< Rute 2 >

1 Naomi anali ndi mʼbale wake wolemera kwambiri wochokera ku banja la mwamuna wake Elimeleki, dzina lake Bowazi.
Forsothe a myyti man and a man `of grete richessis, `Booz bi name, `was kynysman of Elymelech.
2 Tsiku lina Rute, Mmowabu uja anati kwa Naomi, “Mundilole kuti ndikakunkhe barele ku munda wa munthu aliyense amene akandikomere mtima.” Naomi anati kwa iye, “Pita mwana wanga.”
And Ruth of Moab seide to hir modir in lawe, If thou comaundist, Y schal go in to the feeld, and Y schal gadere eeris of corn that fleen the hondis of reperis, where euer Y schal fynde grace of an hosebonde man merciful in me. To whom sche answeride, Go, my douyter.
3 Choncho Rute ananyamuka kupita kukakunkha ku minda yokololedwa kale. Tsono zinangochitika kuti Rute anafika mʼmunda wa Bowazi, yemwe anali wochokera ku banja la Elimeleki.
Therfor `sche yede, and gaderide eeris of corn after the backis of reperis. Forsothe it bifelde, that `thilke feeld hadde a lord, Booz bi name, that was of the kynrede of Elymelech.
4 Posakhalitsa Bowazi anafika kuchokera ku Betelehemu ndipo analonjera okolola aja kuti, “Yehova akhale nanu!” Iwo anayankha kuti, “Yehova akudalitseni.”
And lo! he cam fro Bethleem. And he seide to the reperis, The Lord be with you. Whiche answeriden to hym, The Lord blesse thee.
5 Bowazi anafunsa kapitawo wake amene ankayangʼanira okolola aja kuti, “Mayi uyo ndi ndani?”
And Booz seide to the yong man that was souereyn to the reperis, Who is this damysel?
6 Kapitawo uja anayankha kuti, “Mayiyu ndi Mmowabu amene anabwera ndi Naomi kuchokera ku dziko la Mowabu.
Whiche answeride, This is the womman of Moab, that cam with Noemy fro the cuntrey of Moab; and sche preiede,
7 Iye anandipempha kuti, ‘Chonde mundilole kuti ndikunkhe barele mʼminda moti akololamo kale.’ Iye wakhala akukunkha kuyambira mmawa mpaka tsopano lino osapuma nʼpangʼono pomwe.”
that sche schulde gedere eeris of corn leeuynge bihynde, and sue the `steppis of reperis; and fro the morewtid til now sche stondith in the feeld, and sotheli nethir at a moment sche turnede ayen hoom.
8 Choncho Bowazi anati kwa Rute, “Tamvera mwana wanga, usapite kukakunkha mʼmunda wina, ndipo usachoke mʼmunda uno. Koma uzitsata adzakazi angawa.
And Booz seide to Ruth, Douytir, here thou; go thou not in to anothir feelde to gadere, nether go awei fro this place, but be thou ioyned to my dameselis,
9 Uziyangʼana munda akukolola anyamatawo akamakolola mʼmundamu, ndipo iwe uzitsata pambuyo pawo. Ndawawuza anyamatawo kuti asakuvutitse. Ndipo ukamva ludzu, uzipita ku mitsuko ndi kukamwa madzi amene anyamatawa atunga.”
and sue thou where thei repen; for Y comaundide to my children, that `no man be diseseful to thee; but also if thou thirstist, go to the fardels, and drynke `watris, of whiche my children drynken.
10 Atamva zimenezi Rute anawerama nazolikitsa nkhope yake pansi. Kenaka anafunsa kuti, “Mwandikomera mtima chotere mlendo ngati ine chifukwa chiyani?”
And sche felde on hir face, and worschipide on the erthe; and seide to hym, Wherof is this to me, that Y schulde fynde grace bifor thin iyen, that thou woldist knowe me a straunge womman?
11 Bowazi anayankha kuti, “Ine ndawuzidwa zonse zimene wakhala ukuchitira apongozi ako chimwalirire mwamuna wako. Ndamvanso kuti unasiya abambo ndi amayi ako komanso dziko la kwanu ndi kubwera kudzakhala ndi anthu amene sumawadziwa ndi kale lonse.
To whom he answeride, Alle thingis ben teld to me, whiche thou didist to thi modir in lawe after the deeth of thin hosebonde, and that thou hast forsake thi fadir and modir, and the lond `in which thou were borun, and hast come to a puple, whom thou `knowist not bifore.
12 Yehova akubwezere pa zimene wachitazi. Yehova Mulungu wa Israeli, amene wabwera pansi pa mapiko ake kuti akuteteze, akupatse mphotho yayikulu.”
The Lord yelde to thee for thi werk, and resseyue thou ful mede of the Lord God of Israel, to whom thou camest, and vndir whose wengis thou fleddist.
13 Rute anati, “Mwandikomera mtima, mbuye wanga. Ndipo mwandisangalatsa ndi kundiyankhula mwa chifundo ngakhale sindili mmodzi mwa adzakazi anu.”
And sche seide, My lord, Y haue founde grace bifor thin iyen, which hast coumfortid me, and hast spoke to the herte of thin handmaide, which am not lijk oon of thi damesels.
14 Nthawi ya chakudya cha masana Bowazi anati kwa iye, “Bwera kuno, utenge buledi ndi kusunsa nthongo mu vinyo.” Choncho anakhala pansi pafupi ndi okololawo, ndipo Bowazi anamupatsa chakudya ndi nyama yowotcha. Anadya chilichonse amafuna ndipo chakudya china chinatsalako.
And Booz seide to hir, Whanne the our of etyng is, come thou hidur, and ete breed, and wete thi mussel in vynegre. Therfor sche sat at the `side of reperis; and he dresside to hir potage, and sche eet, and was fillid; and sche took the relifs.
15 Atanyamuka kuti azikakunkha, Bowazi analangiza anyamata ake kuti, “Ngakhale mayiyu azikunkha pakati pa mitolo musamuletse ndi kumuchititsa manyazi.
And sche roos fro thennus to gadere eeris of corn bi custom. Forsothe Booz comaundide to hise children, and seide, Also if sche wole repe with you,
16 Koma muzimusololerako ngala zina za mʼmitolo ndi kumusiyira kuti azikunkha ndipo musamukalipire.”
forbede ye not hir, and also `of youre handfuls caste ye forth of purpos, and suffre ye to abide, that sche gadere with out schame; and no man repreue hir gaderynge.
17 Choncho Rute anakunkha mʼmundamo mpaka madzulo. Kenaka anapuntha barele anakunkhayo, ndipo anakwanira pafupifupi makilogalamu khumi.
Therfor sche gaderide in the feeld `til to euentid; and sche beet with a yerde, and schook out tho thingis that sche hadde gaderid; and sche foond of barly as the mesure of ephi, that is, thre buschels.
18 Anasenza barele uja kupita naye ku mudzi, nakaonetsa apongozi ake. Kenaka anatulutsa chakudya chimene chinatsalira atakhuta chija ndi kupatsa apongozi ake.
Which sche bar, and turnede ayen in to the citee, and schewide to hir modir in lawe; ferthermore sche brouyte forth, `and yaf to hir the relifs of hir mete, with which mete sche was fillid.
19 Apongozi akewo anamufunsa kuti, “Kodi lero unakakunkha kuti? Unakagwira kuti ntchitoyi? Adalitsike munthu amene anakukomera mtimayo.” Ndipo Rute anawuza mpongozi wake za munthu amene ku malo ake anakagwirako ntchito. Iye anati, “Munthuyo dzina lake ndi Bowazi.”
And the modir in lawe seide to hir, Where `gaderidist thou to dai, and where `didist thou werk? Blessid be he, that hadde mercy on thee. And sche telde to hir, at whom sche wrouyte; and sche seide the name `of the man, that he was clepid Booz.
20 Naomi anati kwa mpongozi wakeyo, “Munthu ameneyu amudalitse Yehova, amene sanasiye kuchitira chifundo anthu amoyo ndi akufa omwe. Anatinso munthu ameneyu ndi mnansi wapaphata. Ndiye ali ndi udindo wotisamalira.”
To whom Noemy answeride, Blessid be he of the Lord, for he kepte also to deed men the same grace, which he yaf to the quike. And eft sche seide, He is oure kynysman.
21 Choncho Rute Mmowabuyo anati, “Iye anandiwuzanso kuti, ‘Uzitsata antchito angawa mpaka atamaliza kukolola munda wonse.’”
And Ruth seide, Also he comaundide this to me, that so longe Y schulde be ioyned to hise reperis, til alle the cornes weren repid.
22 Naomi anati kwa Rute mpongozi wake, “Kuli bwino mwana wanga kuti uzipita ndi adzakazi ake kuopa kuti mʼmunda wa munthu wina angakuvute.”
To whom hir modir in lawe seide, My douyter, it is betere that thou go `out to repe with hise damysels, lest in another feeld ony man ayenstonde thee.
23 Choncho Rute ankatsatira adzakazi a Bowazi namakunkha mpaka anthu atamaliza kudula barele ndi tirigu. Ndipo amakhalabe ndi mpongozi wakeyo.
`Therfor sche was ioyned to the damesels of Booz; and so longe sche rap with hem, til bothe barli and wheete weren closid in the bernys.

< Rute 2 >