< 1 Peter 4 >

1 Te dongah pumsa ah Khrih patang coeng tih nangmih khaw poeknah neh amah la pumcum uh laeh. Pumsa ah aka patang long tah tholhnah te a moeng coeng.
Christ therefore having suffered (for of us *K*) in [the] flesh also you yourselves the same mind do arm yourselves with, because the [one] having suffered (in *k*) [the] flesh has himself done (with sin; *NK(o)*)
2 Te dongah hoehhamnah kah hlang la om voel pawt tih pumsa ah hing tue aka coih te Pathen kongaih la om saeh.
so as no longer to men’s desires but to [the] will of God the remaining in [the] flesh to live time.
3 Khum tangtae a tue loh namtom rhoek kah kongaih la a thoeng te rhoeh coeng. Omthenbawn, cukhalhnah, yusoknah, omngaihlawnnah, yubueihnah neh aka lolh mueibawknah dongah ana pongpa uh.
[Is] sufficient for (to us *K*) the having past time (of life *K*) the (desire *N(k)O*) of the Gentiles (to have carried out *N(k)O*) having walked in sensuality, in lusts, in drunkenness, in orgies, in carousing, and in abominable idolatries;
4 Te nen te a suel uh dongah na capit voel pawt tih tuihnum kah cungpoehnah ah amah la n'soehsal uh.
With respect to this they think it strange not running with [them] of you into the same of debauchery overflow denigrating [you],
5 Amih loh hlang duek neh hlang hing laitloek ham sikim la aka om taengah olka a thuung uh pueng ni.
who will give account to Him who ready is (to judge *NK(o)*) [the] living and [the] dead.
6 He ham ni aka duek taengah khaw a phong pah. Te nen ni pumsa ah hlang bangla hing ngawn cakhaw mueihla ah Pathen bangla lai a tloek uh eh.
To this [end] indeed even to [the] dead it was evangelised, so that they may be judged indeed according to men in [the] flesh, they may live however according to God in [the] spirit.
7 Tedae a cungkuem kah a bawtnah tah yoei coeng. Te dongah muet uh lamtah thangthuinah neh cue uh.
Of all now the end has drawn near; do be clear-minded therefore and do sober for the purpose of (*k*) prayers
8 Lungnah loh tholh khaw rhaengpuei la a muekdah dongah a cungkuem lakah lungnah te nangmih taengah tlal khueh uh.
above all things (now *k*) among yourselves love fervent having, because love (covers over *N(k)O*) a multitude of sins.
9 Kohuetnah om kolla khat neh khat taengah moeihoeih la om uh.
hospitable to one another without (complaint; *N(k)O*)
10 Kutdoe rhip a dang vanbangla Pathen kah lungvatnah cungkuem dongah hnokhoem then la khat neh khat taengah thotat uh.
each even as has received a gift to each other them serving as good stewards of [the] manifold grace of God:
11 Khat khat long khaw a thui atah Pathen kah olrhuh bangla thui saeh. Khat khat long ni a thohtat atah Pathen loh thadueng a koei pah bangla thotat saeh. Te daengah ni a cungkuem dongah Jesuh Khrih lamloh Pathen te a thangpom eh. Thangpomnah neh thaomnah tah kumhal kah kumhal due amah taengah om. Amen. (aiōn g165)
if anyone speaks as oracles of God; if anyone serves as of strength (which *NK(o)*) supplies God; so that in all things may be glorified God through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory and the power to the ages of the ages, Amen. (aiōn g165)
12 Thintlo rhoek, nangmih taengkah noemcainah hmaitak dongah suel uh boeh. Nangmih ham aka om te nangmih taengah yinlai bangla ha thoeng coeng.
Beloved, not do be surprised at the among you fire for a trial to you taking place as if a strange thing to you were happening;
13 Tedae Khrih kah patangnah dongah na boek uh dongah omngaih uh. Te daengah ni a thangpomnah dongkah pumphoenah dongah khaw hlampan la na omngaih uh eh.
But as you have shared in the of Christ sufferings do rejoice, so that also in the revelation of the glory of Him you may rejoice exulting.
14 Khrih ming neh n'thuithet atah na yoethen uh. Thangpomnah neh Pathen kah Mueihla tah nangmih soah duem coeng.
If you are insulted in [the] name of Christ, [you are] blessed; because of glory and of God [the] Spirit upon you rests (according to indeed them he is blasphemed according to however you he is honored. *K*)
15 Nangmih ah khat khat loh hlang aka ngawn, hlanghuen, laihmu, calawhcakam hlang bangla patang boel saeh.
Not for any of you should suffer as a murderer or a thief or an evildoer or as a troublesome meddler;
16 Tedae Khrihca bangla a patang atah yak boel saeh lamtah a ming neh Pathen te thangpom saeh.
if however as a Christian, not he should be ashamed, he should glorify however God in (name *N(K)O*) this.
17 Pathen im lamkah laitloeknah tue tah a tong coeng. Tedae mamih lamkah lamhma koinih Pathen kah olthangthen aka aek rhoek kah a palthamnah tah metlam nim te?
For [it is] the time [for] to have begun the judgment from the house of God; if now first from us, what [will be] the outcome of those disobeying the of God gospel?
18 Aka dueng long pataeng hnaeng hnaeng a khang atah baltalh neh hlangtholh tah melam a phoe eh?
And If the righteous [one] with difficulty is saved, the (now *o*) ungodly and sinner where will appear?
19 Te dongah Pathen kah kongaih la aka patang rhoek long ngawn tah bibi then neh amamih kah hinglu te Suenkung uepom taengah nawn saeh.
Therefore also those suffering according to the will of God (as *K*) to [the] faithful Creator they should commit the souls (of them *N(k)O*) in well doing.

< 1 Peter 4 >