< Galati 1 >

1 Hlang lamkah pawt tih, hlang rhangnen pawt tih, Jesuh Khrih neh duek lamkah anih aka thoh a pa Pathen rhangneh caeltueih Paul neh,
Paul an apostle not from men nor through man but through Jesus Christ and God [the] Father the [One who] having raised Him out from [the] dead —
2 ka taengkah manuca boeih loh Galati hlangboel rhoek taengah kan yaak sak.
and the with me myself all brothers To the churches of Galatia:
3 Mamih a pa Pathen neh Boeipa Jesuh Khrih kah lungvatnah neh ngaimongnah nangmih taengah om saeh.
Grace to you and peace from God Father of us and of [the] Lord Jesus Christ,
4 Mamih kah tholhnah kongah amah aka hnawn uh te. Te daengah ni ta kumhal kah aka pai boethae khui lamloh a pa neh Pathen kah kongaih bangla mamih n'hlawt eh. (aiōn g165)
the [One who] having given Himself (for *NK(o)*) the sins of us, so that He may deliver us out of the age of which having come presently evil according to the will of the God and Father of us, (aiōn g165)
5 Thangpomnah tah a taengah kumhal kah kumhal ah om pai saeh. Amen. (aiōn g165)
to whom [be] the glory to the ages of the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)
6 Khrih kah lungvatnah dongah nangmih aka khue taeng lamloh a tloe olthangthen la ki na buung uh te ka ngaihmang van.
I am astonished that so soon you are deserting from the [One who] having called you in [the] grace of Christ to a different gospel
7 Te te a tloe la a om moenih. Te pawt akhaw nangmih aka hinghuen tih Khrih kah olthangthen palet ham aka ngaih tehlangvang na om uh.
which not is another, only except some there are who are troubling you and are desiring to pervert the gospel of Christ.
8 Tedae kaimih neh vaan lamkah puencawn long pataeng nangmih taengah ka phong uh te nangmih ham voelh a phong atah kosi yook saeh.
But even if we ourselves or an angel out of heaven (shall evangelise *NK(o)*) to you contrary to what we evangelised to you, accursed he should be.
9 Thui tangtae vanbangla tahae akhaw koep ka thui. Pakhat mai loh na doe uh tangtae te nangmih taengah voelh a phong atah kosi yook saeh.
As we have said before, even now again I say, if anyone [to] you is evangelising contrary to what you received, accursed he should be.
10 Hlang nim, Pathen nim ka ngaitang coeng he. Hlang kolo nim ka toem. Hlang taengah ka ko a lo ka om pueng atah Khrih kah sal la ka om eh ka ti moenih.
Presently for of men do I seek approval or God? Or do I seek men to please? if (for *k*) yet men I were pleasing, of Christ a servant not then would I was being.
11 Te dongah manuca rhoek nangmih taengah ka phoe coeng. Kai loh ka phong olthangthen he hlang dongah a kungsut moenih.
I make known (for *N(k)O*) to you, brothers, the gospel which having been evangelised by me that not it is according to man;
12 Kai tah hlang lamloh ka doe pawt tih n'thuituen bal moenih. Tedae Jesuh Khrih kah pumphoenah rhangnen ni.
Neither for I myself from man received it (nor *NK(o)*) was I taught [it] but through a revelation of Jesus Christ.
13 Hnukbuet kah Judah sing neh ka omih te na yaak uh coeng. A puehkan aih la Pathen kah hlangboel te ka hnaemtaek tih ka thup.
You have heard of for my way of life former in Judaism that beyond exceeding measure I was persecuting the church of God and was destroying it;
14 Judah sing dongah ka namtu lakli kah thawnpuei rhoek lakah ka lamhma. Kamah patuel rhoek kah singyoe aka om dongah khaw muep ka hmae.
And I was advancing in Judaism beyond many contemporaries in the countrymen of mine more abundantly zealous being of the fathers of mine traditions.
15 Tedae a nu bung lamloh kai aka hoep tih a lungvatnah neh aka khue Pathen loh, a capa te ka pum dongah pumphoe sak ham a lungtlun.
When however was pleased God the [One] having selected me from [the] womb of mother of mine and having called [me] through the grace of Him
16 Amah te ni namtom taengah ka thui eh. Thii neh saa neh koeloe ka thaem moenih.
to reveal the Son of Him in me myself, that I may evangelise Him among the Gentiles, immediately not I consulted with flesh and with blood,
17 Kai hlankah caeltueih rhoek taengah Jerusalem lam khaw ka cet pawh. Tedae Arabia la ka cet tih Damasku la koep ka bal.
nor did I go up to Jerusalem to the before me apostles, but I went away into Arabia and again returned to Damascus.
18 Te lamkah a kum thum phoeiah Jerusalem la ka cet tih Kephas te ka ming. Te vaengah anih taengah hnin hlainga ka om.
Then after years three I went up to Jerusalem to make acquaintance with (Cephas *N(K)O*) and I remained with him days fifteen;
19 Tedae Boeipa kah a mana James pawt atah a tloe caeltueih rhoek te ka hmu pawh.
Other however of the apostles none I saw, only except James the brother of the Lord.
20 Te dongah Pathen hmuhah ka laithae moenih tila nangmih ham ka daek he ne.
In what now I write to you, behold before God that not I lie.
21 Te phoeiah Syria neh Kilikia pingpang la ka pawk.
Then I went into the regions of Syria and Cilicia;
22 Tedae ka om vaengkah Khrih ah Judea kah hlangboel maelhmai te khaw ka mangvawt coeng.
I was then unknown by face to the churches of Judea that [are] in Christ,
23 Tedae, “Hnukbuet kah mamih aka hnaemtaek loh hnukbuet kah a phae tangnah te a phong coeng,” tila a yaak uh dawk nen ni a om uh.
Only however hearing they were that the [one] persecuting us formerly now is evangelising the faith which once he was destroying;
24 Te vaengah kai dong lamloh Pathen te a thangpom uh.
And they were glorifying in me myself God.

< Galati 1 >