< Yesaya 46 >

1 Beli wagwada pansi, Nebo wawerama; nyama zonyamula katundu za nyamula milungu yawo. Mafano awo asanduka katundu wolemera pa msana pa ngʼombe. Asandukadi ngati katundu pa msana pa nyama zotopa.
Bel is brokun, Nabo is al to-brokun; her symylacris lijk to wielde beestis and werk beestis ben brokun; youre birthuns
2 Nyamazo zikuwerama ndi kufuna kugwa ndi milunguyo; sizikutha kupulumutsa katunduyo, izo zomwe zikupita ku ukapolo.
with heuy charge `til to werynesse weren rotun, and ben al to-brokun togidere; tho miyten not saue the berere, and the soule of hem schal go in to caitifte.
3 Mverani Ine, Inu nyumba ya Yakobo, inu nonse otsala a mʼnyumba ya Israeli, Ine ndakhala ndi kukusamalirani kuyambira mʼmimba ya amayi anu, ndakhala ndikukunyamulani chibadwire chanu.
The hous of Jacob, and al the residue of the hous of Israel, here ye me, whiche ben borun of my wombe, whiche ben borun of my wombe.
4 Mpaka pamene mudzakalambe ndi kumera imvi ndidzakusamalirani ndithu. Ndinakulengani ndipo ndidzakunyamulani, ndidzakusamalirani ndi kukulanditsani.
Til to eelde Y my silf, and til to hoor heeris Y schal bere; Y made, and Y schal bere, and Y schal saue.
5 “Kodi inu mudzandifanizira ndi yani, kapena mufananitsa ndi yani? Kodi mudzandiyerekeza kapena kundifanizitsa ndi yani?
To whom han ye licned me, and maad euene, and han comparisound me, and han maad lijk?
6 Anthu ena amakhuthula golide mʼzikwama zawo ndipo amayeza siliva pa masikelo; amalemba ntchito mʼmisiri wosula kuti awapangire mulungu, kenaka iwo amagwada pansi ndikupembedza kamulunguko.
Whiche beren togidere gold fro the bagge, and peisen siluer with a balaunce, and hiren a goldsmyth to make a god, and thei fallen doun, and worschipen; thei berynge beren in schuldris,
7 Amanyamula nʼkumayenda nayo milunguyo pa mapewa awo; amayikhazika pa malo pake ndipo imakhala pomwepo. Singathe kusuntha pamalo pakepo. Ngakhale wina apemphere kwa milunguyo singathe kuyankha; kapena kumupulumutsa ku mavuto ake.
and settynge in his place; and he schal stonde, and schal not be mouyd fro his place; but also whanne thei crien to hym, he schal not here, and he schal not saue hem fro tribulacioun.
8 “Kumbukirani zimenezi ndipo muchite manyazi, Muzilingalire mu mtima, inu anthu owukira.
Haue ye mynde of this, and be ye aschamed; ye trespassouris, go ayen to the herte.
9 Kumbukirani zinthu zakale zinthu zamakedzana; chifukwa Ine ndine Mulungu ndipo palibe wina ofanana nane.
Bithenke ye on the formere world, for Y am God, and no God is ouer me, nether is lijk me.
10 Ndinaneneratu zakumathero kuchokera pachiyambi pomwe. Kuyambira nthawi yamakedzana ndinaloseratu zoti zidzachitike. Ndikanena zimene ndifuna kuchita ndipo zimachitikadi. Chilichonse chimene ndafuna ndimachichita.
And Y telle fro the bigynnyng the laste thing, and fro the bigynnyng tho thingis that ben not maad yit; and Y seie, My councel schal stonde, and al my wille schal be don.
11 Ndikuyitana chiwombankhanga kuchokera kummawa. Ndikuyitana kuchokera ku dziko lakutali munthu amene adzakwaniritsa cholinga changa. Zimene ndanena ndidzazikwaniritsadi; zimene ndafuna ndidzazichitadi.
And Y clepe a brid fro the eest, and the man of my wille fro a ferr lond; and Y spak, and Y schal brynge that thing; Y haue maad of nouyt, and Y schal make that thing.
12 Ndimvereni, inu anthu owuma mtima, inu amene muli kutali ndi chipulumutso.
Ye of hard herte, here me, that ben fer fro riytfulnesse.
13 Ndikubweretsa pafupi tsiku la chipulumutso changa; sichili kutali. Tsikulo layandikira ndipo sindidzachedwa kukupulumutsani ndi kupereka ulemerero wanga kwa Israeli.
Y made nyy myn riytfulnesse, it schal not be drawun afer, and myn helthe shal not tarie; Y schal yyue helthe in Sion, and my glorie in Israel.

< Yesaya 46 >