< Masalimo 52 >

1 Kwa mtsogoleri wa mayimbidwe, ndakatulo ya Davide; pamene Doegi Mwedomu anapita kwa Sauli ndi kunena kuti “Davide wapita ku nyumba ya Ahimeleki.” Nʼchifukwa chiyani ukudzitamandira ndi zoyipa, iwe munthu wamphamvu? Nʼchifukwa chiyani ukudzitamandira tsiku lonse, iwe munthu wochititsa manyazi pamaso pa Mulungu?
To victorie, the salm of Dauid, `whanne Doech Idumei cam, and telde to Saul, and seide to him, Dauid cam in to the hows of Abymelech. What hast thou glorie in malice; which art miyti in wickidnesse?
2 Tsiku lonse umakhalira kuganizira za kuwononga ena; lilime lako lili ngati lumo lakuthwa, ntchito yako nʼkunyenga.
Al dai thi tunge thouyte vnriytfulnesse; as a scharp rasour thou hast do gile.
3 Iwe umakonda choyipa mʼmalo mwa kuyankhula choonadi. Umakonda kunama kupambana kuyankhula zoona. (Sela)
Thou louedist malice more than benygnite; `thou louedist wickidnesse more than to speke equite.
4 Umakonda mawu onse opweteka, iwe lilime lachinyengo!
Thou louedist alle wordis of casting doun; with a gileful tunge.
5 Zoonadi Mulungu adzakutsitsa kupita ku chiwonongeko chamuyaya: iye adzakukwatula ndi kukuchotsa mʼtenti yako; iye adzakuzula kuchoka mʼdziko la amoyo.
Therfor God schal distrie thee in to the ende, he schal drawe thee out bi the roote, and he schal make thee to passe awei fro thi tabernacle; and thi roote fro the lond of lyuynge men.
6 Olungama adzaona zimenezi ndi kuchita mantha; adzamuseka nʼkumanena kuti,
Iust men schulen se, and schulen drede; and thei schulen leiye on hym, and thei schulen seie, Lo!
7 “Pano tsopano pali munthu amene sanayese Mulungu linga lake, koma anakhulupirira chuma chake chambiri nalimbika kuchita zoyipa!”
the man that settide not God his helpere. But he hopide in the multitude of his richessis; and hadde maistrie in his vanite.
8 Koma ine ndili ngati mtengo wa olivi wobiriwira bwino mʼnyumba ya Mulungu; ndimadalira chikondi chosatha cha Mulungu kwa nthawi za nthawi.
Forsothe Y, as a fruytful olyue tre in the hous of God; hopide in the merci of God with outen ende, and in to the world of world.
9 Ine ndidzakutamandani kwamuyaya chifukwa cha zimene mwachita; chifukwa cha zimene mwachita; mʼdzina lanu ndidzayembekezera pakuti dzina lanulo ndi labwino. Ndidzakutamandani pamaso pa oyera mtima anu.
Y schal knowleche to thee in to the world, for thou hast do mercy to me; and Y schal abide thi name, for it is good in the siyt of thi seyntis.

< Masalimo 52 >