no [one] of you keeps the law! Why Me do you seek to kill?
20 Hlangping long khaw, “Rhaithae na kaem, nang ngawn ham aka mae te unim,” a ti nah.
Answered the crowd (and said: *k*) A demon You have; who You seeks to kill?
21 Jesuh loh amih te a doo tih, “Bibi pakhat ka saii hatah boeih na ngaihmang uh.
Answered (*k*) Jesus and said to them; One work I did, and all you marvel.
22 Moses loh nangmih te yahvinrhetnah ham m'paek. Te te Moses kah moenih a pa rhoek kah ni. Te dongah Sabbath ah hlang kah yahvin na rhet uh.
Because of this: Moses has given you circumcision — not that of Moses it is but of the fathers — also on Sabbath you circumcise a man.
23 Yahvinrhetnah he hlang loh Sabath ah a dang vaengah Moses kah olkhueng te a phae pawt atah Sabath ah hlang pum pakhat sading la ka khueh dongah nim kai taengah na thin a toek uh?
If circumcision receives (*o*) a man on Sabbath so that not shall be broken the law of Moses, with Me myself are you angry because entirely a man sound I made on [the] Sabbath?
24 A hmanhu ah laitloek uh boeh. Tedae laitloeknah he a dueng la laitloek uh,” a ti nah.
Not do judge according to appearance, but the righteous judgment (do judge. *N(k)O*)
25 Te dongah Jerusalem kah a ngen loh, “Ngawn ham a toem uh te anih pawt nim?
Were saying therefore some of those of Jerusalem; Not this is he whom they seek to kill?
26 sayalh la a thui dae amah tah a voek uh moenih ca he. Anih he Khrih ni tila boei rhoek loh rhep a ming uh nim?
And behold publicly He speaks, and no [thing] to Him they say. otherwise otherwise Truly have recognized the rulers that this is (truly *K*) the Christ?
27 Te dongah anih he me lamkah ha thoeng khaw m'ming. Tedae Khrih halo vaengkah tah me lamkah a thoeng khaw, a mingpha moenih,” a ti uh.
But this [man] we know from where He is; The however Christ whenever He may come, no [one] knows from where He is.
28 Te dongah Jesuh loh bawkim khuiah a thuituen vaengah pang tih, “Kai nan ming uh tih me lamkah ka thoeng khaw na minguh. Kamah lamkah ka lo moenih. Tedae kai aka tueih tah oltak ni. Anih te na ming uh moenih.
Cried out therefore in the temple teaching Jesus and saying; Me Me you know and you know from where I am; and of Myself not I have come, but is true the [One] having sent Me whom you yourselves not know;
29 Kai loh amah te ka ming. Amah taengah ka om tih te long te kai n'tueih,” a ti nah.
I myself (now *k*) know Him, because from Him I am, and He and He Me sent.
30 Te dongah amah tuuk ham a mae uh dae a tue te a pai hlan dongah anih te kut hlah uh thil pawh.
They were seeking therefore Him to take, but no [one] laid upon Him the hand, because not yet had come the hour of Him.
31 Tedae hlangping lamkah a yet loh amah te a tangnah tih, “Khrih ha lo vaengkah anih kah a saii lakah miknoek khaw muep saii mahpawt a?” a ti uh.
Out of the crowd now many believed in Him and were saying (that: *k*) The Christ When He may come, (Surely not *N(k)O*) more signs (than these things *k*) will He do than this [man] has done?
32 Anih kawng neh hlangping kah a kohuet te Pharisee rhoek loh a yaak uh. Te dongah anih tuuk ham tueihyoeih rhoek te khosoihham rhoek neh Pharisee rhoek loh a tueih uh.
Heard the Pharisees the crowd murmuring about Him these things, and sent the chief priests and the Pharisees officers that they may seize Him.
33 Te vaengah Jesuh loh, “Nangmih taengah a tue kolkalh ni ka om pueng vetih kai aka tueih taengla ka cet ni.
Said therefore (to them *k*) Jesus; Yet time a little with you I am and I go to the [One] having sent Me.
34 Kai nan toem uh vaengah kamah nan hmu uh mahpawh. Te vaengah ka om nah khaw nam pha uh thai mahpawh,” a ti nah.
You will seek Me and not will find Me, and where am I myself you yourselves not are able to come.
35 Te dongah Judah rhoek loh amamih te, “He he mela caeh ham nim a cai tih mamih loh anih m'hmuh pawt eh? Greek kah canglak mupoe taengah cet la cai pawt nim? Greek rhoek te thuituen ham nim?
Said therefore the Jews among themselves; Where He is about to go that we ourselves not will find Him? Surely to the Dispersion among the Greeks is He about to go and to teach the Greeks?
36 Kai he nan toem uh cakhaw kai na hmu uh mahpawh. Te dongah ka om nah khaw na pha uh thai pawh,’ a ti te mebang ol nim te,” a ti uh.
What is word this that He said; You will seek Me and not will find (Me, *NK*) and Where am I myself you yourselves not are able to come?
37 Khotue tung kah hnukkhueng khohnin ah Jesuh te pai tih a pang doela, “Khat khat loh tui a hal atah kai taengah ha lo saeh lamtah o saeh.
In now the last day the great [day] of the feast had stood Jesus and cried out saying; If anyone shall thirst, he should come to Me and should drink.
38 Cacim loh a thui bangla, kai aka tangnah tah a bung khui lamkah tuiva te tui hing la long ni,” a ti.
The [one] believing in Me myself, even as has said the Scripture: Rivers out of the belly of him will flow of water living.
39 Tedae amah aka tangnah rhoek loh a dang ham Mueihla kawng te a thui. Jesuh a thangpom hlan dongah Mueihla tah ana pae hlan.
This now He said concerning the Spirit (which *N(k)O*) were about to receive those (having believed *N(k)O*) in Him; not yet for was [the] Spirit (Holy *KO*) (given *O*) because (*k*) Jesus (not yet *N(k)O*) was glorified.
40 Te dongah hekah olka he hlangping lamkah a yaak uh, “Anih tah tonghma tangtang ni,” a ti uh.
(many *K*) from the crowd therefore having heard (the *N(k)O*) (words *N(K)O*) these were saying (that: *o*) This is truly the Prophet.
41 A ngen loh, “Anih he Khrih ni,” a ti uh. Tedae a ngen loh, “Galilee lamkah Khrih thoeng mahnim.
Others were saying; This is the Christ; (Those *N(k)O*) however were saying; Surely not for out of Galilee the Christ comes?
42 Cacim loh, 'David tiingan lamkah neh David a om nah Bethlehem kho lamkah ni Khrih ha pawk eh?,’ a ti moenih a?” a ti uh.
(Surely *N(k)O*) the Scripture has said that out of the seed of David and from Bethlehem the village where was David comes the Christ
43 Tedae anih kongah hlangping te paekboenah om.
A division therefore occurred in the crowd because of Him.
44 Amih khuikah a ngen loh amah te tuuk ham a ngaih uh. Tedae anih soah kut hlah uh pawh.
Some now were desiring of them to seize Him, but no [one] (laid *NK(o)*) on Him the hands.
45 Te vaengah tueihyoeih rhoek te khosoihham neh Pharisee rhoek taengla ha pawk uh. Te rhoek loh amih taengah, “Balae tih anih te nan khuen uh pawh?” a ti nahuh.
Came therefore the officers to the chief priests and Pharisees, and said to them that; Because of why not did you bring Him?
46 Tueihyoeih rhoek loh, “Hlang bangla cal pawh,” a ti nauh.
Answered the officers; Never spoke like this a man (as *ko*) (this *KO*) (*ko*) (man. *KO*)
47 Te dongah Pharisee rhoek loh amih te, “Nangmih khaw n'rhaithi uh pawn pawt nim?
Answered therefore them the Pharisees; Surely not also you yourselves have been deceived?
48 Boei rhoek neh Pharisee rhoek khuikah khat khat loh anih te tangnah pawt nim?
Surely not any of the rulers has believed on Him or of the Pharisees?
49 Tedae hlangping loh olkhueng a ming pawt te rhunkhuen la poeh,” a ti uh.
But crowd this not knowing the law (cursed *N(k)O*) are.
50 Amih taengah om tih hnukbuet ah Jesuh taengla aka pawk Nikodemu loh amih taengah,
Says Nicodemus to them, the [one] having come (at night *K*) to Him (the *N*) (former *NO*) one being of them;
51 “A saii te amah lamloh lamhma la a yaak tih a ming pawt atah hlang te mamih kah olkhueng loh laitloek thil pawt maco?” a ti nah.
Surely not the law of us does judge the man only unless it shall hear (first *N(k)O*) from him and may know what he does?
52 Te dongah anih te a doo uh tih, “Nang khaw Galilee lamkah pawt nim? Galilee lamkah tonghma a thoeng noek pawt te khe lamtah ming saw,” a ti nauh.
They answered and they said to him; Surely not also you yourself from Galilee are? do search and do see that out of Galilee a prophet not (is raised. *N(k)O*)
53 Te phoeiah amah im la rhip cet uh.
(And *KO*) (he went *K(o)*) (each to the home of him, *KO*)

< Johan 7 >