< Masalimo 60 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe. Potsata mayimbidwe a “Kakombo wa Pangano.” Mikitamu ya Davide yophunzitsira. Pamene anamenyana ndi Mesopotamiya ndi Aramu-Zoba, ndi pamene Yowabu anabwerera ndi kukantha Aedomu 12,000 mʼChigwa cha Mchere. Inu Mulungu mwatikanatu ife, ndipo mwatiwonongera otiteteza. Inu mwatikwiyira, tsopano tibwezeretseni mwakale!
`In Ebreu thus, To victorie, on the witnessyng of roose, the swete song of Dauid, to teche, `whanne he fauyte ayens Aram of floodis, and Sirie of Soba; and Joab turnede ayen, and smoot Edom in the `valei of salt pittis, twelue thousynde. `In Jeroms translacioun thus, To the ouercomer for lilies, the witnessing of meke and parfit Dauid, to teche, whanne he fauyte ayens Sirie of Mesopotamye, and Soba, and so forth. God, thou hast put awei vs, and thou hast distried vs; thou were wrooth, and thou hast do merci to vs.
2 Inu mwagwedeza dziko ndipo mwalingʼamba, konzani mingʼalu yake pakuti ikugwedezeka kwambiri.
Thou mouedist the erthe, and thou disturblidist it; make thou hool the sorewis therof, for it is moued.
3 Inu mwaonetsa anthu anu nthawi za mavuto; inu mwatipatsa vinyo amene watichititsa kudzandira.
Thou schewidist harde thingis to thi puple; thou yauest drynk to vs with the wyn of compunccioun.
4 Koma kwa iwo amene amaopa Inu, Inu mwakweza mbendera kuti tisonkhanireko pothawa uta.
Thou hast youe a signefiyng to hem that dreden thee; that thei fle fro the face of the bouwe. That thi derlyngis be delyuered;
5 Tipulumutseni ndi kutithandiza ndi dzanja lanu lamanja, kuti iwo amene mumawakonda apulumutsidwe.
make thou saaf with thi riyt hond `the puple of Israel, and here thou me.
6 Mulungu wayankhula kuchokera ku malo ake opatulika: “Mwakupambana ndidzagawa Sekemu ndipo ndidzayeza malire a chigwa cha Sukoti.
God spak bi his hooli; Y schal be glad, and Y schal departe Siccimam, and Y schal meete the greet valei of tabernaclis.
7 Giliyadi ndi wanga, Manase ndi wanganso; Efereimu ndi chipewa changa chodzitetezera, Yuda ndi ndodo yanga yaufumu
Galaad is myn, and Manasses is myn; and Effraym is the strengthe of myn heed.
8 Mowabu ndi mbale yanga yosambira, pa Edomu ndidzaponyapo nsapato yanga, pa Filisitiya ndidzafuwula mwakupambana.”
Juda is my king; Moab is the pot of myn hope. In to Idumee Y schal stretche forth my scho; aliens ben maad suget to me.
9 Adzandifikitse ndani ku mzinda wotetezedwa? Ndani adzanditsogolera ku Edomu?
Who schal lede me in to a citee maad strong; who schal leede me til in to Ydumee?
10 Kodi si Inu Mulungu, Inu amene mwatikana ife ndipo simutuluka pamodzi ndi magulu athu ankhondo.
Whether not thou, God, that hast put awei vs; and schalt thou not, God, go out in oure vertues?
11 Tipatseni chithandizo kuti tilimbane ndi mdani wathu, pakuti thandizo lochokera kwa munthu ndi lopanda phindu.
Lord, yyue thou to vs help of tribulacioun; for the heelthe of man is veyn.
12 Chifukwa cha Mulungu, ife tidzapeza chipambano ndipo tidzapondaponda adani athu.
In God we schulen make vertu; and he schal bringe to nouyt hem that disturblen vs.

< Masalimo 60 >