< Numeri 10 >

1 Yehova anawuza Mose kuti,
And the Lord spak to Moises, and seide,
2 “Sula malipenga awiri a siliva, ndipo uziwagwiritsa ntchito posonkhanitsa anthu pamodzi ndiponso powasamutsa mʼmisasa.
Make to thee twei siluerne trumpis betun out with hameris, bi whiche thou maist clepe togidere the multitude, whanne the tentis schulen be moued.
3 Pamene akuliza malipenga onse awiri, anthu onse asonkhane kwa iwe pa khomo la tenti ya msonkhano.
And whanne thou schalt sowne with trumpis, al the cumpeny schal be gaderid to thee at the dore of the tabernacle of the boond of pees.
4 Akaliza limodzi lokha, atsogoleri, akulu a mafuko a Aisraeli, asonkhane kwa iwe.
If thou schalt sowne onys, the princes and the heedis of the multitude of Israel schulen come to thee;
5 Akaliza lipenga lochenjeza, misasa yomwe ili kummawa iyambe kusamuka.
but if a lengere and departid trumpyng schal sowne, thei that ben at the eest coost schulen moue tentis first.
6 Akaliza lipenga lochenjeza lachiwiri, misasa yakummwera iyambe kusamuka. Kuliza kwa lipenga lochenjeza kudzakhala chizindikiro choyamba ulendo.
Forsothe in the secounde sown and lijk noise of the trumpe thei that dwellen at the south schulen reise tentis; and bi this maner othere men schulen do, whanne the trumpis schulen sowne in to goyng forth.
7 Pofuna kusonkhanitsa anthu, muziliza malipenga, koma mosiyana ndi mmene malipenga ochenjeza amalizidwira.
Forsothe whanne the puple schal be gederid to gidere, symple cry of trumpis schal be, and tho schulen not sowne departyngli.
8 “Ana a Aaroni, ansembe aja, ndiwo aziliza malipengawo. Zimenezi zikhale zokhazikika kwa inu ndi ku mibado yanu yonse.
The sones of Aaron preest schulen sowne with trumpis, and this schal be a lawful thing euerlastynge in youre generaciouns.
9 Pamene mukupita ku nkhondo mʼdziko lanu lomwe, kulimbana ndi mdani amene akukuzunzani, muziliza malipenga ochenjeza ndipo Yehova Mulungu wanu adzakukumbukirani ndi kukulanditsani mʼmanja mwa adani anu.
If ye schulen go out of youre lond to batel ayens enemyes that fiyten ayens you, ye schulen crye with trumpis sownynge, and the bithenkyng of you schal be bifor youre Lord God, that ye be delyuered fro the hondis of youre enemyes.
10 Komanso pa nthawi yanu ya chisangalalo, pa maphwando anu oyikika ndi maphwando a mwezi watsopano, muziliza malipenga pa nsembe zanu zopsereza ndi nsembe zanu za chiyanjano, ndipo zidzakhala chikumbutso chanu pamaso pa Mulungu. Ine ndine Yehova Mulungu wanu.”
If ony tyme ye schulen haue a feeste, and halidaies, and calendis, ye schulen synge in trumpis on brent sacrifices and pesible sacrifices, that tho be to you in to remembryng of youre God; Y am youre Lord God.
11 Pa chaka chachiwiri, mwezi wachiwiri, tsiku la 20, mtambo unachoka pamwamba pa chihema cha umboni.
In the secounde yeer, in the secounde monethe, in the twentithe dai of the monethe, the cloude was reisid fro the tabernacle of boond of pees.
12 Ndipo Aisraeli ananyamuka kuchoka mʼchipululu cha Sinai ndipo anayenda malo osiyanasiyana mpaka pamene mtambo unayima mʼchipululu cha Parani.
And the sones of Israel yeden forth bi her cumpenyes fro deseert of Synay; and the cloude restide in the wildirnesse of Faran.
13 Kameneka kanali koyamba kuti Aisraeli anyamuke monga momwe Yehova analamulira Mose.
And the sones of Juda bi her cumpenyes, of whiche the prince was Naason, the sone of Amynadab, moueden first tentis,
14 Magulu a msasa wa Yuda ndiwo anayamba kunyamuka potsata mbendera yawo. Mtsogoleri wa gulu lawo anali Naasoni mwana wa Aminadabu.
bi the Lordis comaundement maad in the hond of Moises.
15 Mtsogoleri wa gulu la fuko la Isakara anali Netanieli mwana wa Zuwara,
In the lynage of the sones of Ysacar the prince was Nathanael, the sone of Suar.
16 Eliabu mwana wa Heloni ndiye anali mtsogoleri wa fuko la Zebuloni.
In the lynage of Sabulon the prince was Heliab, the sone of Helon.
17 Kenaka anagwetsa chihema, ndipo Ageresoni ndi Amerari amene ananyamula chihemacho, ananyamuka.
And the tabernacle was takun doun, which the sones of Gerson and of Merary baren, and `yeden out.
18 Kenaka magulu a msasa wa fuko la Rubeni ananyamuka potsatira mbendera yawo. Mtsogoleri wawo anali Elizuri mwana wa Sedeuri.
And the sones of Ruben yeden forth bi her cumpenyes and ordre, of whiche the prince was Helisur, the sone of Sedeur.
19 Mtsogoleri wa fuko la Simeoni anali Selumieli mwana wa Zurisadai,
Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Symeon the prince was Salamyel, the sone of Surisaddai.
20 ndipo Eliyasafu mwana wa Deuweli ndiye ankatsogolera fuko la Gadi.
Sotheli in the lynage of Gad the prince was Helisaphath, the sone of Duel.
21 Kenaka Akohati ananyamuka atanyamula zinthu zopatulika. Chihema chinkayenera kuyimikidwa iwo asanafike.
And the sones of Caath yeden forth, and baren the seyntuarie; so longe the tabernacle was borun, til thei camen to the place of reisyng therof.
22 Magulu a msasa wa Aefereimu anatsatira potsatira mbendera yawo. Elisama mwana wa Amihudi ndiye anali mtsogoleri wawo.
Also the sones of Effraym, bi her cumpanyes, moueden tentis, in whos oost the prince was Elisama, the sone of Amyud.
23 Gamalieli mwana wa Pedazuri ndiye anali mtsogoleri wa fuko la Manase.
Forsothe in the lynage of the sones of Manasses the prince was Gamaliel, the sone of Phadussur.
24 Abidani mwana wa Gideoni ndiye anali mtsogoleri wa mtundu wa Benjamini.
And in the lynage of Beniamyn the duk was Abidan, the sone of Gedeon.
25 Pambuyo pa magulu onse panali magulu a msasa wa Dani, omwe ankateteza magulu onsewa ndipo ananyamuka potsatira mbendera yawo. Mtsogoleri wawo anali Ahiyezeri mwana wa Amisadai.
The sones of Dan, bi her cumpenyes, yeden forth the laste of alle tentis, in whos oost the prince was Aizer, the sone of Amysaddai.
26 Pagieli mwana wa Okirani ndiye anali mtsogoleri wa fuko la Aseri,
Sotheli in the lynage of the sones of Aser the prince was Phegiel, the sone of Ochran.
27 ndipo mtsogoleri wa mtundu wa Nafutali anali Ahira mwana wa Enani.
And in the lynage of the sones of Neptalym the prince was Haira, the sone of Henan.
28 Umenewu ndiwo unali mndandanda wa kayendedwe ka magulu a Aisraeli pamene ankanyamuka ulendo wawo mʼmagulumagulu.
These ben the castels and the goinges forth of the sones of Israel, bi her cumpenyes, whanne thei yeden out.
29 Ndipo Mose anawuza Hobabu mwana wa Reueli Mmidiyani, mpongozi wa Mose kuti, “Tikunyamuka kupita ku malo amene Yehova anati, ‘Ndidzakupatsani.’ Tiye upite nafe ndipo tidzakusamalira bwino, pakuti Yehova analonjeza zinthu zabwino kwa Israeli.”
And Moises seide to Heliab, the sone of Raguel, of Madian, his alie `ethir fadir of his wijf, We goon forth to the place which the Lord schal yyue to vs; come thou with vs, that we do wel to thee, for the Lord bihiyte goode thingis to Israel.
30 Hobabu anayankha kuti, “Ayi, sindipita nanu, ndibwerera ku dziko la kwathu ndi kwa abale anga.”
To whom he answeride, Y schal not go with thee, but Y schal turne ayen in to my lond, in which Y was borun.
31 Ndipo Mose anati, “Pepa usatisiye popeza ukudziwa kumene tingamange misasa mʼchipululu muno ndipo udzakhala maso athu.
And Moises seide, Nyle thou forsake vs, for thou knowist in whiche places we owen to sette tentis, and thou schalt be oure ledere;
32 Iweyo ukapita nafe, tidzagawana nawe zinthu zabwino zomwe Yehova adzatipatsa.”
and whanne thou schalt come with vs, what euer thing schal be the beste of the richessis whiche the Lord schal yyue to vs, we schulen yyue to thee.
33 Motero ananyamuka ku Phiri la Yehova nayenda ulendo wa masiku atatu. Bokosi la Chipangano cha Yehova linkayenda patsogolo pawo pa masiku atatuwo kuti apeze malo woti apumulepo.
And therfor thei yeden forth fro the hil of the Lord the weie of thre daies; and the arke of boond of pees of the Lord yede bifor hem, bi thre daies, and purueyde the place of tentis.
34 Mtambo wa Yehova unkawaphimba masana pamene ankasamuka pa misasa yawo.
And the cloude of the Lord was on hem bi day, whanne thei yeden.
35 Nthawi iliyonse imene Bokosi la Chipangano likunyamuka, Mose ankanena kuti, “Dzukani, Inu Yehova! Adani anu abalalike; Odana nanu athawe pamaso panu.
And whanne the arke was reisid, Moises seide, Ryse thou, Lord, and thin enemyes be scaterid, and thei that haten thee, fle fro thi face;
36 “Pamene likupumula, ankanena kuti, “Bwererani, Inu Yehova, ku chinamtindi cha Aisraeli.”
forsothe whanne the arke was put doun, he seide, Lord, turne ayen to the multitude of the oost of Israel.

< Numeri 10 >