< Ezekieli 26 >

1 Pa chaka cha khumi ndi chimodzi, tsiku loyamba la mwezi, Yehova anandiyankhula kuti:
And it was doon in the enleuenthe yeer, in the firste dai of the monethe, the word of the Lord was maad to me, and he seide,
2 “Iwe mwana wa munthu, anthu a ku Turo ananyogodola Yerusalemu kuti ‘Hii! Uja amene anali chipata choloweramo anthu a mitundu ina wawonongeka. Zitseko zake zatsekukira ife. Tidzalemera popeza wasanduka bwinja.’
Thou, sone of man, for that that Tire seide of Jerusalem, Wel! the yatis of puplis ben brokun, it is turned to me; Y schal be fillid, it is forsakun;
3 Nʼchifukwa chake, Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: Ndidzakulangani, inu anthu a ku Turo. Ndidzakuyitanirani anthu a mitundu ina kuti adzakulangeni monga momwe mafunde amawombera pa Nyanja.
therfor the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Tire, Y on thee; and Y schal make many folkis to stie to thee, as the see flowynge stieth.
4 Anthuwo adzawononga makoma a Turo ndi kugwetsa nsanja zake. Ndidzapala dothi lake ndipo ndidzamusandutsa thanthwe losalala.
And thei schulen distrie the wallis of Tire, and thei schulen distrie the touris therof; and Y schal rase the dust therof fro it, and Y schal yyue it in to a `moost clere stoon.
5 Udzakhala poyanikapo makoka pakati pa nyanja. Ine Ambuye Yehova ndayankhula zimenezo. Udzasanduka chofunkha cha anthu a mitundu ina.
Driyng of nettis schal be in the myddis of the see, for Y spak, seith the Lord God. And Tire schal be in to rauysching to hethene men.
6 Anthu okhala ku mtunda adzasakazidwa ndi lupanga. Pamenepo adzadziwa kuti Ine ndine Yehova.
And the douytris therof that ben in the feeld, schulen be slayn bi swerd; and thei schulen wite, that Y am the Lord.
7 “Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikuti: Iwe Turo, ndidzakubweretsera Nebukadinezara, mfumu ya ku Babuloni mfumu ya mafumu, kuchokera kumpoto pamodzi ndi akavalo ndiponso magaleta, anthu okwera pa akavalo ndi gulu lalikulu la ankhondo.
For whi the Lord God seith these thingis, Lo! Y schal brynge to Tire Nabugodonosor, the king of Babiloyne, fro the north, the kyng of kyngis, with horsis, and charis, and knyytis, and with a cumpeny, and greet puple.
8 Anthu okhala ku mtunda adzawapha ndi lupanga. Adzapanga mitumbira yankhondo ndi kukukwezera zishango kuti alimbane nawe.
He schal sle bi swerd thi douytris that ben in the feeld, and he schal cumpasse thee with strengthingis, and he schal bere togidere erthe in cumpas. And he schal reise a scheeld ayens thee,
9 Adzagwetsa makoma ako ndi zida zogumulira khoma ndi kugwetsa nsanja zako ndi nkhwangwa zake.
and he schal tempre engynes lijc vineres, and engines `that ben clepid wetheris ayens thi wallis; and he schal distrie thi touris bi his armure.
10 Akavalo ake adzakhala ochuluka kwambiri kotero kuti adzakukwirira ndi fumbi lawo. Makoma ako adzagwedezeka ndi mdidi wa akavalo, ngolo ndi magaleta pamene iye adzalowa pa zipata monga mmene amalowera mu mzinda umene makoma ake agwetsedwa.
Bi flowynge of his horsis, the dust of tho schal hile thee; thi wallis schulen be mouyd of the soun of knyytis, and of wheelis, and of charis; whanne he schal entre bi the yatis, as bi entryngis of a citee distried,
11 Akavalo ake adzapondaponda mʼmisewu yako yonse ndi ziboda zawo. Adzapha anthu ako ndi lupanga. Mizati yako yolimba idzagwetsedwa.
with the clees of hise horsis he schal defoule alle thi stretis. He shal sle bi swerd thi puple, and thi noble ymagis schulen falle doun in to erthe.
12 Iwo adzafunkha chuma chako ndipo adzalanda zinthu zako za malonda. Adzagwetsa makoma ako ndi kuwononga nyumba zako zabwino. Adzaponya miyala yako, matabwa ako ndi dothi lako mʼnyanja.
Thei schulen waste thi richessis, thei schulen rauysche thi marchaundies; and thei schulen distrie thi wallis, and thei schulen distrie thin housis ful clere, and thi stoonys, and thi trees, and thei schulen putte thi dust in the myddis of watris.
13 Choncho ndidzathetsa phokoso la nyimbo zanu, ndipo kulira kwa apangwe ako sikudzamvekanso.
And Y schal make to reste the multitude of thi syngeris, and the sown of thin harpis schal no more be herd;
14 Ndidzakusandutsa thanthwe losalala, ndipo udzakhala malo woyanikapo makoka a nsomba. Sudzamangidwanso, pakuti Ine Yehova ndayankhula, akutero Ambuye Yehova.
and Y schal yyue thee in to a moost cleer stoon. Thou schalt be driyng of nettis, and thou schalt no more be bildid, for Y the Lord spak, seith the Lord God.
15 “Ine Ambuye Yehova ndikukuwuza, iwe mzinda wa Turo, kuti zilumba zidzagwedezeka pakumva za kugwa kwako ndiponso poona anthu opweteka akubuwula ndipo anthu akuphedwa pakati pako.
The Lord God seith these thingis of Tire, Whether ilis schulen not be moued of the sown of thi fal, and of weiling of thi slayn men, whanne thei ben slayn in the myddis of thee?
16 Pamenepo mafumu a mʼmbali mwa nyanja adzatsika pa mipando yawo yaufumu. Adzayika pambali mikanjo yawo ndi kuvala zovala zawo zamakaka. Adzachita mantha ndipo adzakhala pansi akunjenjemera kosalekeza. Adzathedwa nzeru poona zimene zakugwera.
And alle the princis of the see schulen go doun of her seetis, and thei schulen do awei her mentils, ether spuylis of slayn enemyes, and thei schulen caste awei her dyuerse clothis, and shulen be clothid with wondring. Thei shulen sitte in the erthe, and thei shulen be astonyed, and thei shulen wondre of thi sodeyn fal.
17 Pamenepo adzayimba nyimbo yokudandaula ndipo adzati kwa iwe: “‘Nʼkuchita kuwonongeka chotere, iwe mzinda wotchuka, wodzaza ndi anthu a ku nyanja! Unali wamphamvu pa nyanja, iwe ndi nzika zako; unkaopseza anthu onse amene ankakhala kumeneko.
And thei shulen take weilyng on thee, and schule seie to thee, Hou perischidist thou, noble citee, that dwellist in the see, that were strong in the see with thi dwelleris, whiche dwelleris alle men dredden?
18 Tsopano mayiko a mʼmbali mwa nyanja akunjenjemera chifukwa cha kugwa kwako; okhala pa zilumba nawonso agwidwa ndi mantha aakulu chifukwa cha kugwa kwako.’
Now schippis schulen wondre in the dai of thi drede, and ilis in the see schulen be disturblid, for noon goith out of thee.
19 “Mawu a Ine Ambuye Yehova ndi awa: Ndidzakusandutsa bwinja, ngati mizinda imene anthu sangathe kukhalamo. Ndidzakuphimba ndi madzi ozama a mʼnyanja, madzi amphamvu woti akumize.
For the Lord God seith these thingis, Whanne Y schal yyue thee a citee desolat, as the citees that ben not enhabitid, and Y schal bringe on thee the depthe of watris, and many watris schulen hile thee.
20 Ndidzakugwetsa pansi kuti ukhale pamodzi ndi anthu amvulazakale amene akutsikira ku manda. Ine ndidzakusunga ku dzenjeko ngati ku bwinja losiyidwa kalekale, pamodzi ndi anthu amene anafa kale motero sudzabwererako kukhala pakati pa anthu amoyo.
And Y schal drawe thee doun with hem that goon doun in to a lake, to the puple euerlastynge; and Y schal sette thee in the laste lond, as elde wildirnessis, with hem that ben led doun in to a lake, that thou be not enhabited. Certis whanne Y schal yyue glorye in the lond of lyueris,
21 Ine ndidzakuthetsa mochititsa mantha, ndipo sudzakhalaponso. Anthu adzakufunafuna, koma sudzapezekanso, akutero Ambuye Yehova.”
Y schal dryue thee in to nouyt, and thou schalt not be; and thou schalt be souyt, and thou schalt no more be foundun with outen ende, seith the Lord God.

< Ezekieli 26 >