< Rute 1 >

1 Mu nthawi imene oweruza ankalamulira Israeli, munali njala mʼdziko, ndipo munthu wina wa ku Betelehemu mʼdziko la Yuda anapita pamodzi ndi mkazi wake ndi ana ake aamuna awiri, kukakhala ku Mowabu kwa nthawi yochepa.
In the daies of o iuge, whanne iugis weren souereynes, hungur was maad in the lond; and a man of Bethleem of Juda yede to be a pylgrym in the cuntrei of Moab, with his wijf and twey fre sones.
2 Dzina la munthuyo linali Elimeleki, dzina la mkazi wake linali Naomi, ndipo mayina a ana awo aamuna anali Maaloni ndi Kiliyoni. Iwo anali Aefurati ochokera ku Betelehemu ku Yuda. Ndipo anapita kukakhala ku Mowabu.
He was clepid Elymelech, and his wijf Noemy, and the twey sones, `the oon was clepid Maalon, and the tother Chelion, Effrateis of Bethleem of Juda; and thei entriden in to the cuntrey of Moab, and dwelliden there.
3 Kenaka Elimeleki, mwamuna wake wa Naomi anamwalira ndipo Naomiyo anatsala ndi ana ake aamuna awiri aja.
And Elymelech, the hosebonde of Noemy, diede, and sche lefte with the sones;
4 Iwo anakwatira akazi a Chimowabu; wina dzina lake Oripa ndi wina Rute. Atakhala kumeneko pafupifupi zaka khumi,
and thei token wyues of Moab, of whiche wyues oon was clepid Orpha, the tother Ruth. And the sones dwelliden there ten yeer,
5 Maloni ndi Kiliyoni anamwaliranso kotero kuti Naomi anatsala yekha wopanda ana ake awiri aja ndi mwamuna wake.
and bothe dieden, that is, Maalon and Chelion; and the womman lefte, and was maad bare of twey fre sones, and hosebonde.
6 Naomi ndi apongozi ake awiri aja ananyamuka kubwerera kwawo kuchokera ku Mowabu popeza anali atamva ali ku Mowabuko kuti Yehova anakomera mtima anthu ake ndi kuwapatsa chakudya.
And sche roos to go with euer eithir wijf of hir sones in to hir cuntrey fro the cuntrey of Moab; for sche hadde herd, that the Lord hadde biholde his puple, and hadde youe `metis to hem.
7 Naomi pamodzi ndi apongozi ake awiri aja anachoka kumene ankakhala ndi kuyamba ulendo obwerera kwawo ku Yuda.
Therfor sche yede out of the place of hir pilgrymage with euer either wijf of hir sones; and now sche was set in the weie of turnyng ayen in to the lond of Juda,
8 Kenaka Naomi anati kwa apongozi ake awiri aja, “Bwererani, aliyense kwa amayi ake. Yehova akukomereni mtima, monga munachita ndi malemu aja ndi ine ndemwe.
and sche seide to hem, Go ye in to `the hows of youre modir; the Lord do mercy with you, as ye diden with the deed men, and with me;
9 “Yehova akuthandizeni kuti aliyense wa inu apeze pokhala pabwino komanso mwamuna.” Kenaka anawapsompsona koma awiriwo analira mokweza.
the Lord yyue to you to fynde reste in the howsis of hosebondis, whiche ye schulen take. And sche kiste hem. Whiche bigunnen to wepe with `vois reisid,
10 Ndipo anati kwa Naomi, “Ife tipita nawo kwa anthu akwanu.”
and to seie, We schulen go with thee to thi puple.
11 Koma Naomi anati, “Bwererani kwanu ana anga. Chifukwa chiyani mukufuna kupita ndi ine? Kodi ine ndingaberekenso ana ena kuti akhale amuna anu?
To whiche sche answeride, My douytris, turne ye ayen, whi comen ye with me? Y haue no more sones in my wombe, that ye moun hope hosebondis of me; my douytris of Moab, turne ye ayen, and go;
12 Bwererani kwanu ana anga muzipita kwanu. Ine ndakalamba kwambiri kotero kuti sindingakwatiwenso. Ngakhale ndikananena kuti ndili nacho chikhulupiriro, ngakhale ndikanakhala ndi mwamuna usiku uno, ndipo nʼkubala ana aamuna,
for now Y am maad eeld, and Y am not able to boond of mariage; yhe, thouy Y myyte conseyue in this nyyt,
13 kodi inu mukanadikira kuti akule? Kodi mukanakhalabe osakwatiwa kudikira iwowo? Ayi ana anga. Zimenezi zikundiwawa kwambiri kuposa inu, chifukwa ndi ineyo amene Yehova wafuna kuti ndizunzike.”
and bere sones, if ye wolen abide til thei wexen, and fillen the yeris of mariage, `ye schulen sunner be eld wymmen than ye schulen be weddid; I biseche, `nyle ye, my douytris, for youre angwische oppressith me more, and the hond of the Lord yede out ayens me.
14 Atamva zimenezi analiranso kwambiri, ndipo Oripa anapsompsona apongozi ake nawatsanzika, koma Rute anakakamirabe.
Therfor, whanne the vois was reisid, eft thei bigunnen to wepe. Orpha kisside `the modir of hir hosebonde, and turnede ayen, and Ruth `cleuyde to `the modir of hir hosebonde.
15 Naomi anati “Taona, mʼbale wako wabwerera kwawo kwa anthu ake ndi kwa milungu yake. Bwerera nawenso umulondole mʼbale wako.”
To whom Noemy seide, Lo! thi kyneswomman turnede ayen to hir puple, and to hir goddis; go thou with hir.
16 Koma Rute anayankha kuti, “Musandikakamize kuti ndikusiyeni kapena kuti ndibwerere osakutsatani. Kumene inu mupite ine ndipita komweko, ndipo kumene mukakhale inenso ndikakhala komweko. Abale anu adzakhala abale anga ndipo Mulungu wanu adzakhala Mulungu wanga.
And sche answeride, Be thou not `aduersarye to me, that Y forsake thee, and go awei; whidur euer thou schalt go, Y schal go, and where thou schalt dwelle, and Y schal dwelle togidere; thi puple is my puple, and thi God is my God;
17 Kumene mukafere inenso ndidzafera komweko ndipo komweko ndikayikidwa mʼmanda. Yehova andichite choyipa chingakule motani, ngati china chingatirekanitse ife kupatula imfa.”
what lond schal resseyue thee diynge, Y schal die ther ynne, and there Y schal take place of biriyng; God do to me these thingis, and adde these thingis, if deeth aloone schal not departe me and thee.
18 Naomi atazindikira kuti Rute watsimikiza kupita naye, analeka kumukakamiza.
Therfor Noemy siy, that Ruth hadde demyde with stidefast soule to go with hir, and sche nolde be ayens hir, nether counseile ferthere turnynge ayen `to her cuntrei men.
19 Choncho amayi awiriwo anapitiriza ulendo wawo mpaka anakafika ku Betelehemu. Pamene ankafika mu Betelehemu, anthu onse a mʼmudzimo anatekeseka chifukwa cha iwowo ndipo amayi ambiri ankanena kuti, “Kodi uyu nʼkukhala Naomi?”
And thei yeden forth togidere, and camen in to Bethleem; and whanne thei entriden in to the citee, swift fame roos anentis alle men, and wymmen seiden, This is thilke Noemy.
20 Iye anawawuza kuti, “Musanditchenso Naomi. Muzinditchula ine kuti Mara, chifukwa Wamphamvuzonse wandizunza kwambiri.
To whiche sche seide, Clepe ye not me Noemy, that is, fair, but `clepe ye me Mara, that is, bittere; for Almyyti God hath fillid me greetli with bitternesse.
21 Ine ndinapita wolemera, koma Yehova wabwera nane wopanda kanthu. Nanga munditchulirenji Naomi pamene Yehova wandisautsa. Wamphamvuzonse uja wandigwetsera mavuto owawa.”
Y yede out ful, and the Lord ledde me ayen voide; whi therfor clepen ye me Noemy, whom the Lord hath `maad low, and Almyyti God hath turmentid?
22 Naomi anabwerera kuchoka ku dziko la Mowabu pamodzi ndi Rute mpongozi wake. Ndipo anafika ku Betelehemu nthawi yoyamba kukolola barele.
Therfor Noemy cam with Ruth of Moab, `the wijf of hir sone, fro the lond of hir pilgrimage, and turnede ayen in to Bethleem, whanne barli was ropun first.

< Rute 1 >