< Johan 2 >

1 Te phoeikah a thum hnin ah Galilee kah Kana ah yulueinah om, tih Jesuh kah a manu khaw khoem om.
And on the day third a wedding took place in Cana of Galilee, and was the mother of Jesus there;
2 Te vaengah Jesuh neh a hnukbang rhoek tah yulueinah ah rhen a khue.
Was invited then also Jesus and the disciples of Him to the wedding.
3 Te vaengah misurtui vawt tih Jesuh kah a manu loh Jesuh taengah, “Misurtui a khueh uh voel moenih,” a ti nah.
And when was running out [the] wine says the mother of Jesus to Him; Wine not they have.
4 Tedae Jesuh loh a manu taengah, “Huta, nang neh kai taengah balae aka om? Kai kah a tue te ha pawk hlan,” a ti nah.
(And *no*) says to her Jesus; What to Me myself and to you, woman? Not yet is come the hour for Me.
5 A manu loh tueihyoeih rhoek te, “Nangmih taengah a thui te tah saii uh,” a ti nah.
Says the mother of Him to the servants; (Whatever anyhow *NK(o)*) maybe He may say to you, do perform.
6 Te vaengah Judah rhoek kah a khueh uh cimcaihnah ham lungto amrhaeng parhuk tah tapkhoeh om. Te dongah doh nit neh doh thum tah rhip ael.
There were now there of stone water jars six according to the purification of the Jews standing, having space for metretae two or three.
7 Jesuh loh amih taengah, “Amrhaeng te tui koei uh,” a ti nah. Te dongah te rhoek te malh a koei uh.
Says to them Jesus; do fill the jars with water. And they filled them up to [the] brim.
8 Te phoeiah amih te, “Duek uh lamtah taemkung taengla khuen uh laeh,” a ti nah tih a khuen uh tangloeng.
And He says to them; do draw out now and do carry to the master of the feast. (they *no*) (then *N(k)O*) carried [it].
9 Taemkung loh misurtui la aka poeh tui te a ten dae me lamkah a thoeng khaw ming pawh. Tedae tui aka duek tueihyoeih rhoek loh a ming.
When then tasted the master of the feast the water wine became and not he knew from where it is — the however servants knew which having drawn the water — calls the bridegroom the master of the feast
10 Te dongah taemkung loh yulokung amah te a khue tih, “Hlang boeih loh misurtui a huem te lamhma la a tawn tih a rhui uh vaengah a dudap te a tawn uh. Nang tah tahae duela misurtui a huem te na paih,” a ti nah.
and says to him; Every man first the good wine sets out, and when they may have drunk freely (then *ko*) the inferior; you yourself have kept the good wine until now.
11 Jesuh loh miknoek a saii te Galilee kah Kana ah a tongcuek tih amah kah thangpomnah te a phoe. Te dongah a hnukbang rhoek loh amah te a tangnah uh.
This did (the *k*) beginning of the signs Jesus in Cana of Galilee and He revealed the glory of Him, and believed in Him the disciples of Him.
12 Te phoeiah amah loh a manu, a mana rhoek, a hnukbang rhoek te Kapernaum la a suntlak puei. Tedae khohnin a sen pahoi a rhaeh uh moenih.
After this He went down to Capernaum He himself and the mother of Him and the brothers of Him and the disciples of Him, and there they stayed not many days.
13 Judah rhoek kah yoom tah om tom tih Jesuh khaw Jerusalem la cet.
And near was the Passover of the Jews, and went up to Jerusalem Jesus.
14 Bawkim ah vaito, tu, vahu, aka yoi rhoek neh tangkatho rhoek a ngol uh te a hmuh.
And He found in the temple those selling oxen and sheep and doves and the money changers sitting,
15 Te dongah rhui te rhuihet la a saii tih tu neh vaito te bawkim khui lamloh boeih a vai. Te phoeiah tangkathung rhoek kah tangka te a hawk pah tih caboei te boeih a palet pah.
And having made a whip of cords all He drove out from the temple, both the sheep and the oxen, and of the money changers He poured out (the coin, *NK(o)*) and the tables (He overthrew, *N(k)O*)
16 Te phoeiah vahu aka yoi rhoek te, “He rhoek he vawl khuenuh. A pa kah im he hnoyoih im la saii uh boeh,” a ti nah.
And to those doves selling He said; do take these things from here, not do make the house of the Father of Mine a house of trade.
17 Na im kah kosi loh kai n'yoop ni tila a daek tangtae aka om te a hnukbang rhoek loh a poek uh.
Remembered (now *k*) the disciples of Him that written it is: The zeal of the house of You (will consume *N(k)O*) Me.
18 Te vaengah Judah rhoek loh amah te a dawt uh tih, “He rhoek he na saii dongah me bang miknoek lae kaimih nan tueng eh?” a ti nauh.
Answered therefore the Jews and said to Him; What sign show You to us that these things You do?
19 Jesuh loh amih te a doo tih, “Hekah Bawkim he phae uh lamtah a thum hnin ah ka thoh ni,” a ti nah.
Answered (*k*) Jesus and said to them; do destroy temple this, and in three days I will raise up it.
20 Te dongah Judah rhoek loh, “Hekah Bawkim tah kum sawmli kum rhuk a sak uh dae nang loh hnin thum ah na thoh ayaw te?” a ti nah.
Said therefore the Jews; For forty and six years was built temple this, and You yourself in three days will raise up it?
21 Te tah amah pum kah bawkim kawng ni a thui dae.
He however was speaking concerning the temple of the body of Him.
22 Te dongah duek lamkah a thoh daengah ni a thui he khaw a hnukbang rhoek loh a poek uh. Te veangah Jesuh loh a thui olka neh cacim te a tangnah uh.
When therefore He was raised up out from [the] dead, remembered the disciples of Him that this He was saying (to them *k*) and they believed in the Scripture and in the word (that *N(k)O*) had spoken Jesus.
23 Khotue kah yoom vaengah tah Jerusalem ah om tih amah ming te muep a tangnah uh. Amah kah miknoek a saii te khaw a hmuh uh.
When then He was in Jerusalem in the Passover in the Feast, many believed in the name of Him beholding of Him the signs that He was doing.
24 Tedae Jesuh loh boeih a ming dongah amah neh amah te amih taengah pumpae rhep pawh.
On His part however (*k*) Jesus not was entrusting (Him[self] *N(k)O*) to them because of His knowing all [men]
25 Hlang kawng te pakhat khaw phong ham a ngoe moenih, amah loh hlang khuikah aka om te a ming.
and because no need He had that anyone may testify concerning the man; He Himself for was knowing what was in the man.

< Johan 2 >