< 2 Kawrin 1 >

1 Pathen kah kongaih dongah Khrih Jesuh kah caeltueih Paul neh manuca Timothy loh, Kawrin kah aka om Pathen hlangboel neh Akhaia pum ah aka om hlangcim boeih taengah kan yaak sak.
Paul, apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God, and brother Timothy, to the church of God that is in Corinth, together with all the saints throughout Achaia:
2 A pa Pathen neh Boeipa Jesuh Khrih taeng lamkah lungvatnah neh ngaimongnah tah nangmih taengah om saeh.
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and Sovereign Jesus Christ.
3 Sitlohnah a pa neh thaphohnah boeih kah Pathen, Pathen neh mamih Boeipa Jesuh Khrih kah a napa tah uemom pai saeh.
All praise to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement,
4 Kaimih kah phacip phabaem soeprhaep dongah amah loh mamih n'hloep. Te daengah ni Pathen loh mamih n'hloep tih tekah thaphohnah lamloh phacip phabaem soeprhaep dongah aka om rhoek te mamih loh n'hloep thai eh.
who encourages us in all our affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in whatever affliction, by means of the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God.
5 Khrih kah patangnah loh mamih taengah a baetawt vanbangla, Khrih rhangneh mamih kah thaphohnah khaw baetawt van.
Because just as the sufferings of the Christ flow over into us, so also our encouraging overflows, through Christ.
6 Tahae ah n'lawn uh cakhaw nangmih ham thaphohnah neh khangnah la om coeng. N'hloephoelh akhaw nangmih kah thaphohnah la om. Ka patang uh vaengah tekah patangnah tah amah ah uehnah la thoeng.
Now then, if we are afflicted, it is for the sake of your encouragement and deliverance, that are effective for enduring the same sufferings that we also are suffering
7 Te dongah kaimih kah ngaiuepnah tah nangmih ham khangmai coeng. Aka ming long tah patangnah neh thaphohnah kah pueipo banglam khaw na om tangloeng.
(yes, our hope concerning you is steadfast); if we are encouraged, it also is for the sake of your encouragement and deliverance, since we know that you will share in the encouragement just as you do in the sufferings.
8 Manuca rhoek na mangvawt uh ham ka ngaih uh moenih. Mamih kah phacip phabaem bangla Asia ah om. Thaomnah kaha voelah a puehkan la bakba n'hap uh tih mamih hing ham pataeng n'tal uh coeng te.
And so, brothers, we do not want you to be in ignorance concerning the affliction that came upon us in Asia: we were under extreme pressure, beyond our strength, so that we despaired even of life.
9 Tedae mamih tah mah khuiah dueknah te oltloeknahla ng'khueh. Te dongah mah dongah aka pangtung la om uh boel sih lamtah aka duek rhoek te aka thoh Pathen dongah pangtung uh sih.
Yes, we ourselves have had the sentence of death within ourselves, so that we not place confidence in ourselves, but in the God who raises the dead;
10 Amah loh te tluk aih la dueknah lamloh mamih n'hlawt coeng tih n'hlawt bal ni. N'hlawt bal pueng ni tila amah te n'ngaiuep uh.
He did deliver us from that deadly peril, and still delivers; in whom we trust that He will keep on delivering,
11 Nangmih loh kaimih ham rhenbihnah nen khaw m'bongyong uh. Te daengah ni mamih taengkah maelhmai cungkuem loh kutdoe neh cungkuem la mamih yuengla a uem eh.
you also adding your cooperation in prayer, on our behalf; that thanks may be given by many persons for the gift bestowed on us by means of many, on your behalf.
12 Mamih mingcimnah kah laipai tah mamih kah hoemdamnah la om coeng he. Te tah Pathen kah moeihoeihnah neh cimcaihnah khuikah ni. Te dongah nangmih taengah taoe tah pumsa cueihnah nen pawt tih Pathen kah lungvatnah nen ni Diklai ah kho ka sak uh.
Now this is our boast: the testimony of our conscience that we have conducted ourselves in the world with openness and godly sincerity, not by fleshly wisdom but by the grace of God, and especially toward you.
13 Nangmih ham kan daek uh phoeiah na tae uh tih na ming uh te khaw a tloe moenih, a bawtnah te na hmat uh bitni tila ka ngaiuep.
For we do not write you any other things than what you can read and understand; and I do hope that you will keep on understanding to the end
14 A cungvang neh kaimih nan hmat uh vanbangla mamih Boeipa Jesuh kah khohnin ah nangmih khaw kaimih kah, kaimih khaw nangmih kah thangpomnah la n'om uh.
(as indeed some of you have acknowledged) that we are your boast, just as you are ours, in the day of the Lord Jesus.
15 A pabae la lungvatnah na dang uh ham te pangtungnah neh nangmih taengla pawk ham ka cai lamhma.
It was in this confidence that I was planning to come by you first,
16 Tedae nangmih taeng longah Makedonia la ka lan vetih, Makedonia lamloh nangmih taengla koep ka pawk vaengah nangmih loh Judea la n'thak uh.
and by you to proceed into Macedonia, and to come back to you from Macedonia (that you might benefit twice), and then to be sent by you on my way to Judea.
17 He tlam he ka cai dongah a phoeng la ka rhoidoeng van moenih. Ka thui te khaw pumsa nim? Te dongah a tak te a tak bangla, a hong tah a hong bangla kamah taengah rhep om saeh.
Now then, when I was deciding this, I was not acting frivolously, was I? Or the things I decide, do I decide according to the flesh, so that with me there would be both “Yes, yes” and “No, no”?
18 Pathen tah uepom la om ta. Tedae a hong a tak khaw kaimih kah olka he nangmih taengah a om moenih.
As God is faithful, our word to you was not “Yes” and “No”,
19 Nangmih taengah Pathen capa Jesuh Khrih ni mamih loh n'hoe. Kai neh, Silvanas neh, Timothy lamloh a hong a tak he a om moenih. Tedae Boeipa amah dongah tah a tak ni aka om.
because the Son of God, Jesus Christ, who was proclaimed among you by us—by me and Silvanus and Timothy—was not “Yes” and “No”. In fact, with Him it has always been “Yes”,
20 Pathen kah olkhueh a yet vanbanglaa tak he amah dongah ni a om. Te dongah mamih ah thangpomnah om ham khaw, amah dongah Pathen te Amen n'tiuh.
because all the promises of God in Him are “Yes”; indeed, in Him they are “Amen”, that there be glory to God through us.
21 Tedae te long te Khrih ah kaimih neh nangmih he n'cak sak tih Pathen loh mamih he n'koelh coeng.
Now He who establishes us together with you into Christ, and who anointed us, is God,
22 Mamih khaw amah loh kutnoek n'daeng thil tih mamih thinko ah mueihla cungah te m'paek coeng.
who also sealed us and gave us the down payment of the Spirit in our hearts.
23 Kai tah ka hinglu dongah Pathen ni laipai la ka khue. Nangmih n'hlun dongah ni Kawrin la ka pawk pawh.
For my part, I call on God as witness, upon my soul, that it was to spare you that I have not yet returned to Corinth.
24 Nangmih kah tangnah te ka buem uh moenih. Tedae tangnah neh na pai uh coeng dongah nangmih kah omngaihnah dongah bibipuei la ka om uh.
(Not that we have control over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, for it is by faith that you stand firm.)

< 2 Kawrin 1 >