< Numeri 9 >

1 Yehova anayankhula ndi Mose mʼchipululu cha Sinai pa mwezi woyamba wa chaka chachiwiri atatuluka mu Igupto, nati,
And the Lord spak to Moises, in the deseert of Synay, in the secounde yeer aftir that thei yeden out of the lond of Egipt, in the firste moneth,
2 “Aisraeli azichita Paska pa nthawi yake yoyikika.
and seide, The sones of Israel make pask in his tyme,
3 Muzichita Paska pa nthawi yake yoyikika, madzulo a tsiku la 14 la mwezi uno, potsata malamulo ndi malangizo ake.”
in the fourtenthe day of this monethe, at the euentid, bi alle the cerymonyes and iustifiyngis therof.
4 Choncho Mose anawuza Aisraeli kuti azichita Paska,
And Moises comaundide to the sones of Israel, that thei schulden make pask;
5 ndipo anachitadi Paskayo mʼchipululu cha Sinai madzulo a tsiku la 14 la mwezi woyamba. Aisraeli anachita zonse monga momwe Yehova analamulira Mose.
whiche maden in his tyme, in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid, in the hil of Synai; bi alle thingis whiche the Lord comaundide to Moises, the sones of Israel diden.
6 Koma ena a iwo sanathe kuchita nawo Paska pa tsiku limenelo chifukwa anali odetsedwa chifukwa chokhudza mtembo. Choncho anabwera kwa Mose ndi Aaroni tsiku lomwelo,
Lo! forsothe summen vncleene on the soule of man, that myyten not make pask in that dai, neiyiden to Moises and Aaron,
7 ndipo anawuza Moseyo kuti, “Ife tadetsedwa chifukwa cha mtembo wa munthu. Nʼchifukwa chiyani taletsedwa kupereka nsembe kwa Yehova pamodzi ndi Aisraeli ena pa nthawi yake?”
and seiden to hem, We ben vncleene `on the soule of man; whi ben we defraudid, that we moun not offre an offryng to the Lord in his tyme, among the sones of Israel?
8 Mose anawayankha kuti, “Dikirani mpaka nditamva zimene Yehova walamula zokhudza Inu.”
To whiche Moises answeride, Stonde ye, that Y take counseil, what the Lord comaundith of you.
9 Ndipo Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
10 “Uza Aisraeli kuti, ‘Pamene wina mwa inu kapena zidzukulu zanu adetsedwa chifukwa chokhudza mtembo wa munthu, kapena akakhala pa ulendo, akhoza kuchita nawo Paska ya Yehova.
Speke thou to the sones of Israel, A man of youre folk which is vncleene `on the soule, ether in the weie fer, make he pask to the Lord in the secounde monethe,
11 Azichita chikondwererochi madzulo a pa tsiku la 14 la mwezi wachiwiri. Azidya mwana wankhosa wamwamuna pamodzi ndi buledi wopanda yisiti ndi ndiwo zowawa zamasamba.
in the fourtenthe dai of the monethe, at euentid; with therf looues and letusis of the feeld he schal ete it.
12 Iwo asasiye nyama ina iliyonse mpaka mmawa. Asaswe mafupa aliwonse. Pamene akuchita chikondwerero cha Paska, atsate malangizo onse.
Thei schulen not leeue ony thing therof til the morewtid, and thei schulen not breke a boon therof; thei schulen kepe al the custom of pask.
13 Koma ngati munthu wina ali woyeretsedwa ndipo sali pa ulendo koma alephera kuchita Paska, munthu ameneyo achotsedwe pakati pa anthu a mtundu wake chifukwa sanabweretse chopereka cha Yehova pa nthawi yake. Munthu ameneyo adzalangidwa chifukwa cha tchimo lake.
Forsothe if ony man is bothe cleene, and is not in the weie, and netheles made not pask, thilke man schal be distried fro hise puplis, for he offeride not sacrifice to the Lord in his tyme; he schal bere his synne.
14 “‘Mlendo amene akukhala pakati panu, nafuna kuchita nawo Paska ya Yehova, achite nawo motsata malamulo ndi malangizo ake. Muzikhala ndi malangizo ofanana a Paska; mbadwa kapena mlendo.’”
Also if a pilgrym and comelyng is anentis you, make he pask to the Lord, bi the cerymonyes and iustifiyngis therof; the same comaundement schal be anentis you, as wel to a comelyng as to a man borun in the loond.
15 Pa tsiku limene anayimika chihema, tenti ya umboni, mtambo unaphimba chihemacho. Kuyambira madzulo mpaka mmawa, mtambo umene unali pamwamba pa chihemacho unkaoneka ngati moto.
Therfore in the dai in which the tabernacle was reisid, a cloude hilide it; sotheli as the licnesse of fier was on the tente fro euentid til the morewtid.
16 Zinkachitika motere mosalekeza: mtambo unkakhala pamwamba pa chihema, ndipo usiku unkaoneka ngati moto.
Thus it was don continueli, a cloude hilide it bi dai, and as the licnesse of fier bi nyyt.
17 Nthawi ina iliyonse mtambo ukachoka pamwamba pa chihema, Aisraeli ankasamukanso, ndipo paliponse pamene mtambo wayima, Aisraeli ankamangapo misasa.
And whanne the cloude that hilide the tabernacle was takun awei, thanne the sones of Israel yeden forth, and in the place where the cloude stood, there thei settiden tentis.
18 Aisraeli ankasamuka pamalopo Yehova akawalamula, ndipo ankamanganso misasa Iyeyo akawalamula. Nthawi yonse imene mtambowo wayima pa chihema, ankakhalabe mʼmisasa yawo.
At the comaundement of the Lord thei yeden forth, and at his comaundement thei settiden the tabernacle. In alle daies in whiche the cloude stood on the tabernacle, thei dwelliden in the same place.
19 Mtambowo ukakhala pa chihema nthawi yayitali, Aisraeli ankasungabe lamulo la Yehova ndipo iwo sankasamukanso.
And if it bifelde that it dwellide in myche tyme on the tabernacle, the sones of Israel weren in the watchis of the Lord, and thei yeden not forth,
20 Nthawi zina mtambowo unkakhala pa chihemapo masiku owerengeka. Aisraeli ankamanga misasa molamulidwa ndi Yehova ndipo ankasamukanso molamulidwa ndi Iyeyo.
in hou many euer daies the cloude was on the tabernacle. At the comaundement of the Lord thei reisiden tentis, and at his comaundement thei diden doun.
21 Nthawi zina mtambo unkakhala kuyambira madzulo mpaka mmawa ndipo unkachoka mmawa mwake, ankasamuka. Kaya ndi masana kapena usiku, pamene mtambo wachoka, ankasamuka.
If the cloude was fro euentid `til to the morewtid, and anoon in the morewtid hadde left, thei yeden forth; and if aftir a dai and nyyt it hadde go awei, thei scateriden, `ether diden doun, tentis.
22 Ngakhale mtambo ukhale pa chihema masiku awiri kapena mwezi kapena chaka, Aisraeli ankakhalabe pa msasa osachoka. Koma ukachoka, ankasamuka.
Whether in two monethis, ether in o monethe, ether in lengere tyme, `the cloude hadde be on the tabernacle, the sones of Israel dwelliden in the same place, and yeden not forth; but anoon as it hadde go awey, thei moueden tentis.
23 Molamulidwa ndi Yehova ankamanga misasa yawo ndipo ankasamukanso Yehova akawalamula. Ankamvera lamulo la Yehova kudzera mwa Mose.
Bi the word of the Lord thei settiden tentis, and bi his word thei wenten forth; and thei weren in the watchis of the Lord, bi his comaundement, bi the hond of Moyses.

< Numeri 9 >