< Johan 12 >

1 Jesuh tah yoom hlankah a hnin rhuk dongah, Bethany la pawk coeng. Te ah te Jesuh loh duek lamkah a thoh Lazarus te khaw om.
Therefore Jesus before six days the Passover came to Bethany, where was Lazarus (who having died *KO*) whom raised out from [the] dead (*o*) (Jesus. *NO*)
2 Te dongah anih ham hlaembuh pahoi a thong uh tih Martha te tokthuet. Lazarus tah Jesuh taengah aka vael pakhat la om van.
They made therefore for Him a supper there, and Martha was serving; and Lazarus one was (of *no*) those (reclining *N(K)O*) (with *N(k)O*) Him.
3 Te vaengah Mary loh a phu aka tlo nardo botui pound khat han khuen tih Jesuh kho te a hluk phoeiah a sam neh a huih. Te dongah im te botui kah a bo neh khuk bae.
Therefore Mary having taken a litra of fragrant oil of nard pure of great price anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped with the hair of her the feet of Him; the now house was filled with the fragrance of the oil.
4 Tedae a hnukbang pakhat, Jesuh yoih ham aka cai Judas Iskariot loh,
Says (however *N(k)O*) Judas (of Simon *K*) (*no*) Iscariot one of the disciples of Him, who is being about Him to betray;
5 “Balae tih botui he denari yathum la a yoih vetih khodaeng rhoek a paek pawh?” a ti.
Because of why this fragrant oil not was sold for three hundred denarii and given to [the] poor?
6 Tedae anih te khodaeng ham a ngaihuet dongah pawt tih hlanghuen la a om neh, tangkacun ah a sang uh tih aka om te a yueh dongah ni a thui.
He said however this not because for the poor he was caring to him, but because a thief he was and the money bag (having *N(k)O*) (and *k*) that being put into [it] he was pilfering.
7 Te dongah Jesuh loh, “Anih he hlah ngawn, te daengah ni kai kah rhokhlak khohnin ham khaw a khoem eh.
Said therefore Jesus; do leave alone her, (so that *NO*) for the day of the burial of Mine (she may keep *N(k)O*) it;
8 Khodaeng te namamih taengah na khueh taitu dae kai tah nan khueh uh phueih mahpawh,” a ti nah.
the poor for always you have with yourselves, Me myself however not always you have.
9 Anih a om tapkhoeh te Judah rhoek khuikah hlangping te yet loh a ming uh. Jesuh bueng kongah pawt tih duek lamkah aka thoo Lazarus te khaw hmuh ham ha lo uh.
Knew therefore (*no*) a crowd great of the Jews that there He is, and they came not because of Jesus only but that also Lazarus they may see whom He had raised out from [the] dead.
10 Tedae khosoihham rhoek loh Lazarus te khaw ngawn ham a moeh uh.
Took counsel however the chief priests that also Lazarus they may kill,
11 Lazarus kongah Judah rhoek te muep a toeng uh tih Jesuh te a tangnah uh.
because many on account of him were going away of the Jews and were believing in Jesus.
12 A vuen atah khotue la aka lo hlangping a yet loh Jerusalem la Jesuh ha pawk tila a yaak uh.
On the next day (the *no*) crowd great having come to the feast, having heard that is coming Jesus into Jerusalem,
13 Rhophoe kah a hlaeng te a loh uh tih amah doenah la cet uh. Te vaengah, “Hosanna, Boeipa ming neh aka pawk Israel manghai tah a yoethen coeng,” tila pang uh.
took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him and (were shouting: *N(k)O*) Hosanna! Blessed [is] the [One] coming in [the] name of [the] Lord! (And *no*) the King of Israel!
14 Jesuh loh muli-marhang ca te a hmuh tih a soah ngol.
Having found then Jesus a young donkey He sat upon it, even as it is written:
15 “Zion canu birhih boeh, na manghai tah muli-marhang ca dongah ngol tih ha pawk coeng ke,” tila daek tangtae ana om rhoe pai.
Not do fear daughter of Zion; Behold the King of you comes sitting on a colt of a donkey.
16 Hekah he hnukbang rhoek loh a ming uh lamhma moenih. Tedae Jesuh a thangpom vaeng daengah ni anih ham ana om tih anih ham a saii uh tila a poek uh.
These things (now *k*) not knew of Him the disciples from the first, but when was glorified (*k*) Jesus, then they remembered that these things were about Him written and these things they had done to Him.
17 Te dongah Lazarus te hlan lamkah a khue tih duek lamkah anih a thoh vaengah Jesuh taengkah aka om hlangping loh ana phong uh coeng.
was bearing witness therefore the crowd which is being with Him when Lazarus He called out of the tomb and raised him out from [the] dead.
18 Te dongah hlangping loh Jesuh a doe te khaw amah loh miknoek a saii te a yaak uh dongah ni.
On account of this also met with Him the crowd, because (they heard *N(k)O*) this of His to have done the sign.
19 Te dongah Pharisee rhoek amamih te, “Khat khaw na phu uh pawt te so uh. Diklai loh anih hnuk a vai coeng ke,” a ti uh.
Therefore the Pharisees said among themselves; You see that not you gain no [thing]? Behold the world (wholly *O*) after Him has gone.
20 Tedae khotue ah bawk ham aka cet rhoek khuiah hlangvang tah Greek rhoek khaw om uh.
There were now Greeks certain among those coming up that they may worship at the feast.
21 Te dongah Galilee peng Bethsaida lamkah rhoek loh Philip te a paan uh. Te phoeiah anih te a dawt uh tih, “Boeipa, Jesuh te hmuh ham ka ngaih uh,” a ti nauh.
these therefore came to Philip who was from Bethsaida of Galilee and they were asking him saying; Sir, we desire Jesus to see.
22 Philip te cet tih Andrew taengah a thui. Te phoeiah Andrew neh Philip te ha lo rhoi tih Jesuh taengah a thui rhoi.
Comes (*no*) Philip and tells Andrew, (and again *k*) (come *no*) Andrew and Philip (and *no*) they tell Jesus.
23 Te vaengah Jesuh loh amih te a doo tih, “Hlang capa thangpom ham a tue loh ha pai coeng.
And Jesus (answered *N(k)O*) to them saying; Has come the hour that may be glorified the Son of Man.
24 Nangmih taengah rhep rhep ka thui, cang ti te lai la tla tih a duek pawt atah amah bueng ni a cul. Tedae a duek atah cangvuei muep vuei.
Amen Amen I say to you; only unless the grain of wheat having fallen into the ground shall die, it alone abides; if however it shall die, much fruit it bears.
25 Amah kah hinglu aka lungnah tah poci vetih he Diklai ah amah kah hinglu aka hmuhuet loh dungyan hingnah ham te a ngaithuen ni. (aiōnios g166)
The [one] loving the life of him (loses *N(k)O*) it, and the [one] hating the life of him in world this to life eternal will keep it. (aiōnios g166)
26 Khat khat long ni kai n'bongyong atah kai m'vai vetih mela ka om akhaw kai kah tueihyoeih la pahoi om ni. Khat khat long ni kai n'bongyong atah anih te a pa loh a hinyah ni.
If Me myself anyone shall serve Me myself he should follow; and where am I myself, there also the servant of Mine will be. (and *k*) If anyone Me myself shall serve, will honor him the Father.
27 Tahae ah ka hinglu loh hinghuen tih metlae ka ti eh? A pa tahae tue lamkah kai n'khang lah. Tedae te ham kongah tahae tue te kam paan coeng.
Now the soul of Mine has been troubled, and what shall I say? Father, do save Me from hour this.’? But on account of this I came to hour this.
28 Pa, na ming te thangpom lah,” a ti. Te vaengah vaan lamkah ol ha lo tih, “Ka thangpom coeng tih koep ka thangpom ni,” a ti.
Father, do glorify of You the name. Came therefore a voice from heaven: Both I have glorified [it] and again I will glorify [it].
29 Te vaengkah aka pai tih aka ya hlangping loh, “Rhaek tla,” a ti uh. A tloe rhoek loh, “Puencawn loh anih a voek,” a ti uh.
Therefore the crowd which already standing and having heard [it] it was saying [it] Thunder to have been. Others were saying; An angel to Him has spoken.
30 Jesuh loh a doo tih, “Hekah ol he kai ham pawt tih nangmih ham ni ha pawk.
Answered (*k*) Jesus and said: Not because of Me myself voice this has come but because of you.
31 Hekah Diklai he laitloeknah om coeng. Hekah Diklai boei tah phawn a thaek pawn ni.
Now [the] judgment is of the world of this; now the prince of the world this will be cast out,
32 Kai khaw diklai lamkah n'tai atah kamah taengla hlang boeih ka doek ni,” a ti nah.
And I myself And I myself (if *NK(o)*) I shall be lifted up from the earth, all will draw to Myself.
33 Te vaengah a thui te a duek hamla a om dongah a dueknah ni a phoe coeng.
This now He was saying signifying by what death He was about to die.
34 Te phoeiah hlangping loh amah te, “Khrih tah kumhal duela naeh tila olkhueng lamkah loh ka yaak uh. Tedae balae tih 'Hlang capa te tai ham a kuek' tila na thui? Tekah hlang capa te ulae?” a ti nauh. (aiōn g165)
Answered (therefore *NO*) to Him the crowd; We ourselves heard from the law that the Christ abides to the age, and how say you yourself that it behooves to be lifted up the Son of Man? Who is this Son of Man? (aiōn g165)
35 Te dongah Jesuh loh amih te, “Nangmih taengah vangnah a tue rhaih om pueng. Nangmih te a hmuep loh n'khuk pawt ham vangnah na khueh uh vaengah pongpauh. A hmuep ah aka pongpa loh mela a caeh khaw ming pawh.
Said therefore to them Jesus; Yet a little while the light (among you *N(k)O*) is. do walk (while *N(k)O*) the light you have, so that not darkness you may grasp; And the [one] walking in the darkness not knows where he is going.
36 Vangnah na khueh uh vaengah vangnah te tangnahuh. Te daengah ni vangnah kah ca rhoek la na om uh eh,” a ti nah. Hekah he Jesuh loh a thui phoeiah amih taeng lamkah cet tih vik thuh uh.
(While *N(k)O*) the light you have, do believe in the light, so that sons of light you may become. These things spoke (*k*) Jesus, and having gone away He was hidden from them.
37 Amih hmaiah miknoek heyet a saii dae amah te tangnah uh pawh.
So many however of Him signs having been done before them not they were believing in Him,
38 Te daengah ni tonghma Isaiah kah olka loh, “Boeipa, kaimih kah olthang te unim aka tangnah, Boeipa kah a ban tah u taengah nim a pumphoe eh?” a ti te a soep eh.
so that the word of Isaiah the prophet may be fulfilled that said: Lord, who has believed in the report of us? And the arm of [the] Lord to whom has been revealed?
39 Te nen te a tangnah uh thai moenih.
Because of this not they were able to believe, for again said Isaiah:
40 Te dongah Isaiah loh, “A mik te a dael sak tih, a thin a thah sak. Te daengah ni a mik neh hmu uh pawt vetih, thinko neh a yakming vaengah ha mael uh vetih amih ka hoeih sak eh,” koep a ti.
He has blinded of them the eyes and (has hardened *N(k)O*) of them the heart, that not they may see with the eyes and may understand with the heart and (may turn *N(k)O*) and (I will heal *N(k)O*) them.
41 Isaiah loh a thangpomnah te a hmuh dongah hekah he a thui tih a kawng a thui.
These things said Isaiah (because *N(K)O*) he saw the glory of Him and spoke concerning Him.
42 Temai akhaw, boei rhoek khuiah long pataeng amah te muep a tangnah uh. Tedae Pharisee rhoek kongah phoe uh pawh. Te daengah ni a hael la a om uh pawt eh.
Nevertheless indeed even of the rulers many believed in Him, but on account of the Pharisees not they were confessing, so that not put out of the synagogue they may be.
43 Amih loh Pathen kah thangpomnah lakah hlang kah thangpomnah te a lungnah uh ngai dongah ni.
they loved for the glory of men more than the glory of God.
44 Tedae Jesuh loh tamhoe tih, “Kai aka tangnah loh kai n'tangnah pawt dae kai aka tueih te ni a tangnah.
Jesus then cried out and said; The [one] believing in Me myself not he believes in Me myself but in the [One] having sent Me;
45 Kai aka hmuh long khaw kai aka tueih te a hmuh.
and the [one] beholding Me myself he beholds the [One] having sent Me.
46 Kai tah Diklai ah vangnah la ka lo. Te daengah ni kai aka tangnah long tah a hmuep ah a naeh pawt eh.
I myself a light into the world have come, so that everyone who is believing in Me myself in the darkness not may abide.
47 Pakhat long khaw ka ol te a yaak lalah kuem pawt cakhaw kai loh anih lai ka tloek thil mahpawh. Diklai he laitloek thil ham pawt tih Diklai khang ham ni ka pawk.
And if anyone My shall hear declarations and not (shall keep [them], *N(k)O*) I myself not do judge him; not for I came that I may judge the world but that I may save the world.
48 Kai aka hnawt tih ka ol aka doe pawt loh laitloek kung te a khueh. Anih te ka thui ol loh a hnukkhueng khohnin ah lai a tloek bitni.
The [one] rejecting Me myself and not receiving the declarations of Mine has [one] judging him: The word which I spoke, that [one] will judge him in the last day.
49 Kai loh kamah lamkah ka thui moenih. Tedae ka cal ham neh ka thui ham te kai aka tueih a Pa amah loh kai taengah olpaek la m'paek coeng.
For I myself from Myself not spoke, but the having sent Me Father Himself Me a commandment (has given *N(k)O*) what I may say and what I may speak.
50 A olpaek tah dungyan hingnah ni tila ka ming. Te dongah kai loh ka thui te a pa loh kai taengah a thui bangla ka thui van,” a ti. (aiōnios g166)
And I know that the commandment of Him life eternal is. What therefore I myself speak even as has said to Me the Father, so I speak. (aiōnios g166)

< Johan 12 >