< 2 Kawrin 7 >

1 Thintlo rhoek aw olkhueh he om tangloeng ta, pumsa neh mueihla kaha tihnai boeih lamloh mah neh mah cilpoe uh sih. Pathen rhihnah dongah cimcaihnah te soep sak uh sih.
These therefore having promises, beloved, we may cleanse ourselves from every defilement of flesh and spirit perfecting holiness in [the] fear of God.
2 Kaimih ham ana hoep uh. Kaimih loh ka thae sak uh moenih, ka poeih uh moenih, ka omtoem uh moenih.
do make room for us; no [one] we have wronged, no [one] we have corrupted, no [one] we have exploited.
3 Laipupnah ham khaw ka thui moenih. Kaimih thinko kah te ni ka thui. Te daengah ni aka duek hmaih neh aka hing hmaih la na om uh eh.
For condemnation not I speak; I have before said for that in the hearts of us you are for [us] to die together and to live together.
4 Nangmih taengah muep ka sayalh. Nangmih yueng la hoemdamnah muep ka khueh. Thaphohnah te ka hah. Kaimih kah phacip phabaem boeih ah omngaihnah neh ka baesawt.
Great [is] my boldness toward you, great my boasting on behalf of you; I have been filled with encouragement, I overabound with joy upon all the affliction of us.
5 Makedonia la ka pawk uh tih kaimih pumsa loh a hilhoemnah khueh pawh. Tedae rhoepsaep dongkah poeng lamkah rhalthohnah neh a khuikah rhihnah loh m'phaep uh.
And for when were coming we into Macedonia none (did have *NK(o)*) rest the flesh of us but in every [way] we are being pressed: outside conflicts, within fears.
6 Tedae tlayae rhoek aka hloep Pathen loh Titu kah ha lonah neh mamih n'hloep coeng.
But the [One] comforting the downcast comforted us God by the coming of Titus;
7 A lonah bueng nen pawt tih thaphohnah nen te khaw nangmih n'hloep thil coeng. Nangmih te mueihuenah, nguekcoinah, kai soah nangmih kah kohlopnah te kaimih taengla ha puen dongah muep ka omngaih bal.
not only now by the coming of him, but also by the comfort with which he was comforted as to you relating to us your earnest desire, your mourning, your zeal for me, so as for me [the] more to rejoice.
8 Capat neh nangmih kang kothet sak mai cakhaw ka yut pawh. Ka yut mai cakhaw tekah capat loh khonoek pakhat bueng ni nangmih te ng'kothet sak eh tila ka hmuh.
For if even I have grieved you in the letter, not I do regret [it]; If even I was regreting [it], I see indeed that the letter that if even for an hour grieved you,
9 Na kothet uh dongah pawt tih yutnah ham na kothet uh dongah ka omngaih coeng. Pathen kongaih la na kothet uh dongah kaimih rhangneh na sungdaeh mahpawh.
Now I rejoice, not that you were grieved, but that you were grieved unto repentance; you were grieved for according to God, so that in nothing you may suffer loss through us.
10 Pathen kongaih la kothaenah loh khangnah ham yutnah te khangmai laa saii. Tedae Diklai kah kothaenah loh dueknah a thoeng sak.
The for according to God grief repentance to salvation without regret (produces, *N(k)O*) and the of the world grief death produces.
11 Amah te long ni Pathen kongaih la khothet sak ham nangmih ah thahluenah, olthungnah, yakdamnah, rhihnah, mueihuenah, kohlopnah, kutthungnah metlam a thoeng sak te. A cungkuem dongah namah neh namah te oep uh lamtah bitat dongah a cuem la om uh.
Behold for this very same [thing] according to God to have been grieved (by you *K*) how much has produced in you earnestness, but instead reasoned defense, but indignation, but fear, but longing, but zeal, but vindication? In everything you have proved yourselves innocent to be (in *k*) this matter.
12 Te dongah nangmih taengah kan daek van atah thaesai rhoek kongah moenih. Thaesai rhoek kongah moenih. Tedae kaimih ham na thahluenah dongah nangmih te Pathen hmaiah phoe sak ham dongah ni.
So if even I wrote to you, [it was] not for the sake of the [one] having done wrong (but *O*) nor for the sake of the [one] having suffered wrong, but rather for the sake of being revealed the earnestness of you which [is] for us to you before God.
13 Te dongah ka ngaimong uh. Tedae kaimih kah thaphohnah voelah Titu kah omngaihnah dongah muep ka omngaih uh ngai. Nangmih boeih rhangneh a mueihla tah caih coeng.
On account of this we have been comforted. Besides also the comfort (of us *N(K)O*) [the] more abundantly (now *k*) rather we have rejoiced at the joy of Titus, because has been refreshed the spirit of him by all of you,
14 Anih te nangmih soah bet ka pomsang akhaw yah ka poh moenih. Tedae nangmih taengah oltak la boeih ka thui uh. Te dongah kaimih kah hoemdamnah loh Titu te a thuem la a tueng sak.
For if anything to him about you I have boasted, not I was put to shame, but as all things in truth we have spoken to you, so also the boasting of us to Titus, truth became;
15 A kotak tah nangmih ham muep om. Anih te rhihnah, thuennah neh na doe uh dongah nangmih pum kah olngainah khaw a thoelh.
And the affections of him more abundantly toward you are remembering the of all of you obedience, how with fear and trembling you received him.
16 Rhoepsaep dongah nangmih rhangneh ka sayalh te ka omngaih.
I rejoice that in everything I am confident in you.

< 2 Kawrin 7 >