< Caeltueih 2 >

1 Pentekos hnin a pha vaengah pakhat la tun boeih om uh.
And during the arriving of the day of Pentecost they were (all *N(k)O*) (together *N(K)O*) in the one [place].
2 Te vaengah vaan lamkah olhum tah khohli puei aka hli bangla tarha om tih aka ngol rhoek a om nah im te khuk bae.
And came suddenly out of heaven a sound like [the] rushing of a wind violent and it filled all the house where they were sitting
3 Te vaengah amih taengah hmai bangla thoeng a lai long khaw phik uh tih amih pakhat rhip soah a ngol thil.
And there appeared to them dividing tongues as of fire (and *N(k)O*) sat upon one each of them
4 Te vengah Mueihla Cim neh boeih bae uh tih Mueihla loh amih taengah thui ham a paek vanbangla ol tloe neh koe cal uh.
And they were filled with (all *N(k)O*) Spirit Holy and began to speak in other tongues even as the Spirit was giving to utter forth to them.
5 Te vaengah Jerusalem kah khosa Judah rhoek, vaan hmui neh namtom boeih khuikah aka cuep hlang rhoek khaw om uh.
Were now (in *N(k)O*) Jerusalem dwelling Jews, men devout from every nation of those under heaven.
6 Tekah ol a om vaengah amih kah a thui te pakhat rhip loh amah ol la a yaak uh dongah rhaengpuei loh tingtun tih puen uh.
When was happening now sound this came together the multitude and was confounded, because (was hearing *NK(o)*) one each in their own language speaking them.
7 Limlum uh tih a ngaihmang uh dongah, “Hekah aka om boeih he Galilee ol la aka cal rhoek moenih a he?
They were amazed then (all *KO*) and were marveling saying (to one another: *K*) (Surely *NK(o)*) behold (all *N(k)O*) these are who are speaking Galileans?
8 Balae tih mamih loh n'thaang nah kah m'mah ol la rhip n'yaak uh.
And how we ourselves hear each in the own language of us in which we were born?
9 Parthian, Mede neh Elamite khaw, Mesopotamia kah khosa rhoek khaw, Judea neh Kappadokia khaw, Pontus neh Asia khaw,
Parthians and Medes and Elamites and those inhabiting Mesopotamia, Judea also and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
10 Phrygia neh Pamphylia khaw, Egypt neh Lybia pingpang Kurene ben khaw, Roman laiom khaw,
Phrygia both and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya that [are] around Cyrene and those visiting [here] from Rome, Jews both and converts,
11 Judah rhoek neh poehlip rhoek long khaw, Krete neh Arab rhoek long kaw a thui te mah ol n'yaak uh tih, Pathen tah lenduet pai,” a ti uh.
Cretans and Arabs — [do] we hear speaking them in our own tongues the great things of God?
12 Hlang boeih loh limlum uh tih hit uh. Pakhat loh pakhat taengah, “Balae a ngaih tih he tlam he a om,” a ti uh.
Were amazed then all and (they were perplexed *N(k)O*) other to other saying; What (maybe *k*) (intends *N(k)O*) this to be?
13 Tedae a tloe rhoek loh a nueih thil uh tih, “Didip tui aka rhuihmil rhoek ni,” a ti uh.
Others however (mocking *N(k)O*) were saying that Of new wine filled they are.
14 Tedae Peter neh hlaikhat loh a pai doeah a ol a huel tih amih te, “Judah hlang rhoek neh Jerusalem kah khosa boeih, he tah nangmih loh na hmat uh hamla om saeh lamtah ka olthui mah hna kaenguh.
Having stood up however (*no*) Peter with the eleven he lifted up the voice of him and spoke forth to them: Men of Judea and you who [are] inhabiting Jerusalem (all, *N(k)O*) this to you known should be and do give heed to the declarations of mine.
15 Na ngaihoih uh bangla he rhoek tah a rhui uh moenih. Khothaih khonoek pataeng pathum ni a lo pueng.
Not for as you yourselves suppose these are drunkards, it is for [the] hour third of the day,
16 Tedae hekah he tah tonghma Joel lamloh a thui te ni.
but this is that spoken through the prophet Joel:
17 “Khohnin hnukkhueng dongla a om vaengah, Pathen loh, 'Pumsa boeih te ka Mueihla ka lun thil vetih, na canu na capa rhoek loh ol a phong uh ni. Na cadong rhoek loh mikhlam a hmuh uh ni. Nangmih kah patong rhoek loh mang a man uh ni.
And it will be in the last days, says God, I will pour out of the Spirit of Mine upon all flesh and will prophesy the sons of you and the daughters of you, and the young men of you visions will behold and the elders of you (dreams *N(k)O*) will dream.
18 Tekah khohnin ah Ka sal rhoek so neh ka salnu rhoek soah khaw ka Mueihla ka lun vetih ol a phong uh ni.
and even upon the servants of Mine and upon the handmaidens of Mine in the days those I will pour out of the Spirit of Mine and they will prophesy.
19 Vaan so ah khobae rhambae, diklai hmui ah miknoek te thii, hmai, tuihu hmaikhu neh ka paek ni.
and I will show wonders in heaven above and signs on the earth below, blood and fire and vapor of smoke.
20 Boeipa kah a len neh mingom khohnin ha pawk tomah tah khomik loh yinnah la, hla khaw thii la poeh ni.
The sun will be turned into darkness and the moon into blood, before (than *ko*) coming (the *ko*) day of [the] Lord great and glorious.
21 Te vaengah ana om bitni, Boeipa ming aka phoei boeih te tah daem ni.
And it will be, everyone who (when *NK(o)*) they shall call upon the name of [the] Lord will be saved.’
22 Israel hlang rhoek, ol he hnatun uh. Nazareth Jesuh, nangmih taengah Pathen loh han tai hlang te, na ming uh bangla anih lamkah ni thaomnah, khobae rhambae neh miknoek khaw Pathen loh nangmih lakli ah a saii.
Men Israelites, do hear words these: Jesus of Nazareth, a man set forth by God to you by miracles and by wonders and by signs which did through Him God in [the] midst of you, even as (also *k*) you yourselves know,
23 Pathen kah mangtaengnah neh mingnah loh a hoep anih te lailak kut loh han tloeng dongah na tai uh tih na ngawn uh.
Him by the determined plan and foreknowledge of God delivered up (having taken *K*) through (hand *N(k)O*) lawless having crucified You executed,
24 Tedae dueknah loh anih a pin ham tah a coeng koi la a om pawt dongah dueknah bungtloh te a hlam pah tih Pathen loh amah te a thoh.
whom God raised up having loosed the agony of death, inasmuch as not it was possible [for] to be held Him by it.
25 Anih te David long khaw a thui tih, “Boeipa te ka hmaiah vawp vawp ka hmaitang yoeyah tih ka bantang ah a om dongah ka hinghoek mahpawh.
David for says about Him: I was foresseeing the Lord before me through all [times], because at [the] right hand of me He is that not I may be shaken;
26 Te dongah ka thinko loh a uum tih ka ol loh hlampan. Ka pum long khaw ngaiuepnah dongah kho a sak bal pueng ni.
Because of this was glad the heart of mine and rejoiced the tongue of mine, and now also the flesh of mine will dwell in hope.
27 Ka hinglu he saelkhui ah na phap sut pawt tih na hlangcim te pocinah tong sak ham na paek moenih. (Hadēs g86)
for not You will abandon the soul of mine into (Hades, *N(k)O*) nor will You allow the Holy One of You to see decay. (Hadēs g86)
28 Hingnah longpuei te kai nan tueng tih, na mikhmuh ah omngaihnah neh kai nan baetawt sak.
You have made known to me [the] paths of life, You will fill me with joy in the presence of You.’
29 Manuca rhoek, ka hlang rhoek aw, patuel David kawng he nangmih taengah sayalh la thui ham m'pae mai. Anih te duek coeng tih a up bal coeng dae a phuel tah tihnin duela mamih taengah om.
Men brothers, it is permitted [me] to speak with freedom to you concerning the patriarch David that both he died and was buried and the tomb of him is among us unto day this.
30 Te dongah tonghma la aka om long khaw Pathen loh a pumpu kah a thaih khui lamkah a ngolkhoel dongah ngol sak ham a taengah olhlo neh a toemngam te khaw a ming.
A prophet therefore being and knowing that with an oath swore to him God out of [the] fruit of the loins of him (according to flesh going to raise up the Christ *K*) to set upon (the throne *N(k)O*) of him,
31 Anih te saelkhui ah phap sut pawt ham neh a pumsa loh pocinah tong pawt ham khaw Khrih kah thohkoepnah kawng te a hmaitang tih a thui coeng. (Hadēs g86)
Having foreseen he spoke concerning the resurrection of the Christ that (neither was He left behind *N(k)O*) (the soul of him *K*) into (Hades nor *N(k)O*) the flesh of Him saw decay. (Hadēs g86)
32 Pathen loh Jesuh a thoh dongah mamih boeih he laipai la n'om uh.
This Jesus has raised up God, of which all we ourselves are witnesses.
33 Te vaengah Pathen kah bantang ah a pomsang. Mueihla Cim kah olkhueh, na hmuh uh tih na yaak uh te pa taeng lamloh han lun tih, na dang uh.
To the right hand therefore of God having been exalted and the promise of the Spirit Holy having received from the Father He has poured out this which (now *k*) you yourselves (both *no*) are seeing and hearing.
34 Te dongah David loh vaan la cet hlan dae anih te a voek vaengah,
Not for David ascended into the heavens, he says however himself: Said the Lord to the Lord of me; do sit at [the] right hand of Me,
35 Boeipa loh, “Ka Boeipa aw, na rhal te na kho ham khotloeng la ka khueh hlan atah, kai kah bantang ah ngol dae,” a ti nah.
until when I may place the enemies of You a footstool of the feet of You.’
36 Te dongah Israel imkhui boeih loh Boeipa amah neh Pathen loh a khueh Khrih khaw rhep ming saeh. Jesuh amah he ni na tai uh,” a ti.
Assuredly therefore should know all [the] house of Israel that both Lord Him and Christ has made God — this Jesus whom you yourselves crucified.
37 A yaak uh vaengah thinko a thun pah tih Peter neh a tloe caeltueih rhoek taengah, “Ka manuca rhoek, ka hlang rhoek, balae ka saii uh eh,” a ti uh.
Having heard then they were pierced (to the heart, *N(k)O*) they said then to Peter and the other apostles; What (shall we do, *N(k)O*) men brothers?
38 Tedae Peter loh amih taengah, “Yut uh lamtah na tholh khodawkngainah ham nangmih khat rhip loh Jesuh Khrih ming dongah nuem uh lah. Te daengah ni Cim Mueihla kah kutdoe te na dang uh eh.
Peter then to them; do repent (he declared *N(k)O*) and should be baptized every one of you (in *NK(o)*) the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness (of the *no*) sins (of you *no*) and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit;
39 Mamih kah Boeipa Pathen loh a khue boeiloeih atah na ca rhoek ham khaw, khohla kah rhoek boeih ham khaw nangmih taengah olkhueh om coeng,”a ti nah.
To you for is the promise and to the children of you and to all those at a distance, as many as maybe may call to Himself [the] Lord the God of us.
40 Ol tloe nen khaw muep a uen tih amih a hloep vaengah, “Vilvak cadil khui lamkah he daem uh laeh,” a ti nah.
in other And words many (he earnestly testified *N(k)O*) and was exhorting (them *no*) saying; do be saved from the generation perverse this.
41 A ol aka dueh rhoek ngawn tah a nuem. Te dongah hnin at dongah hinglu thawngthum tluk thap uh thae.
Those indeed therefore (gladly *K*) having received the word of him were baptized and were added (on *no*) the day that souls about three thousand.
42 A om uh vaengah caeltueih rhoek kah thuituennah neh rhoinaengnah, vaidam aehnah neh thangthuinah te a khuituk uh.
They were now steadfastly continuing in the teaching of the apostles and in fellowship, (and *k*) in the breaking of the bread and in the prayers.
43 Rhihnah loh hinglu boeih taengah cuen tih caeltueih loh khobae rhambae neh miknoek khaw muep a saii uh.
(There was becoming *N(k)O*) then upon every soul awe, many (and both *NK(o)*) wonders and signs through the apostles were taking place.
44 Te dongah aka tangnah rhoek boeih loh thikat la om uh tih tun boeih cut uh thae.
All now those (believing *NK(o)*) were together the same and were having all things in common,
45 Hnopai neh khuehtawn a yoih uh vaengah khaw khat rhip loh a ngoe atah rhip a tael uh.
and the possessions and the goods they were selling and they were dividing them to all as would anyone need had;
46 Hnin takuem bawkim te huek a khuituk uh. Im lamkah vaidam te khaw a tael uh. Kohoenah neh thinko lunghoih la buh a doe uh.
Every day and steadfastly continuing with one accord in the temple, breaking then at each house bread they were partaking of food with gladness and sincerity of heart
47 Pathen a thangthen uh long te pilnam boeih taengah lungvatnah a dang uh bal. Khang la aka om rhoek te khaw a taengla hnin takuem Boeipa loh a thap.
praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding those who were being saved every day (to *no*) (them. *N(k)O*)

< Caeltueih 2 >